The Umbrella Academy: The Num...

By IndigoFire_3030

86K 1.9K 196

DISCLAIMER: I wrote this when I was very young and cringey and I regret it deeply but I'm not gonna delete i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
hello again

Chapter Twenty-Two

507 7 0
By IndigoFire_3030

I sat up from my somewhat uncomfortable position, lying on the backseats, and looked forward as Luther pulled the car to a stop. There wasn't much to see, a road and some dried up fields. No sign of life.

Five took off his seatbelt and Luther sighed. We sat in contemplative silence for several seconds. I looked down at my bitten nails, and fiddled with my hands. It wasn't an awkward silence, mor like nervous.

I glanced up as Five spoke.

"You know, I never enjoyed it."

I bit my lip and looked down again. I really didn't want to discuss Five's previous occupations.

"What?" Luther asked.

I mean jeez, is this kid an idiot or what?!

"The killing." Five said, rather bluntly.

I leant back and slouched against the leather seats, quietly. I looked down at my hands again.

"I mean, I was... I was good at my work, and I..." he started.

I lifted my hand, and brought my thumbnail to my teeth.

I looked up in the wingmirror to see Five looking back at me. He held my gaze before looking ahead at the road, seemingly determined to get this over with.

"I took pride in it. But it never gave me pleasure."

I  bit down hard, and tugged at my thumbnail.

Five's glance at Luther seemed to nudge him back to the present and he sighed.

Luther, looked slightly confused. We both waited in silence.

"I think it was all those years alone. Solitude can do funny things to the mind."

Five smiled slightly, sadness lacing his lips. Luther cleared his throat.

"Yeah, well, you were gone for such a long time. I only spent four years on the moon but that was more than enough."

I raised my eyebrows, Luther's moon phase had slipped my mind. I looked at them silently, reluctant to break their weird brother-bonding moment.

"It's the being alone that breaks you."

Yeah, I'll say. I pulled on the bit of nail, but it went too far and ripped my skin slightly.

"Shit." I muttered, drawing Five's attention. I smiled to let him know I was fine and he reached n arm back and clasped my hand, endearingly.

Luther cleared his throat and motioned to Five's suitcase.

"You think they'll buy it?" He asked.

Five sighed.

"Well, what I do know is that they're desperate. It's like a cop losing a gun. If the Commission finds out, they'll be in deep shit." He nodded.

"Oh, not to mention the fact that they'll be stuck here until they get it back." I added, bitterly. They deserved it, the gits. Luther nodded slightly.

"Well, I should hold onto it." Lither said.

"Hm?" Asked Five.

"In case they make a move on you." Luther concluded. I nodded sternly at Five, and gripped his hand harder.

Five sighed, defeated.

"Okay, Luther, but be careful. I mean, i've lived a long life,'re still a young man, you've got your whole life ahead of you. Don't waste it."

I smiled slightly, reassuring Five as he turned to me.

"And, you'd better stay safe, Cali. I can't lose you again."

I nodded and leaned forward to kiss him. Then we sighed as we watched a car approach...

Ooh, cliffhanger!

K, sry guys, Ik this story kinda faded out, but I want to give it  proper ending so expect a few more chapters!

Jeez, it's been like, what? At least 6 months, right?

I have multiple new accounts now but I missed all u guys. How u been?!?

Also, thanks to this handy new data collector thing, I found out that 50% of u guys are from the US. Just over 12% are from the UK (yay), 11.smth% from Australia. 4.176% from Italy. And several from Germany. So that's cool!

So, I hope the chapter was good.  L'yall. Constructive criticism and comments much appreciated!

Also, we've reached 77k views... wtf.

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