After the Darkness

By Kalekona01

21.6K 698 37

Five years after a horrible event that changed her life forever, Sang Sorenson meets back up with the Blackbo... More

Getting There
First Meeting
Shocking News
Trials for Secrets Part 1
Author's note
Tour of the House
The Mission Part 1
The Mission Part 2
The Treatment
The Aftermath
The Rules of the House: Shadows
The Rules of the House: Ghost Part 1
The Rules of the House: Ghost Part 2
The Rules of the House: Giant Part 1
The Rules of the House: Giant Part 2
The Rules of the House: Sparky Part 1
The Rules of the House: Sparky Part 2
The Rules of the House: Techno Part 1

Trials for Secrets Part 2

1.1K 39 2
By Kalekona01

Gabriel POV

The triple chocolate cake in front of me was tempting as was looking at Trouble sitting on North's lap feeding him the chocolate cake. Trouble was living up to her nickname quite well. However, that didn't stop me from noticing that she was living as if it could be the last day ever. I didn't understand why that would be the case. There were way too many questions that needed to be answered. Trouble looked at me, how she knows where I was I don't know, and signed to me. I frowned because I didn't understand what she was signing. Thankfully Luke was nearby and said "Hold your questions till after dinner. All will be answered in due time."  Nodding my head, I was started to eat my cake. Holy mother fucking christ, it was delicious and so good that I wanted another slice.  I turned to Luke, seeing the same desire in his eyes then they sadden. I quietly asked out of tone for everyone else to hear "What's wrong?" Luke looked me in the eyes with the same mixture of multiple emotions that I knew were swirling inside of me. "How are we going to get her back now and are we ever going to get her back? What happened to her all those years along that she felt that she couldn't turn to us for help? Who are those people to her and what are we now to her?" he answered quietly and sullen at the end. I was going to answer him when I saw Stella standing next to us with a sad expression on her face when she went in for a hug from Luke. Luke was startled but quickly wrapped his arms around her when I hugged her from behind. We both held on tightly before slowly letting her go. When I let my hand slide across her back, all I felt was many bumps when I knew that it should be flat. Who dared to hurt this beautiful girl who has a huge heart.  Stella went to look at both of us with a stern glance to listen carefully to what she has to say as she signed. Luke verbally said what she signed for my sake. "Stop beating yourselves up for the last five years. You have yet to lose me in any possible way. I knew that this is scary and unnerving for everyone. I knew that there will be a shit ton of questions to be answered. I promise that I will answer what I can answer but I need both of you to stop feeling that you lost everything. To truly lose everything you have lost who are as a person as well with everything that you have included have you have naturally on your bodies. That will never happen within this family, so stop it."  Realizing that was true did I noticed a sense of sass coming from her words and damn it was hot as all get out.

Victor POV

I noticed that Stella had slipped off of North's with her pointing at Luke and Gabriel. I noticed that something was off with them as did North and Silas. I had finished eating my slice of cake when I felt that something was going to happen. I couldn't help but think that it involved Princess in some way. When I was looked at my brothers in need did I notice that Stella was signing to them something important seeing the hope shining in their eyes again. It was weird to me when she went by Stella instead of Sang. Deciding that was an action that was needed to be taken, I walked over to my Princess. Standing a few feet away, Luke and Gabriel understood what I was going to do. "Stella, do you still answer to Sang" With the help of Luke she signed, I do to those that know that fact and is considered my family. Why do you all think that I not going to respond to what you say when it was the thought of you all that kept me alive when I needed to fight to stay alive. She shook her head at the three of us and suddenly hug me for a few seconds. Slipping her arms off my body, I pulled her back into my arms for a longer tighter hug. I let her out of the tight embrace when she moved towards my hair that was falling into my face. She stopped right before touching my face when she pulled her hand away quickly to her body. "Princess, don't be afraid to touch me. You are still my light at the end of the tunnel for me. We are never going to hurt you intentionly." Frowning softly at me, Princess went to sign but stopped short of signing. "What were you going to say, sweetheart?" I asked softly at her when signed, There is so much that needs to be talked about. The reason why I don't touch your face because it's disrespectful in my mind. That was when Mikhail stated loud enough to make groan quietly "If you re done eating please follow Artyom to the meeting room so that everyone can be briefed." Princess smiled a soft but sad smile going away to lead us to the meeting room. Luke paused when he realized that I wasn't following quite yet then asked if I was okay. With my own eyes, I responded with I'm okay and I will be in the meeting room soon. With that Luke followed the crowd when Corey come up to stand next to me. We had no need to say anything but watched from a distance before following them. When we were just outside the room, Corey pulled me aside  and asked quietly "What do you need from me that I can do for you?" Looking at my friend in the eye when I say "I'm not sure if anything is going to help me understand why I feel the way I feel right now." Nodding his head in understanding, we went into the room.

Raven POV 

What was happening now to my Солнечный свет? He was by my side when Mikhail called out to everyone when I noticed Dmitri gathering plates and putting them into the sink. Now he was nowhere to be found. I saw him enter with Victor by his side when he headed over to me. "Do I need to go fuck Victor now?" I was about ready to go Professional Russian on him. Corey placed his hand on my arm and responded back  "No you don't and it's fuck with Victor?" Axel looks over at me and told me to behave with the way that he was looking at me. His hard glare was softened when Stella walked by our team. She signed something to the people who had come in with her. I felt a strong need to protect her, so I grabbed and pulled her into my arms. I wanted to glare at the newcomers but Axel and Stella both glared at me not to do so. I last saw that look when I first meet her three and a half years ago.

When my team was called to the Phantom's house to get their help with a mission. "Who are you fuckers and why are you all in our house?" I heard coming from upstairs, turning I see a set of triplets that were made up of twins and a girl. Axel stepped forward to them and introduce himself. I made a step towards the girl in question and I received that the hardest glare I have ever received from anyone before. As I stepped forward to properly greet her the Russian way, I was flipped onto my back with a hard thud that stuns the room into the silence. The rest of my family went to look at me in shock. "Oh, by the way, she is blind and mute" with a pound look on their faces.

Marc POV

Seeing the expression on Raven's face told me that he was reviewing the first time we met the Pheonix siblings. I was quite surprised when I heard Raven go thud loudly on the floor by this tiny gorgeous girl. Then to hear that she was blind and mute told me that she was no ordinary academy bird. She was in a league of her own, one that no else ever could enter. It was a realization that I made after knowing of her name and very little of who she was for the first six months. After that, her brothers went seeking our help to help bring her home. At first, we were confused as to why until we learned who had her. Then we just became angry and then I felt the strong urge to protect her as best as I can after that. Corey gently gets her out of Raven's arm so I could give her a hug. When I looked up at steely gray eyes that were holding a confused fury at the sight before him. Stella leaned back to catch my attention to nod to the front where her family was. Sighing sadly at her, she shook her head at me in a teasing manner. As she went around the group receiving hugs from everyone. Axel pointed to the front and herder her that way. She saluted him before leaving to go stand by her brothers. Luka and Elias looked at each other and then their lovers and said "Are we all ready to hear what the hell brought about the number of people working in this case? Along with the reason why the military is here to help keep all of us alive?" There were several nods that rippled through the room after that the most simplistic lines I have ever heard come out of Luka's month. 



-Солнечный свет: Sunshine

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