How love found me (Niall Hora...

By AlyssaPaige1

804K 12.1K 1.5K

Carsons moving to London for a year to travel and have fun. After her new roommate shows Carson the famous bo... More

love picked me (niall horan)
chapter 2: unexpected new friends
chapter 3:break down
chapter 4: unexpected tragity
chapter 5: finding a new home
chapter 6: starting over
Chapter 7: fan girls and embarrising momments
Chapter 8: little bird
Chapter 9:start of something new
chapter 10:An almost movie perfect night
Chapter 11: Busy mornings
Chapter 12: Friends Secrects
Chapter 13: Movie Nights
Chapter 14: Rude awakining
Chapter 15: summer love
Chapter 16: Love and Hate
Chapter 17- sleepless nights
Chapter 18: past returns
Chapter 19: Painfull reminders
Chapter 20: Just another day of Drama
Chapter 21: He never leaves
Chapter 22: Confession.
Chapter 23: Mobs and Media
Chapter 24:A night with Charlie
Chapter 25: Me a model? No way!
Chapter 26: A photoshoot, the past and Love?
Chapter 27: a baby surprise
Chapter 28: Ride home
chapter 29: this is embarrising
chapter 30: A father?
Chapter 31: who is this man?
Chapter 32: going home
Chapter33:He kissed her?!
Hes getting married?!
Chapter 35: not going to happen.
chapter 36 moments
Chapter 37:surpise surpise
chapter 38 romantic get away
Chapter 39: Isolated get away
chapter 40: life with him
chapter 41: drama as always
Chapter 42: Movie Night
chapter 43: a day inside
Chapter 44: Back home
chapter 45:i love him
chapter 46:pratice
Chapter 47: fair day and a new girlfriend?
chapter 48: big performance
chapter 50: i wouldn't do that!
chapter 51:birthday surprise
chapter 52: more than just a surpise party
chapter 53: double package
chapter 54: big fight
Chapter 56:Birthday surprise
chapter 57:kiss me im irish
Chapter 58:Be with me forever
chapter 59: the crash that ended lives
chapter 60: still sleeping
chapter 61: Awakening
chapter 62: out of the hospital
chapter 63: the end
chapter 64:meet Alex
alternate ending

chapter 55: always here

8.4K 139 13
By AlyssaPaige1

> "What? How do you know?" I asked him.


> "We can't find him and we've tried calling him and searching all over but his car is gone and so is his phone. Maybe if you try calling him he'll answer." Louis tried.


> I nodded and went to our room. I quickly changed my heart was beating the whole time with worry. He would be okay and if he didn't answer when I called then I knew what I would do. I had a feeling I knew where he would be.


> I went downstairs phone in hand. I saw everyone sitting around the room. They all had worried expressions, I even say Abby sitting on the couch next to Harry. I was surprised at first but quickly ignored it.


> "Okay I'm going to call him." I told everyone they all looked up. My brother wasn't there. Maybe he went home. I don't know. I dialed Niall's number that I had memorized by heart and listen to it ring. It rang two times and I was starting to worry he wouldn't answer. I started popping my legs while everyone stared at me.


> Half way through the 5th rang it cut off.


> "Carson?" I herd Niall's accent and I sighed and smiled.


> "Niall, are you are okay?" Everyone around me was starring up at me.


> "I..I guess." His voice was weak. I could tell he had been crying. Crying because of me. I looked at everyone and nodded to them. Telling them he was okay.


> "Where...where are you?" I tried not crying.


> "I'm at the beach." He told me. His voice was weak and cracky.


> "Why?"


> "I...I don't really know." He confessed. I just wanted to be with him.


> "Do you want me to come to you?" I asked I needed him.


> "No." That one word felt like someone had killed me.


> "Oh." I turned away from everyone that was watching me.


> "Not that I don't want you too. I'm on my way home now. And its starting to rain. I'll be home as soon."


> "Oh, okay."


> "I love you. Tell everyone I'm okay."


> "Alright I will. I love you too. Bye." I hung up.


> "Is he okay?" Louis asked. I turned back around pushing back the tears that were threat ing to spill over.


> "Yeah. He went to the beach to...get some space. He's on his way home now. I'm sure you all know by now. That I am pregnant." I admitted to them all. None of them seem shocked. Charlie was looking up at me with sadness from Liam's side. Louis was looking out the window and Zayn was starring at the ground.


> "What you may not know is that its twins." At this news everyone but Charlie looked surprised. Louis's head shot to me and then to my stomach.


> "Theres two?" Abby said standing up.


> "Yeah. Theres two." I touched my stomach looking down at it. Two of the world most wonderful babies ever. I lifted my eyes and looked at everyone in the room.


> "I know you all may hate me now. But you don't have to worry. I probably won't be staying here much longer." I nodded and started biting my lip.


> "What?!" Louis, Charlie and Liam all said at the same time. Charlie and Louis shot straight up.


> "We don't hate you." Liam told me.


> "Why are you leaving?" Charlie asked. "Where would you go?" Louis asked at the same time.


> "How could you leave us?" Zayn asked two seconds later.


> "Guys, I was just thinking. I mean I thought you all wouldn't want me around anymore. I'm having babies, twins. You guys all have careers and I could effect that. So it would be easier if I left wouldn't it?" I looked at all of them.


> "No! It wouldn't be easier. It wouldn't make any of us happier. Especially not Niall. We need you here and just because your having babies doesn't change how we see you. We all love and need you." Liam's words made me want to cry from happiness. I looked at the rest of the boys who were nodding agreeing with Liam.


> "You mean that?Because i know-" I started but was interrupted.


> "Carson! We love you. Your not leaving. Niall needs you here with us. We need you." Louis stood up and walked to me and he grabbed me and hugged me.I hugged him back. Before I knew it Zayn and Harry had joined the hug then Charlie and then Liam and Abby soon followed. We were all standing there in one big group hug.


> "Thank you guys." I told them all wiping a tear that had fallen.


> "We love you." Abby told me. "And congratulations. This is not a bad thing. Its beautiful." She smiled at me. I remembered why her and Harry had broken up and smiled knowing she would be here for me no matter what.


> "Thanks Abby. Its good to see you again." I hugged her again.


> "Its good to see you too." She hugged me back. I released her and saw Niall standing in the door way.


> "Niall." I smiled at him. The sight of him even after this crappy day brings a smile to my face.


> "Hey." He gave half smile back.


> "Niall, where'd you go man?" Zayn asked.


> "Just needed to think." Was his only reply.


> "Well as long as your back now." Charlie said. I stood and watched as he walked to us.


> "Sorry I worried you guys." He told us.


> "Its alright mate." Liam said. You could feel the awkwardness in the air.


> "I think Abby and I are going out for some pizza. Any one else want to come?" Harry tried to break the silence.


> "I do. I'm starved, Want to go babe?" Liam looked at Charlie.


> "Yeah, I'm hungry too." She nodded and smiled to him. "Are you going to need me here?" She whispered in my ear really low. I shook my head no. "Call me if anything goes down." She whispered again. "I will." I replied.


> "Alright anyone else?" Harry looked at the rest of us. Niall didn't even look at anyone besides me. He was starring at me from the other side of the room.


> "I guess we will too." Louis slung his arm around Zayn who winked at him.


> "Great, Niall, Carson you want to join?" Harry asked.


> "No. I think I'm going to take a nap." I told Harry.


> "Oh. Niall? What about you mate?" He asked expectantly.


> "I'm okay. You guys go." He looked away from me for half a second to look at Harry.


> "Alright. Well mates lets go I'm starved." Louis jumped up. "See you guys later." He smiled at me.


> "Bye." I waved to him. I turned to go upstairs and yawned widely. I was suddenly so tired. I hate crying. It does that to me. Makes my eyes puffy and red and me extremely tired.


> I could hear the loud noise of them leaving and then silence once I reached our room. They must have all left. I didn't even notice Niall was behind me until I went to close the door and he was there.


> "Oh sorry." I told him.


> "Its okay love." He smiled.


> "Love? So I take it as your not mad anymore?" I smiled as we got into bed. Suddenly in a very good mood. Is bipolarness a symptom of pregnancy?


> "I was never mad. I left because I was upset that I had done that to you. I had made you upset. I didn't like it. I didn't like that I made you cry. I only want to make you happy. I never wanted to hurt you." He told me as he moved closer to me.


> "I didn't want you to feel like that. I mean I was just crying because its a lot to handle. I was just over whelmed." I confessed.


> "Well I'm here. You can talk to me. We are in this together. No matter what." He smiled and kissed me forehead.


> "Okay, thank you for staying here with me." I cuddled into him. I thought back to my friend who got pregnant and her boy friend freaked and left her. Thank god that wasn't me.


> "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." He squeezed me.


> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


> Hey guys its short I know. Im just my brain is like ohgsfdghsfd i have a D in algrebra and I never have a D. And my mom is going to freak out! And I know I really have no room to worry about it but stupid guy i like might be liking my friend and she knows i like him so if she goes out with him...................worst friend ever right there. You don't date another girls crush! It just noo you don't do it!


> So I promise next chapter will be better Im going to go start on it as soon as i update this.





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