"Hi, what is it?"

By daantjevddonk

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A Beth mead and Daniëlle van de Donk love story More

The new girl
The bedroom
It felt like home
Girls night
They're gonna love you
The girl I could never have
The day after
Light and breezy
Just friends
She's what?!
Because I care
Goodnight princess
Just yours
There's two!
There you go
One of a kind
Pretty little head
Missed me?
Pop it


3.9K 59 15
By daantjevddonk

Beth POV
The lunch with Daniëlle went against all my expectations quite well. We laughed a lot and I realized again why I'd fallen for her; she's one of the kindest human beings with such a beautiful and precious smile. But still I can't seem to forget about what happened last week, it keeps flashing by. It just still hurts so much. But besides that she's also hella attractive and the image of her being naked keeps flashing by as well -ohw dear God, Beth stop being this dirty minded. She's just soo hot🥵-
At the same time Daan takes of her vest. -Omg, that was soo creepy. She can't read my mind right?! Oh Beth stop being ridiculous, ofcourse she can't."
"What are you worrying about?" Apparently my poker-face wasn't as good as I expected it to be.
B: "Oh nothing much, really. Do you maybe wanna go somewhere else?"
D: "sure, where do you wanna go?"
B: "Umm I don't know, just somewhere where we have a bit more privacy."
D: "Yeah I guess we could go to my house, Lisa and Viv are out for lunch. Only if you want to ofcourse."
B: "Yeah, that's alright."

Daan went to pay and came back with our coats "Let's go." Since we both drove here by car we went in separate cars and I followed her. When we got at her house she suggested to watch a movie. "Sure, you pick something." She nodded. We chose a movie, but it really sucked so after a while Daan turned the TV off. She turned around and looked at me.
D: "I know you don't like talking about it but I just want to let you know that if I hadn't been drunk that night, I would've never done what I did. I would never intentionally hurt you."
B: "That doesn't make it right you know."
D: "I know it doesn't and I know I fucked up. But I just wanted you to know that. You deserve someone who will never hurt you, someone way better than me."
B: "That's the problem. I don't want someone better than you, I don't want someone else, I want you." -Why did you say that?!-
D: "Wait you do? But why on earth would you want me?! I'm a wh*re."
B: "What the hell?! Why on would you say that about yourself. Is your self image that bad?"
D: "I don't know. Probably."
B: "Well I guess that makes me a sucker for wh*res than."
D: "A very stupid one than."
B: "Did you just call me stupid?!"
D: "Nooo..."
B: "You just said that you would never intentionally hurt me?!"
D: "I'm sorryy. I didn't mean that."
B: "Now you have to make it up to me!"
D: "How?"
B: "Well I'm very frustrated"
D: "How so?"
B: "There is this girl I like, but I don't want to like her. So you have to help me out."
D: "Beff, I'm really confused now."
B: "You have to prove to me that the girl isn't worth it."
D: "About who are we talking now?"
B: "You"
D: "So let me get this straight-"
B: "Bad choice of words"
D: "Let me get this right, you want me to prove to you that I'm not worthy?"
B: "Yep"
D: "But how on earth would I have to do that?! And a better question: why would I want to do that?"
B: "You just said yourself that I deserve someone better, the only thing you have to do is kiss me."
D: "Uhmm, how would that convince you that I'm not worthy?"
B: "If you're a bad kisser, I would know that you aren't worthy."
D: "Uhm well okay than, since you asked."
She leaned forward and her lips came closer to mine, she bent in for a kiss. Our lips touched -She really is a good kisser if I may add-
and right at the moment she wanted to go tongue dancing, I pulled away.
B: "Definitely a bad kisser." I stood up took my jacket and walked over to the door.
D: "Uhm wait what?! You can't just leave me like this?!"
B: "Oh honey, damn right I can and I will. See you tomorrow."
Right before I slammed the door, I looked over to the cute, small girl who was speechless and I smiled at her "Bye".

Daan POV
What the hell just happened?! I seriously don't know whether I hate or love the girl. I'm frustrated but I also kinda like where this is going.
I just sat on the couch for a while, overthinking everything until I heard Lisa and Viv come home.
L: "Hey Daan, how was your lunch with Beth?"
D: "It went well actually."
V: "Something's off, I can see it on your face."
D: "No there really isn't, we talked and decided it would be best for the team to be nice to each other and keep it light and breezy."
L: "Seriously Daan, if she said anything that hurt you, you can tell us."
D: "No not at all, nothing to worry about."
V: "Alright than, but we're here. So if you need anyone to talk to, just let us know."
D: "Thanks guys, I will."

That night was the first night, since the whole incident, that I slept like a feather again. I was relieved and finally felt some joy again.

Thank you for reading this chapter. Hope you like the story, please comment some feedback if you have any☺️

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