The 5th Dimension |✔

By bibliophile_panda25

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W A R N I N G: Don't read this book. I wrote it when I was 13. Trust me you will die of regret if you choose... More

°-C H A R A C T E R S-°
"What lies behind those woods"
"Welcome to Moon Hills"
"Tiara Lavington"
"Are you alright?"
"The School Match"
"Out of the ordinary"
"You are not human"
"Tell me what you know."
"Careful, incase you hit a demon"
"The Super Ex."
"A Conversation With Ms.McCarthy "
"Who is it?"
"This Is The Hunt"
" Questions "
"Dream Or Nightmare"
"The Walk"
"The Unexpected Guest."
"The Argument"
"The Meeting"
"Be Careful Girl"
" Vicious Night "
"Save me!"
"Ready or Not"
"The End"
The End Is Just The Beginning.
Author Note


70 35 11
By bibliophile_panda25

°S E R E N A°

I changed my clothes as the previous dress was filled with blood, which made me look like a zombie.

As I went outside all of them were waiting for me. Ms.McCarthy unexpectedly put her hand on my shoulder. "Take your decision wisely. Serena!" She gave me a slight smile and disappeared into the air.

"Where did she go?" I asked.

"To help her people," Eric said in a rough voice.

"Where will we go now?"

"3rd dimension. " Zera answered

"But the 4th dimension."

"There is nothing left of the 4th dimension. Everything is crushed into pieces. The whole scenario of that beautiful dimension is changed, Serena. " Ronald said. His voice dripped with the sadness and misery.

"They are now in the 3rd dimension. All we can do now is protect the rest of the dimension from those bloody demons." Camilla announced to which Ronald gave an encouraging nod.

"What about Seb? Is he alright?" I asked.

"He is fine." Cami replied with a smile. I smiled back even though I was still worried about him.

We were going out of the house. I was nervous and a little scared as it's war and the definition of war was blood and suffering.

"You okay." Ronald said as he walked beside me.

I nodded, "You don't have to go if you don't want." He said with much concern.

"No, it's okay. I can help you, remember." I said trying to convince him. God knows why he is so concerned about me.

All of us went to the sunflower, the gateway to the 3rd dimension.

I looked towards everyone watching there reactions. Camilla, who was standing beside me was also in deep pain and sorrow like Ronald. Her eyes showed her feeling.

Eric was facing the same situation as I was. I know that deep within his heart, he still hopes that Alex is not a bad person.

Zera's eyes showed revenge and anger. Surprisingly Andy was emotionless. I couldn't understand his feelings.

"Let! Get those assholes back to their bloody realm" Ronald announced, which made a heroic atmosphere around us.

"Serena, So what's your mojo?" Zera asked all of a sudden and I was quite sure I was feeling embarrassed

"I didn't get you."

She shrugged, "Powers, You dumbass."

"I don't know ."

She raised her eyebrows, "After 18 years from their birth, You are gifted with powers."

"Mmm. Nope."

"Never mind."

"So How do we kill Alex?" Andy asked cutting off our conversation.

Camilla said only one word and it was enough to make my hair stand on the end, "Serena."

"I am not going near that bastard." I said. "He terrorized my childhood."

"Then walla you are selected to kill Alex." Zera said with a devilish smile.


After walking for some time. I felt like I just passed through water. That was the time when I realized that now I was in the 3rd dimension.

"Remember, we need to find Alex," Zera announced.

I saw fire around me. Everything was burning such a wild and vicious sight gave me chills.

We continued walking. I saw bodies of many people, suffering, drained with blood, daggered.

All of a sudden, I saw a little girl crying. She was bleeding and was hurt badly She was screaming. "Papa--Pa"

I felt pity for her. She is quite small for her age to face such a cruel faith. Her voice echoed in my mind. "Papa----Papa". I couldn't help myself from going towards her. I took some steps forward and placed my hand on her shoulder.

I didn't understand what just happened. She turned around and started screaming even louder.

When she opened her mouth. I saw something terrible. Blood was dripping from her teeth, her eyes started bulge out. A spiders began to come out from her mouth. I removed my hands from her shoulder and took a step back.

She was about to jump towards me but suddenly, Ronald ran towards me. I closed my eyes, I was terrified. I could feel that I rolled down on the ground and someone was holding me. When I opened my eyes I saw Ronald staring at me. I was lying down on the ground and he was over me

Both of us stood up. I glanced towards the girl. She was lying with a dagger in her chest, dead.

"Don't go anywhere just like this. This isn't your home. You get it. You could have died. " Zera scolded me. "Look! You could have hurt Mr.Marshall."

"I'm sorry " I apologized.

"It's okay. Serena!" Ronald glanced towards Zera. "She was just being kind towards that girl. She didn't know it was a demon."

"Zera don't be angry on her. She didn't face this kind of situation before." Camilla said in low voice.

Zera without saying anything continued walking. I could feel that She was quite angry with me.

I came to know about the whole incident from Andy once again. As Ronald pushed me towards the ground. Eric stabbed the little girl from behind and Camilla casted a spell on her.

After a long time, we found that the road was now divided into two parts.

"Right." Ronald suggested

"Left" Eric objected.

"Why don't we divide ourselves." I suggested. Zera glared at me as if I might have said something wrong.

"Fine, Camilla and Eric will go left and rest of us will go right."

"But it's not equal." Andy said with much concern.

"Okie dokie." I said supporting Andy's statement but nobody gave much of a attention to our words.

"Be careful and if anything happens use your gun as an indicator." Ronald said patting on Eric's shoulder.

"You do the same wolfie." Eric replied and patted back.

We all divided ourselves. Hours went by but we were still walking. The road was filled with dead bodies and blood. I felt like throwing up, when I saw a body divided into two parts.

"Ronald! Ronald! Help." Even if Ronald heard that voice he didn't respond to it he kept on walking. After some time that voice stopped. He is smart.

"No matter what happens. Don't respond to anyone calling you. Except of us." Ronald said looking forward.

Suddenly there was growl. We looked towards the way from where the sound was coming. It was creature that I have never seen in my life. It had a head of a boar but  could walk on its feet.

It's voice was so terrifying and dangerous that it made my hair stand on the end.

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