Behind Blue Eyes

By daphnegreengrass

9.1K 196 34

a love story that start with a though.... Draco Malfoy fell for Ginny Weasley?what will happen?what if Lucius... More

ch2.why you care?
ch.3 the begin or the end?
ch.4 big steps
ch.5 deep thoughts
ch.6 under the Christams tree-part 1-
ch.7 under the Christams tree-part 2-
Ch.8 under the Christams tree-Finally part-
Ch.9 do you trust me?
ch.10 lets stay like that forever
ch.11 Back to reallity
ch.12 secrets
ch.13 war and love
ch.14 are you sure?
Ch.15 Finally together

ch1. when all start

2.5K 31 8
By daphnegreengrass

It was a usual day on King's cross stasion on London.Harry,Ron and Hermione where about to go at Hogwarts.Ron waves at his mother for one last time and then he get on the train.Everyone was there,harry walking into the train trying to find a free cabin he damp to Ginny "i am sorry Gin" Hary said and ganze at her "it is ok Harry" Ginny smile and go to see with Luna Lovegood.

As everyone arive at Hogwarts they went to the Great Hall,Ginny sit on the table and Harry ganze at her again but Ron's sigh turn his attetion to him and smiles at Hermiones face knowing at both love ecte other but dont say it.Then Draco made some jokes and Harry turn to look him "what you want Potter? "Draco ask annoyed and Harry turn and look away.Then Dumbledore  cough and start talking "I hope these year will be peacefull like the others one,now you may go to your rooms" all the studends stand up and start walking to their commons rooms.Harry take Ginnys and and start walking,Draco with grape and Goyle walk out the the castel to get some fresh air. "Harry want to stay and not sleep infrond of the fireplace" Ginny ask hi with a smile and he look down "i am sorry Gin but i need rest" Harry reply and they get in the common room "it is ok go to sleep" ginny say with a small but a bit sad smile,Harry kiss her cheek deeply,wave to her and head to his room.Ginny sighs and see Hermione and Ron snoging,that make her more sad and she disade to go to the lake  Draco was now alone their both boys had gone since they where tiered,he was up to the three like he use to and he was looking to the sky but soon he hear someones footsteps,it was Ginny.She didnt saw him and walk to sit to the lake,she was sad with what just had happen.Draco couldnt take his eyes of her and hefind him self ask "since when Weasley become that beautiful in only one summer?".It was true Ginny had become more lady like,she had her hair down and even she was in her robes she was really good looking.Then he saw her sad reflexion in the lake  and think "did she fight with Potter?is he crazy" Draco shakes his head and before understand it she had gone "oh man you think of her that is bad you must forget she is Weasley"  he lok around to find her but he didnt see her,then after some minutes he went to his commonroom to slep but he couldnt sleep at all and he was thnking how beautiful she had become,he was a bit jealous of Potter that could have her still the sad face she had make him have even more questions about what it was going on with her and Harry.Finally after 3 hours he fell asleep.

Something change in him last night,then next day he walk down the great hole.Draco find Ginny and Harry talking and kissing like nothing happen,than make him had mised fellings but he was good on hide them very good.He went and sit on Slytherins table and start eats.Harry and Ginny pass their time together and in the afternoon the went to the library and they start kissing,three minutes letter than them Draco get in too.He heard their moans and cough "get a room for god shake" Draco said mad and Harry barks and lay Ginny on the table,she widen her eyes and push him away "jeark" she slap him and Draco laughs.Ginny left from their with tears "man you dont have manners really" Draco said and sit down "fuk off Malfoy" Harry left mad from their and Draco smrik a lot thinking he can have the chance to hang out with Ginny and he start read he books again.

Athor: I hope you like who it started next chapter it coming fast,as for the title you will learn soon why it is like that ;) 

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