Double Trouble // Neymar Jr //

By domineeq

118K 3.6K 1.2K

Years of fueled anger and regret has pushed Alana Amero to her wits end. Her only aspiration in life was to p... More

..Insight-Childhood edition..
Note (important)
..Fourteen..Part 1
..Fourteen..Part 2..
..Fourteen..Part 3.
..Insight-Injury edition..
..Insight-Andrew's Edition..
..Thirty-Eight..The Compound
..Insight-Neylana Edition..
..Thirty-Nine..Part One..Road to the Classìco..
..Thirty-Nine..Part Two..Classic..
..Fourty..When is it too early to say "I love you"..
..Fourty-Two..The Calm..
..Fourty-Six..Middles and Beginnings..
..Fourty-Seven..Forced Date and Love Songs..
..Fourty-Eight..Little Did he Know..
..Fourty-Nine..Unexpected, Unwarranted, and Unwanted Truth..
..Fifty..More Unexpected, Unwarranted and Unwanted Truth..
..Fifty-Two..More Surprising Surprises..
..Fifty-Three..New Year Kisses..
..Fifty-Six..Birthdays and Observations From a Three Year Old..
..Fifty-Seven..Almost Truth, Almost Caught..
..Fifty-Eight..Babies and Birthdays..
..Fifty-Nine..How Could you..
..Sixty..The End..
..Insight-Epilogue Edition..
Sequel News and Cover Blues


1.8K 55 5
By domineeq

I knocked on the door and tapped my foot impatiently. Mel's neighborhood was a really dangerous one, but I wasn't very scared of it. I went on my phone and texted Neymar, telling him that I still hate the Barcelona team as banter. I heard someone walking towards the door, and a man, whom I assumed to be Milo, and a girl with a curly afro stood afar.

"What do you want? You here for Melody?" he asked me gruffly. I nodded while staring up at his tall frame, "Kiran, go ahead and go get Melody." The mocha skin colored girl nodded while moving quickly to find Mel within their program funded apartment. "What's your name?" he brushed his curly hair back.

"Alana..." I answered quietly.

"Why are you so quiet? What? Do I scare you or something?" he mocked me, and put his arm out into his house while staring at his phone. "Come inside, Kiran is finding Melody for you."

"I actually want to talk to Mel outside. I have to be a Camp Nou for the presentation-"

"Ah! A fellow culè, I won't hold you too long cause I gotta go to Camp Nou for the team presentation too." he smiled, and I saw a brightness in his brown eyes for the first time since he opened the door.

"Alana, hi." Mel said to me plainly. She was in nothing but an old, faded Ronaldinho Barcelona jersey that was two sizes too big, so it reached up to her knees. My guess is that it was Milo's.

"Mel...can we talk outside?" I asked her and pointed outside. She stared at Milo and he glared at her, snapping while pointing to me. Mel rolled her eyes and walked past him, hopping on her tip toes. Kiran walked passed her and smiled at me. She was wearing yellow lipstick that contrasted with her richly dark complexion, and knobby glasses that balanced on her nose.

"What's up?" Mel inquired.

"Um, at the club a few days ago-"

"I wanna say sorry." she interrupted me. "That night I wasn't myself." she said in a rushed voice. "I promise I'll tell you why one day." she glanced at Milo.

"So you're going to Barcelona's presentation right?" Kiran asked me with a smile. "I'm Kiran." she held out her hand. I shook her hand and smiled while Mel whispered something to Milo.

"I'm Alana. I'm gonna go with my two friends." I said to her curtly. She grinned with a nod, white teeth bearing in an all out smile.

"Well Mel won't keep you waiting cause we gotta go soon." Kiran said to her, and Mel rolled her eyes again with a sigh. Kiran went inside, asking Milo where the red and yellow Iniesta jersey was.

"So you came all the way here for me? To talk to me?" Mel asked with a smile, and I gave her a small smile.

"Yes Melody, and now I gotta go home." I started backing up with a wave. "See you! God bless you!" the taxi was waiting for me parked up the street. I pulled out a few euros because now I was sure the fair was doubled because Milo made me wait. The team presentation was way later tonight, and then the first match was an hour and a half after.

I decided that Andrew and I needed to get over what happened at the practice, so I had the cab drive me to Andrew's house.

Even throughout the silent treatment he had given me, something was off.

Not that I cared about his well being, as said earlier.


I knocked on his door, rocking back and fourth on my feet. It took a while before he opened the door. He stared at me with a grimace and I stared back up there with an innocent expression.

"Andrew." I said curtly.

"If this about the presentation, then we really have nothing to talk about." he said to me, and my eyebrows furrowed.


"Why are you here if you came to tell me that you're going to do the team presentation today, then just go." he said to me.

"Wait, you're just gonna let me off thar easy?" I asked, stunned that he didn't go without a fight.

"Yep, but enjoy it while you can." he slammed the door, and I just stood there, and I rocked back on my heels.

"Enjoy it?" I asked myself, and decided that since I had a few hours before I was due at Camp Nou, so I decided that I could squeeze in some shopping with Ayla and Molly.

I looked at the time and figured that since I had nine hours to do what I wanted; that maybe I could do something other than practice, and sleep. Time was needed for my friends and I, so before the start of vigorous season, retail therapy was needed.

Since a lot of things in my life were suddenly going my way, Andrew's leniency with me was still a big shock. Eventually he was going to rise up and get back at me, but I decided that the trip over to his condo was still important to have gone on. It was a confidence boost that was needed for tonight.

Maybe he was finally beginning to trust me.


"Aw come on, why do we have to go to Camp Nou now?" Ayla groaned once we stepped into the taxi.

"Cause someone decided to knock over a rack, causing a domino effect, and getting us personally escorted out of the mall." Molly said with an attitude, talking about Ayla knocking seven racks in thirty seconds. We had been shopping around for a few hours and stopping to get food because we kept tiring ourselves out. I was excersizing the use of the beloved master card and used it to the point that it was declined. Our dad would put more money on it because that's what he has been doing every three days.

"Guys cut it out..." I said, annoyed because they had been bickering about it ever since the security pushed us out of the doors. "Besides, I figured that since it's 5, and we got two hours until the presentation, I was thinking that I could just get ready there." Ayla groaned and rolled her eyes. "Take us to Camp Nou please?" I asked the man, and he started driving with a shake of his head.

"I hate how you both blame me for everything that goes wrong!" the brunette said.

"What? You literally knocked down racks of clothes!" Molly defended us both. "We do not blame you for anything ever!"

"Oh really?" Ayla challenged Molly's claims. "How about when you blamed me for you not saying anything to Javaad after you made out with him! I mean, you do have his number!"

"Oh yeah? You surprised me with tickets that I gave you the money for, we were supposed to fly the next day but you screwed up the dates!" Molly yelled, turning red in her olive skin toned face.

"Alright! Stop it!" I yelled so that they would stop making my ears ring. "You guys have been here for almost a week and I understand that you aren't gonna stay for a while, but you guys need to stop making arguments out of nothing!" the taxi driver nodded his head, and I chuckled. "You guys are here for two more weeks, and I really would love it if you both would stop arguing and accusing each other of certain things. I got a match tonight so please shut up." I finished, and they both glared at me but complied to my request.

It was silent for about ten minutes as we sat in the cab, waiting to be dropped off to our destination. I was texting my sister about how she and my mom were doing, while Ayla chose to pout while watching the scenery. Molly was listening to music with her eyes closed as she was cooling off.

It was completely silent and I liked that.

Over the past three weeks, I had gotten used to silence. Silence in my penthouse had given me peace and well needed me time. Back in Manhattan, I was constantly bombared with noise, but as soon as I got to Barcelona, I was able to find peace in quiet places. With the arrival of my friends, that sense of peace was lost and replaced with chaoticness for the first few days. Now I was back in the loop with their noise.

I could feel the car slowing to a stop, and felt that Camp Nou was in the distance. Molly paid the fare after insisting that she could pay for something, and we climbed out of the car.

Now I was really enjoying the nostalgia.

Since we were entering in early and illegaly, that meant that I also had to show them how I snuck in as well and the spot where I could get ready without anyone walking in. I was really regretting letting them come with me but it was what it was.


Exactly 1 hour and eleven minutes later, the staff, the referees, the managers, and the first official squad of Barcelona were rounded up in one room. I could spot John in the staff section and I couldn't recognize any one else but that guy who elbowed me during my presentation, in the staff section.

We were put into a special order. I was with the new signings, and then there were the three captains, and then the rest of the team. All we had to do was come up the stairs and jog to wherever the team was standing. They had been practicing that for two days, the ones that Molly, Ayla, and I had been to.

Luis Enrique walked in, and he motioned for the team to stand up. I stood to my feet, and accidentally stumbled, bumping into Ivan. He chuckled and I put out my hands as a way to say sorry.

"Alright guys, staff out first, then referees, then captains, then new signings, then the rest of you." he instructed, and there were murmurs of agreement. I spotted Neymar glaring at me, and I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes and looked away.

Why did he have such a bad attitude at times? I remembered who I was and decided not to take it personally since he and I were friends.

I heard music playing, and then the staff started walking out. John caught me staring and winked at me. I shivered at his saggy wink. Ivan saw me shiver and rose his eyebrows at me.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Uh." I froze up. "Yeah I am." I said that like how Andrew normally would.

The referees went out, and I suddenly felt hot in my kit. I pulled out the collar to fan myself, and nervousness took over me. Luis Enrique motioned us all to walk after him, so we could go to the stairs I was guessing.

We followed him down a hallway full of Barcelona's trophies in a display window. A very long one at that. Many players passed it by without a glance, but the newer signings, like myself, marvled at the showings of Barcelona's golden age.

I could hear the music get louder and cheers get closer. I felt so amazed at this, but no one else but the new signings seemed to feel the same. Something about the blank expressions on my teammates was melancholic. The way they just stood there politely and quietly, it was...saddening.

I said a quick prayer to God, and thanked Him for giving me strength.

"So...why is everyone so quiet..." Suarez asked me, and I shrugged.

"I don't's strange right?" I asked with a scrunched up nose.

"You kind of remind me of someone who does that." he said, talking about my scrunched up nose. "That nose scrunch thing."

"Oh, who?"

"It's one of those girls who stop by practice to watch us play. You know, that one that made you get mad and silent?" he inquired, talking about me. I chuckled, putting my tongue between my teeth.

"She's so annoying." I rolled my eyes, and tried not to laugh.

"They're nice girls." he shrugged, and Luis Enrique signalled the team captains to start walking to the stairs.

"You guys." he motioned to us new signings with his hand. "Suarez, you follow after them, and then you Amero, then you Rakitic, and then you Haddadi." he said to us. We walked foward with the team looking at us and I put my chin up proudly. Something my brother does, something we have in common.

Soon the line was getting shorter, the cheers were getting louder, and I was getting more and more nervous. Leo was the last captain to go, and when they said his name over the intercom, the crowd went wild. Neymar, Marc, and Pedro smiled proudly, while the rest of us politely clapped.

"Luis Suarez!" I heard the man over the intercom shout. Now I thought the crowd went wild for Leo, but his cheers had nothing on the ones for Suarez. Everyone of us were stunned, and even Suarez was. I inched up, and saw that I was next.

My nerves were intesifyeing, and I started to tremble. One wrong move, and I could trip and fall. The negative thoughts in me vanished once I heard the announcer beam over the intercom.

"Andrew Amero!" I took the needed steps up the stairs, while keeping my eyes heavy lidded. The cheers were more than usual, and I just kept my focus straight. People were shouting my name and screaming happily as I jogged down the pitch. I turned around, clapping twice and turned back so I could make the length of the short journey. I felt as happy as I did during the presentation for Andrew, and the feeling here was just a little more positive.

John was clapping for me, and I glanced away quickly. One by one, each and every one of the players ran the length. Eventually there was some silence, and we welcomed Luis Enrique onto the pitch as well. We clapped very loudly for him as he walked to the side with the captains.  My hands were behind my back, and I was smiling proudly, looking to the crowd as the music softened in the background.

Neymar was stuck next to me, he could not stop moving around. He stumbled a little, and bumped into me without saying sorry. Pique laughed to himself, and I rolled my eyes.

"Watch where you're leaning." I warned him, and he huffed.

"See? Being so mouthy is the reason why you're benched tonight, Amero." He retorted. I swore quietly, and pinched the bridge of my nose.

Here I was, about to play the first official match of the season, this was going to be my brother's official debut. He had to find some way and some how to make sure I didn't play. If having an attitude was the way to do it, then he accomplished it. I was mad, no, I was furious with him for doing this.

Then I had to bring postive thoughts to my head, even though getting benched was the worst thing to happen today. As Luis Enrique's voice filled the hushed stadium, I had to be proud nonetheless.

"I ask that you, cules, please stick with us..." his voice melted into my thoughts.

I should be proud of myself.

Having to deal for three weeks with a lot of obstacles.

Nevertheless, I was proud to be standing there. In that row of team players, I had to be proud and stay confident. Dealing with the issues I had been dealing with on the way there could have been enough to send the old me screaming back to New York, but now, I was a new me.


I was now accepting that if I wanted to stay in this row of players, that I had to accept that I was also Andrew at the same. I was proud to stand with the staff, even John, and the refs.

"May God bless us with a great season!" Enrique proclaimed.

"May God bless us with a great season." I whispered to myself.

I was proud to stand in that line.

Whether or not I was benched tonight.

"May God bless us with a great season."



What did you guys think?

I find the ending to be pretty motivational.

Ooooh soooo yeah I really don't know what to type up in this author's note I mean it's two in the morning so I'm short on ideas for an author's note at the moment.


So what do you guys think of the barça season so far?

yeah that's a good start.

Can we ever return to Pep's Barça era?



thank you all for everything. I love each and every single one of you. May God bless you!! He loves you!!

I love you guys. I thank God for you guys.

soooo goodnight and next update coming out on Wednesday (maybe?)



May God bless you and protect you! Just remember that He loves you and would never turn you away. No matter what you have done, okay?

"6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philipians 4:6-7


Published on November 9th, 2014


God bless you all!

Deus te abençoe!



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