The Light of Day

By JanjaFan

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The third book of my series. (Megatron's Son and Darkness Rising) During the time of Transformers Robots in D... More

Chapter One: From Cybertron to Earth
Chapter Two: A New Team
Chapter Three: A Challenge
Chapter Four: Trust
Chapter Five: New Decepticons, More Challenges
Chapter Six: True Colors?
Chapter Seven: Solo Missions and Teamwork Issues
Chapter Eight: Adventures in Bee Sitting
Chapter Nine: Hunting Season
Chapter Ten: Injustice
Chapter Eleven: Teamwork and Understanding
Chapter Twelve: Steeljaw's Attack
Chapter Thirteen: A New Team Member
Chapter Fourteen: Field Trip
Chapter Fifteen: The Darkness Part One
Chapter Sixteen: The Darkness Part Two
Chapter Seventeen: Minicons
Chapter Eighteen: Two Teams, Two Problems Part One
Chapter Nineteen: Two Teams, Two Problems Part Two
Chapter Twenty: New Teams, New Enemies
Chapter Twenty-One: Misdirect
Chapter Twenty-Two: New Team Members and Promotions
Chapter Twenty-Three: Graduation Exercises
Chapter Twenty-Four: Decepticon Island Part One
Chapter Twenty-Five: Decepticon Island Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Six: History
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Grades and Scores
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Pretzels
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Starscream and Minicons Part One
Chapter Thirty: Starscream and Minicons Part Two
Chapter Thirty-One: Starscream and Minicons Part Three
Chapter Thirty-Two: Past Into The Present
Chapter Thirty-Three: Strongarm's BFF
Chapter Thirty-Four: Attack
Chapter Thirty-Five: Captured
Chapter Thirty-Six: Detectives and Officers
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The High Council Part One
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The High Council Part Two
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Carriers
Chapter Forty: Manners
Chapter Forty-One: Minicon Trouble
Chapter Forty-Two: Contentment
Chapter Forty-Three: Dangerous Felons and Fear
Chapter Forty-Four: Packs of Many
Chapter Forty-Five: Dark Alliances
Chapter Forty-Seven: Freedom and Danger
Chapter Forty-Eight: Missing
Chapter Forty-Nine: Dark Prison
Chapter Fifty: Backup to Nothing
Chapter Fifty-One: Three against All
Chapter Fifty-Two: Into the Prison
Chapter Fifty-Three: Musical Decent
Chapter Fifty-Four: Dark Plans and Reunions
Chapter Fifty-Five: Meeting the Dark Angel
Chapter Fifty-Six: Tasks
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Fighting the 'Angel'
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Meet and Greets
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Running Away and Reveals
Chapter Sixty: Final Fight
Chapter Sixty-One: Finale

Chapter Forty-Six: Trials and Family

152 3 23
By JanjaFan

Ultra Magnus's Profile:

  Working through some paperwork, a piece of paper suddenly was slammed to my desk.

  I looked up to see a certain Minicon standing on my table. " Detective Dropforge." I said with a nod.

  " Hello..." The Detective said, darkly.

  " What is the meaning of this-" I started, only to look down and freeze.

  A legal paper...two of them in fact I could now see.

  One of which was signed, another waiting for my signature and a certain other's.

  Both Adoption papers.

  " What's the meaning of this?! And what brought this!" I asked, taking the papers.

  The signed approved one was for the adoption of Nightra. That brat that tried to drag down MY daughter because she cheated on the test. No way would my head officer, Luex, planted a keyfile on her!

  " You know what brought this." The minicon said to me, pulling back his half-visor to look me straight in the optics.

  " I'm trying to help Strongarm succeed in life!" I exclaimed in rage.

  " There's a difference between helping and pressuring. Strongarm would sometimes be in tears because she was so afraid she wouldn't get a 95 on a PRE test." The Detective reacted back.

  " She should do perfect on everything! Despite the situation!"

  " She's practically a child! And you wouldn't even let her have a social life! There is a REASON why she didn't go home on holidays and why she's on Earth, mainly, now!"

  " Strongarm can handle it!"

  " Did you see how she 'handled' it when you caused her best friend- basically a SISTER to her- be taken away from her?!?? She couldn't focus in class and was a wreck!"

  " She needed to stay away from that criminal!"

  " Nightra was not a criminal! Luex planted a keyfile on her! There is so much evidence that he right now is in prison!"

  " WHAT?!" Well I guess that makes me know why I haven't seen him all week...

  " Nightra was innocent! But you couldn't handle anyone else in your daughter's life other than you!" The Detective continued.

  " I'm not signing this." I said firmly, " And there is NO way you can win this battle."

  " We'll see." Detective Dropforge promised darkly.

  I can agree with that Detective, I can agree with that.

Strongarm's Profile:

  Sitting on my favorite sign in Denny Clay's Scrap Yard, I looked out towards the forest. No doubt where Steeljaw and pack were, but we just couldn't find them.

  " Hey Riggs!" A voice came out of nowhere beside me.

  I almost fell off the sign.

  " Nightra?" I asked as she appeared next to me. " What are you doing here?"

  I smiled at my 'sister' as she sat beside me. " Wanted to visit. Plus, Detective Dropforge just adopted me as his daughter." Nightra said smiling.

  " That's awesome Nightra!" I exclaimed, hugging her.

  " Yeah, Detective Dropforge is also trying to adopt you but.... It's going to be difficult." Nightra then explained as we pulled back from the hug.

  " Is there anyway I can help? I wouldn't mind being true sisters or Detective Dropforge being my sire." I said, Ultra Magnus wasn't a good Sire anyways.

  I wanted to be free from him.

  " I don't know yet. Detective Dropforge gave Ultra Magnus a legal paper to sign to peacefully do an adoption. But he said he has brought up so much evidence that he could take it to court if necessary." Nightra continued.

  I nodded.

  We just needed to wait and see.

Sideswipe's Profile:

  Sitting on a crate, I listened to my music happily. Things were fabulous now of days. Except the fact that I can't hang out with Jetstorm and Slipstream anymore...

  With a sad sigh, I laid down on my back and gazed into the sky.

  Only to be picked up and pulled into a death squeezing hug.

  Scrambling, I began to fight against whoever was holding me. I couldn't tell who it was until he started laughing.

  " SIRE!" I yelled, voicing both complaint and surprise.

  " Alright, alright. I've had my fun." Sire said, placing me down and patting my helm.

  Carrier was right behind him silently laughing.

  " What are you two doing here?" I asked, they've been on the council helping Cybertron while I've been on Earth.

  " We came to visit. Some of the others did too." Carrier spoke, coming over and hugging me also.

  " Is Windy here?" I asked, looking up into Carrier's optics.

  " Yes." Sire chuckled.

  I smiled wide, and hugged him tightly.

  " Oh you didn't want a hug before but now you do?" Sire teased, hugging me back.

  " I love you both!" I said to them as I ran off to see Windblade.

  I couldn't wait to see her!

Knockout's Profile:

  " I ship it." I murmured, " That femme has both style and is perfect in nearly every way."

  Breakdown nodded, " She also has a lot of fight in her."

  Smiling, I hugged Breakdown and sighed. " You want to go see Bumblebee?"

  " Sure why n-" Breakdown started when he froze and took out his phone.

  " What is it?" I asked, trying to see his phone.

  " Wheeljack. He said something while we were flying and I think I just realized what he meant..." Breakdown said, texting Wheeljack.

  I glanced and saw it was the Wrecker Group Chat. The group chat they made excluding Ultra Magnus.

  I watched as the following occurred.

-Group Chat-


W- Yeah?


Bu- What's going on?

Sea- Yeah. What's up?

Br- You're planning to blow Ultra Magnus' office sky high aren't you!!?!

W- He deserves it.



  I laughed, " Oh he sooo deserves it."

  " He does, he so does." Breakdown said shaking his helm, " I just hope no one else gets hurt."

  I nodded.

Sideswipe's Profile:

  " Windblade!" I yelled, seeing her standing next to the other Wreckers.

  " Hey Slick." She said as I came to a stop next to her. " How's things been for you?"

  " Pretty good Windy." I said, smiling wide. " How's it like on the Council?"

  " Good. It was a bit hectic for the first couple weeks but then everything settled down." Windblade said, her tone then changed to something sad, " I'm worried about Cyberwarp though. It can't be easy for her." 

  " Yeah. We're keeping an optic out for her." I then got an idea on how to lighten the mood, " Do you want to go spar?"

  " Sure, I could use the practice." Windblade said, pulling out one of her multiple weapons.

  We then walked over to the spar area.

Strongarm's Profile:

  " Hey Strongarm." A new voice announced.

  I turned and smiled when I saw Wheeljack. He and the other Wreckers came all the time when I was little, ... then they didn't come back.

  " Hi Wheeljack." I said to him, me and Nightra moving over on the sign so he could sit with us.

  " So what are you two doing?" Wheeljack asked, taking out a grenade.

  " We're talking." Nightra said, nodding at the grenade.

  " That's going to blow up." I muttered.

  " Ah, don't worry. It won't blow up." Wheeljack said with a save of his servo that wasn't holding the dangerous explosive.

 " Alright." I murmured. 

  Nightra and Wheeljack then got to talking while I looked out over the view. Things seemed to be tense, however, despite the peaceful aire the area had.

  And I didn't know why.

  Or, I did know I just didn't want to think about it.

Ultra Magnus's Profile:

   I glared at the court sheet before me, somehow, the Detective managed to set up a court date today on a subject matter that just came up TODAY.

  This was mayhem!

  What the scrap was that Detective trying to prove? Me being a bad Sire? Ha, I just want my child to succeed. Young Strongarm never needed to be cuddled, she needed to grow up and learn.

  The Judge will see that. The Judge will see that indeed.

Bumblebee's Profile:

  " Sire! Carrier!" I heard Starscream exclaim, running off towards his Creators who had just walked into the Command Center.

  Smiling, I felt a pair of arm wrap around me. " How's my little mech been doing?" Carrier's voice came from behind me.

  " Good. And I'm not little." I said, but I continued to smile nonetheless.

  " You are to me." Carrier said, still hugging me.

  " Fine..." I murmured, both of us pulling back from the hug.

  I then heard Sire chuckling quietly.

  " Orion." Carrier then said in a warning voice.

  Sire quickly quieted down.

  Both me and Carrier laughed.

Dropforge's Profile:

  Standing in the court, I felt confident. This was going to be the fight of life.

  And for Strongarm's.

-Hours Later-

  " A short recess and then we will conclude the hearing." The judge then said.

  Sighing, I sat down on a chair outside. Things were leaning both ways. I may win this battle and Strongarm will become my adopted daughter or Ultra Magnus will win and keep Strongarm.

  It was too close to tell.

  Putting my helm in my servos I gave a shaky breath and contacted the Wreckers, Strongarm should be here for the sentence.

  It would only be fair for her.

Strongarm's Profile: 

  Wheeljack, who had left briefly to get energon, quickly ran over to me and Nightra, no Energon with him.

  " You two, with me, now." Wheeljack quickly said, turning on his 'heel' and running towards the groundbridge with me and Nightra now following him.

  " What's going on?" Nightra and I asked.

  " Trial. They're about to give the sentence. Detective Dropforge that it would be a good idea for you to be there for the hearing of the sentence." Wheeljack said, rushing to the controls of the groundbridge and typing in the cooridanets.

  My spark nearly stopped, " Does this mean Nightra could become my sister...?" I whispered.

  " Yes." Wheeljack said running through the now active groundbridge.

  Freedom from my sire?

  Nightra quickly ran through the groundbridge right behind Wheeljack.

  Freedom to be able to relax and choose my own friends?

  I found myself running too through the groundbridge.

  The ability to not be stressed out of my mind over my sire's expectations?

  We were in the court now, the sentence about to be revealed. 

  How could I-

  " As judge of this court, my court ruling is for Strongarm Magnus to become in the custody of Detective Dropforge due to heavy stress and a heavy helicopter life. Everyone young child should be raised in the best conditions; it's clear to me, that Detective Dropforge is the best conditions for a young mind. Court adjourned!"

  -ever say no?

Ultra Magnus's Profile:

  I wish I could say reality didn't hurt, but.... It was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life.

  Watching, I saw Nightra, that dirty criminal, hugging MY-no, now Detective Dropforge's, daughter.

  Standing, I left through a side door and found myself walking in a trance. I had no idea where I was going. I just let myself go where by body willed.

  Soon I found myself in front of a groundbridge, typing in coordinates I didn't recognize.

  Soon I found myself in a forest on Earth. Turning, I saw the Scrap Yard where Bumblebee and his team resided.

Strongarm's home for the longest time.

  Sitting myself down, I didn't realize I had company until, said company, spoke. 

  " You lost your kid?" A voice asked, turning, I came face to face with Drift.

  " What's it to you?" I barked, rage starting to fill me.

  " I lost mine too. To my worst enemy." Drift stated calmly, sitting down beside me.

  " Oh...." I drifted off, " Was it due to somehow your own-"

  " Mistakes? Yes. I see now that they're gone how I've wronged them. I miss them more than my spark can bear but.... I don't want them to go through the pain I unintentionally gave them again. Plus, they're happy now. I can't take that from them for my own selfish needs." Drift spoke calmly, but I could hear the rage and sorrow hidden in his voice.

  " I can relate." I muttered closing my optics.

  I've lost my daughter and found a friend.

  This was truly a bitter-sweet day.

  I'm SO SORRY, for the late update. I managed to catch a horrid disease that goes by the name of Writers Block. I can't promise anything yet, but I hope can get more updates up within a week.

Stay Cool guys and Peace Out! -JanjaFan 😎✌

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