The future...

By joshuabassetxo

6.2K 87 9

10 years on from dance moms. When Brady finds Pressley after not seeing her for 10 years. What will happen? More

10 years on...
God i miss that girl...
It cant be?...
My abusive boyfriend...
The party...
Just like the old days...
His revenge...
Getting back to dancing...
It all felt too good to be true...
I miss you...

A big mistake...

424 8 0
By joshuabassetxo

Brady's POV~~

What had I gotten myself into. I was letting this all happen. Brady you need to stop this. I Quickly ran out of the room leaving the confused brunette stood there. I rushed down the stairs and ran out
Of the door. She must have gone back to mine I thought.

When I reached my appartment, I quietly unlocked the door and crept in Finding Pressley asleep on the sofa. Her checks were red and blotchy from the tests. Guild and anger rushed over me. Why would you do this to her Brady?! I started to cry. I had to let my emotions out. She's never going to like me now. I hate myself. I bury my head in my pillow with tears falling down my face.

Pressleys POV~~

I all of a sudden woke up to the sound of faint crying coming from the room. I opened my eyes and could see Brady with his head berried in his pillow crying to himself. I looked down. With a tear that slid down my face. I decided to get up and go and sit next to him. As I say down he looked up. None of us said nothing but stare...

B- p- Pressley ... I- I'm sorry...

Pressley said nothing but look down and wipe away her tears trying to stay strong.

P- I knew it was all too good

B- no, it's not like that press...

P- well what do you exactly want me to think Brady!

B- I was too drunk, I didn't even know what happened. As soon as I saw your face I felt instantly angry at myself. I understand if
You don't want me anymore
Pressley. You deserve someone better than me...

Pressley cried hard. In front of the boy who she hated but was falling in love with at the same time. Although she knew this was something unusual for Brady to do. She was ashamed at him. But she still wanted him.

They both sat there saying
Nothing... until...

P- Brady.. I.. I don't know what to say. I thought you were the one for me. I still think you are. But.. I..

Brady cut her off

B- I am press. I made a huge mistake. I was drunk. I don't want to have anything to do with that girl because I want you Pressley. And I always will and have...

Presley stood up. Thank you Brady for the things you did for me. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough.

B- wait...

He was too late she has asked out the door and was gone.

He cried and cried. He felt like he had just lost everything... what was he gonna do?

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