Run (One Direction) [Watty Aw...

By asilverskyaboveme

2.3M 41.2K 8.6K

She's a fan. He's a celebrity. They were born in different worlds, raised in different worlds. And one bullet... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

54.9K 1K 108
By asilverskyaboveme


“Come to the empty warehouse at Harrington and Woodsworth. Alone. Wait for a call.”

“H-how o I know you h-have Harry?” I ask, my voice shaking.

“L-louis?” says a weak, defeated, but all-too-familiar voice.


“L-louis, don't come. Louis, it's a trap! Lou-”

And then his voice is gone.

“Be there” the first voice says.

And then the call ends.



“I don't know, h-he just left” Liam says.

Paul glares at all of us, as if we're hiding Louis in our coats or something.

“Well, he's not in the hallway, or the toilets, and none of you lot know where he is.”

“He got a call” Niall says slowly.

“Who called him?” Paul asks.

He's worried; I can hear it in his voice.

“I-I don't know” Niall says. “He looked at the caller ID and then went to answer it. He's probably fine!”

Looking around the room, the others seem to agree with Niall.

Louis wouldn't just leave.

Zayn told me what happened last time, when he left to visit me in the hospital, before I was even awake. How everyone was so mad at him.

He wouldn't risk that again.

Not without a good reason.

But Paul's worried.

“I bet he went down to the cafeteria” Liam says. “Got hungry or something.”

“He would've used the elevator” Paul says. “But Jonas didn't see him.”

He has to be fine.

“He's only been gone for ten minutes” Liam says. “We . . . we have to calm down. He'll be right back.”

All of a sudden, I'm scared.

I'm scared he did have a good reason.

I'm scared something happened to Louis.



I push open the service door in the back of the hospital, and slip into the back alley.

I don't have much time.

They'll notice I left soon.

'Louis, it's a trap!'

Of course it's a trap.

But I can't let Harry die in my place.

He sounded horrible.

And I can't help but wonder what they've been doing to him.

He's been there for two weeks.

And he sounded . . . defeated. I've never known Harry to sound like that.




This is stupid.

But if I can find Harry . . . I have to try.



Eventually, Paul gets frustrated with us and leaves, probably to look for Louis. As soon as he's gone, we all start talking at once, until Liam manages to get our attention.

“Lads!” he shouts. Everyone is quiet immediately, looking at him. “Does anyone know where Louis would have gone?” he asks.

“If I knew, I would've told Paul” Zayn says.

“What would've made him leave?” Callin asks softly. We all turn to look at her. “Harry” she says. “He would leave for Harry.”



The warehouse the guy wanted me to get to isn't far.

But of course, in my rush to leave the hospital, I forget that I'm sort of famous.

Just a little.

And when one person shouts, “Oh my God, that's Louis Tomlinson!”, it's amazing how many people come out of the woodwork.

And I'm surrounded by a crowd of people.

And they're taking pictures.

Shoving pens and slips of paper at me.


I don't have my security, and I have to get to that building.

I have to find Harry.



“Maybe he really is just in the cafeteria” Zayn says. “Getting a snack of something.”

“Maybe” Liam agrees.

Niall catches my eye, from the bed.

I think the two of us are thinking the same thing.

If Louis had just wanted a snack, he would've told people.

He wouldn't have just vanished.



“N-nice to meet you” I manage to say to the closest girl. “But really, I have to leave. Now.” The girl looks like she's about to cry.

Normally, I would feel bad.

Sign autographs, be nice.

But for all I know, Harry's life depends on the next call.

And I'm not going to let him die if I can do something about it.



Paul comes back, then. “We're leaving” he tells us, as soon as he's in the door.

We all stare blankly at him.

“Now” he adds. “Preston's waiting outside with the rest of security, he'll take you back to the hotel.”

“Without Louis?” Zayn says softly, voicing what we were all thinking.

“He's not in the hospital” Paul says. “He left. We're going back to the hotel, it's safer.”

Liam stands up.

And then Zayn does, too.

And that's it.

We're just going to go back to the hotel, and hide.

I'm sick of hiding.

I'm tired of being in danger.

And I'm done with being scared.



Eventually, I manage to slip away from the crowd.

But I'm worried that the damage has been done.

I'm worried that those pictures are already up on the internet.

And if they are, security could find me.

But I won't give up now.

I have to save Harry.

I can't let anyone else die for me.



When we get back, Niall and I disappear into Louis' bedroom.

I know Zayn and Liam . . . they know, by now, that Louis left, but they don't want to believe it. They refuse to believe it.

They aren't gonna help Niall and I.

“How do you expect us to find him?” Niall asks softly.

“I need your mobile” I tell him. He frowns, but pulls it from his pocket and hands it to me.

I pull up Twitter.



I make it to the building, finally.

There's nobody around.

This street is far from anything safe.

Nobody would care if I screamed.

If they could even hear me.

I stand there, on the sidewalk, waiting for my mobile to ring.

And it doesn't.

And it doesn't.

And I wonder if maybe I'm too late.

What if they've given up on me?

I slide my hand down into my pocket, intending to check my mobile and see if I just missed the call.

But there's nothing there.

I've lost my mobile.



“Someone like Louis can't go anywhere without being recognised” Callin says. She hands me my mobile, logged into her Twitter. I didn't even know she had a Twitter.

Then I see the post on the top of her Twitter feed.

@1Derland101: just saw @Louis_Tomlinson omg

There's a picture attached.

I open it.

“Do you recognise it?” Callin asks. “Wherever he is.”

And I do.

I know exactly where Louis is.



I can't believe I lost my mobile.

I can't get the call if I don't have my mobile.

I can't rescue Harry if I don't have my mobile.

The crowd.

I bet it fell out of my pocket in that crowd.

But if it did, somebody probably picked it up.

I mean, it's Louis Tomlinson's mobile phone!

“Damn it!” I shout, my voice echoing in the empty street.

And then I fall to my knees and sob.


A/N: Hello

Aw. Poor Louis.

This sucks quite a bit, doesn't it?

Has anybody heard of Passenger?

(cleverly dodging the elephant in the room / internet)

Isn't he amazing?

I love his voice. And his lyrics make me smile c:

OOH. Okay, so on Tuesday, I've got an audition for another performance. I don't know how many of you have seen the video on my profile . . . but yeah. Just talling you c:


So if any of you uys have Twitters, follow these two:



You can also find them through my Twitter, as they follow me.


Thanks to the girl doing them c:

If that's your Twitter I used in the story and you dont like me using it, tell me and I'll change it c:


Unless you ask really nicely c:

Oh, and I made up the street names so those don't exist. So when you're wandering around London looking for a warehouse at Harrington and Woodsworth, don't be surprised when you can't find it.


OMG if it is, that would be cool.



Leave me a comment.


Life. The weather. *cough cough* THE STORY *cough cough*


VOTE if you love Passenger.

VOTE if you aren't actually human and therefore dislike Passenger.

VOTE if you've never heard of Passanger but now you're gonig to check them out because the coolest person on Wattpad told you to c:

Just kidding.

I think Autumn and Andie are cooler then me.

And probably various otehrs as well.

VOTE if you think I'm the coolest person on Wattpad.

VOTE if you don't think I'm the coolest person on Wattpad (but don't tell me!).



VOTE for an update.


Love you <3


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