Crush // muke

By michaelsaesthetic

3.6K 313 819

Luke has a crush <3 More

1. Perfect
2. Stripes
3. Math sucks
4. Perfection
5. Spongebob
6. How did it end up like this?
7. Painting
8. Rain
10. Linked
11. The day you made me cry

9. Sunshine

287 25 46
By michaelsaesthetic

It took Luke two weeks before getting back to school. He thought that maybe when he dissapeared people would forget about him and what happened. Truth was, a lot of people did, some didn't, but Luke could live with it.

"Hello sunshine" Michael said to Luke, who was looking around him before looking at Michael.

"Hey.." Luke said queitly, but still smiled.

Michael tottaly respected the fact that Luke was gone for so long, but he was also happy he got back.

"How are ya?" Michael asked while putting away some books in his locker.

"I'm.." Luke thought about it for a second. "Doing okay" Luke then replied. He then gave a small smile.

"That's good my teddy bear" Michael said smiling back with a grin on his face.

"Teddy bear?" Luke asked raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms.

"'re my teddy and I both know you love cuddling so much" Michael chuckled.

Luke shook his head in delight "idiot". Michael closed his locker "where is my cute pet name?" Michael asked as he gently putted his arm around Luke's waist as they started walking towards class.

"Okay then M&M"Luke said chuckling in himself. "Why M&M? You could've gone for a cuter one!" Michael said.

Luke bit his lip as he looked down on Michael's hand around his hip. He felt safe. He smiled before looking back up.

"What's wrong?" Michael asked.

"Nothing my oreo" Luke said and smirked. "Oreo? Really Luke, that's the best you can do? Why oreo?" Michael asked.

" and I both know you always eat my oreo's on Friday.." Luke said and smirked. "Yeah well..that's because I'mmm..always hungry on Friday" Michael explained and looked at Luke before the two started giggling.

The two were together for over 3 months. They had a gentle, sweet and loveable relationship.

Of course Michael's parents didn't know about the two their relationship.

When Luke got over at Michael's house, Michael would tell that Luke was his homework buddy. Luke accepted the name, since his parents were christian. They'd then go up into Michael's room and make out. With the door closed and locked of course...

Michael was always gentle with Luke. He didn't wanted to do something Luke didn't like. He didn't wanted to be like that asshole who treated him horribly. In fact, he took everything slow for Luke.

Luke: the post card I'm sending you for valentine

Luke: still think I'm pretty?

Michael: Luke

Luke: yes :))

Michael: I hate you

Luke: I love you too honey bun :3

Michael: I hate valentine -.-

Luke: I love it! that means I'll show you my appreciation even more :))

Michael: stop with the goddamn smileys, yknow there are emojis right Lucas?

Luke: yes

Luke: I know :))))))

Michael: the old Luke is back

Luke: the old Michael is back

Michael: I love you

Luke: I love you too my kitten <(─‿‿─)>


Luke: what? You mean that cat?

Michael: YES

Luke: I have an app ¬‿¬

Michael: oh god he has an app 😤

Luke: :))

Luke: I may have bought some things for you..

Michael: Luke

Michael: yknow I hate valentine

Luke: I know, but I couldn't resist! I had to Mikey

Michael: now I have to find something for you before we meet!

Luke: goodluck my kitten !

Michael: later alligator

Michael smiled down at his phone before locking it.

"Mikey!" Luke said excitedly as he saw Michael walking besides the ocean.

Michael had his hands in his pockets, he hadn't noticed Luke yet. He was too busy staring at the ocean.

Luke threw himself at Michael. "Happy Valentine my kitten!" Luke said happily as Michael caught Luke, but fell on the sand instead.

"Oh my back" Michael said, but still held onto Luke.

"Have you ever thought that we'd be sitting here together by the ocean..on 'Valentine's day'?" Michael asked as he pulled Luke closer to him.

"Well..I bad as it may sound" Luke said and sighed.

"Dreams come true then" Michael said, making Luke feel better. Luke smiled in delight.

"..Luke..just so you know..I have always wanted but I never could" Michael said.

"I know Mike...but we're together now, so it's all good" Luke said and kissed Michael's cheek.

"It is" Michael said resting his head on top of Luke's.

It then was silent for a couple seconds. They only thing to be heard were the ocean waves and the birds flying above.

"I forgot.." Michael suddenly said as he reached into his denim jacket besides them.

"Since you got me something I got you something too..." Michael said as he took out a small purple box.

"Here.." Michael said as he handed it to Luke. Luke smiled before kissing Michael's cheek.

Luke opened it carefully. He took out a necklace with a silver sun attached on it.

"I-I hope you like it..I didn't really know what to buy since I usually don't do that stuff and I know it doesn't compare to the gift you have given me and if you do-"

"Michael" Luke said cutting Michael off.

"It's perfect" Luke said making Michael blush.

"Okay.." Michael said and nodded.

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