By shxnwu

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[SEHUN] ▶A single parent who raises his own son all by himself. Nothing is important more than his son and he... More



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By shxnwu

"Good morning, Jongin," Kai turned his back around as he heard his name was called.

He flashed a polite smile at the mid-aged lady who just greeted him.

"Good morning, Mrs Han," he responded with a greeting and continued locking his house's door.

The lady approached the wall that separated their house area. "You're already going to school?," she questioned.

Kai nodded while tucking the keys inside his pocket. "Yeah," he replied.

"But it's still early," she said while looking around. It was still early actually to be going to school.

Kai glanced at his wrist watch. "I have some works to be done," he said.

"No wonder student loves you, such a hardworking teacher," she let out a chuckle.

Kai only could reply with a smile. He admitted he was kinda well–known in the school.

"Have you eaten your breakfast?," the lady questioned, looking concern at the young guy.

While he shook his head. "I will buy something on the way," he responded.

"Jongin, you need to look after your health," the lady stated and soon handed a plastic container to him.

Kai curled up a fond smile afterwards. He felt really thankful for this and talking with Mrs Han reminded him of his late mother.

The lady was always concerned about him and nagged whenever he didn't take time to look after himself.

He felt loved and cared at least.

"Eat this well, and don't forget your lunch as well," she said again.

Kai nodded. "Mrs Han, thank you so much," he declared honestly, he really felt thankful.

"I've already treated you as my own son, don't worry about it," she stated with a motherly smile.

"But seriously, you need to get a wife so that you will be taken care," Kai huffed as he expected this topic would be talked.

He nodded. "I will think about it, but I need to go now, see you," he quickly changed the topic and sprinted into his car.

Before Mrs Han would be asking him more things about getting a wife.

Kai was a teacher and he was living alone all by himself. Ever since his parents passed away, he had no other family.

He raised himself and got himself drown into works so that he could forget about his loneliness.

Before this, he did date some people but it always ended up badly so he finally chose to not think about it.

His life was normal, went to school in the morning and be back in the evening.

Yeah, he admitted that he was feeling lonely but looked like it's not the time yet for him to find someone.

It was kinda hard for him. He was not that rich, he only had a house and a car.

Simple, and average.

Kai walked out of the car after it was parked in the parking and brought his bag with him.

"Good morning, Mr Kim," he heard those greetings as he was walking passed the corridor.

He turned to them and responded with a fond smile. "Good morning," he said while walking.

Those smile really could make the girls students gone crazy early in the morning.

Who wouldn't be like that if it was Kai?

"Jongin, you're early today," Kai took the seat at his own place and placed his beg on the table. He turned the side and saw his colleague beside him.

He nodded slightly as a response. "Yeah, got some works to do," he replied and began checking the papers on the table.

"You are early too, Baekhyun Hyung?," he questioned and glanced at the elder beside him.

Baekhyun let out a heavy sigh. "Yeah, Mark wants to be early today so here I am," he said.

Kai chuckled lightly as he heard about it. Mark was one of his student and Baekhyun's son as well.

"Why? Does he have any events?," he questioned while his hands were busy marking the papers with eyes fixed on them.

Baekhyun shrugged as a reply. "I don't know, he seems weird lately," he said.

Kai stopped doing his works and turned to Baekhyun. "Weird? Like how?," he asked.

"I don't know but he looked happier recently to go to school, isn't that unusual?," Baekhyun's answer made Kai furrowed his eyebrows.

He curled up a smile as he finally got what was happening.

"Hyung, probably there's someone he likes," he announced and chuckled to see the expression on Baekhyun's face.

Baekhyun nodded. "Young people nowadays," he stated those.

Kai lifted one of his eyebrow. "You're the same when you were younger, Hyung," he said.

"Yes, of course," the elder chuckled lightly. "But we are getting old, you didn't have any plans to get married?," he suddenly questioned.

The younger rolled his eyes in annoyance as he heard the same question that was uttered for the recent times to him.

"It's not the time yet," he replied shortly and began continuing to mark the papers.

Baekhyun huffed. "You always said that," he stated. "You're getting older, you know?," he said.

Kai snorted as a response. "That means you too, you're even older than me," he stated.

"But I'm married at least," the elder's answer made Kai rolled his eyes for the recent times.

He stood up from his seat as he heard the bell rang. "I have a class now so I will see you later," he uttered before carrying some of his books and walked out of the staff's room.

Baekhyun's words were running inside his mind afterwards. He admitted that his age was increasing and he was getting older.

But seriously, he didn't have any interests in this kind of things. Or to be exact, he didn't meet the right person yet.

He tried to get rid of those thoughts as he was walking into the class.

"Stand up, good morning Sir," the students greeted as the teacher entered their class.

Kai nodded his head and mouthed a good morning before asking them to sit down.

He pulled out the attendance book from the table and started checking it one by one.

"Who's not here?," he questioned to the whole class and waited for them to say the names.

After he was done with the attendance, he kept the book on the table and began his lessons.


"That's all for today's lesson," Kai stated as he began tidying up the books on his table.

The students were also starting to keep their books away when the teacher's voice stopped him.

"One more thing, before I forgot about it," Kai began uttering while looking at the whole students.

The class stopped with all of their actions and turned to focus on the teacher.

"Our school will hold a parents–meetings day for your last exam results," he could hear some low protests after he said those.

"I need you to inform this to your parents and I hope all of your parents can attend this day," the students began to chatter with other about this.

Kai hummed to get their attentions. "So if you have any problems make sure to come and see me, thank you," he said those and walked out of the class afterwards.

The whole class started to fill with noisiness and chatters as soon as the teacher went out.

"I'm dead," Mark started to grunt in his seat while leaning his back against the chair he was sitting.

Taeyong rolled his eyes to see the over-dramatic reaction from his friend. "It's just parents–meeting, not something big," he said calmly.

Mark huffed. "You can say that because your grade is really good," he retorted.

"Mark, no matter what even without this meeting your parents will surely know about your grades," Taeyong responded to that and started to read something rather than facing him.

Mark snorted as he suddenly remembered it. Yeah, his mom was the teacher here so he would know no matter what.

"But will your mom come then?," he questioned to the person who was sitting beside him.

Taeyong shrugged. "I guess so, he must be coming here with your dad," he replied.

Mark nodded, agreeing with that.

"I bet Mr Kim will tell them everything about us at school," he sighed.

This time Taeyong stopped reading and turned to Mark. He was right, the teacher would be telling about it.

Now he understood what Mark had feel just now. Can he at least be hoping that Sehun wouldn't come and meet Kai?


Hiii! New update for today! Hope you like it and dont forget to leave your comments as well! 💗

Alsooo guys, I will not be updating for about two weeks cause I will be going on a trip with my family but I promise to update the stories when I'm back! Sooo wait for ittt! 💕💕💕

Loveyy doveyy 💗

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