The Meet (✅ #2 EDITING) (6/12...

By ercawivi

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Description in Chap. 1 More

📜 Copyright & Introduction to The Meet🌷
1. The Meet
2. Secrets
3. Confession part 1
4. Confession part 2
5. Conversation
6. London
7. Dinner
8. explosion
9. Chaos
10. The explanation part 1
11. The explanation part 2
12. The past
13. Talking to Huma
(Author's note)
(Author's note part 2)
14. Author's note- New characters
15. Clarification
Author's note
16. (🙈Sneak Peek 🙈)
17. Memory
18. Author's note: more characters
19. Girls talk
20. News
Author's note
22. Gay or not gay?
23. I'm not gay!
24. (🙈Sneak Peek 🙈)
25. I won't give up
26. Surprise!
Author's note
27. "I'll make it up to you."
28. "Your going to be the death of me"
Author's note
author's note-2
29. "I can't do this anymore!"
30. The best is yet to come (The end)
One last❓to my readers (4/5/20)

21. Frustration

2.9K 232 76
By ercawivi


"Hello Doctor Is Hazal ok?" Can asked

"Oh, no I am not Hazal's doctor, I am Seren's doctor." Everyone looked at her surprised. "I was going to wait till next week, but I was told she was here. So I thought I could save her a trip." He smiled.

"Yes, thank you very much. Yes, you are saving me a trip. I hope I have nothing bad?"

"No, not at all. All you have to do is take care of yourself and the baby." Serene looked a Engin who was standing next to Can, Engin looked at her shocked, but Can was more than shock he was pissed.

"Well, congratulations. I will put in the referral with the OB's." The doctor shook everyone's hand and walked away.

Everyone wasn't able to move, no one said a word but Sanem was worried.

"Do I have to jump in and save her?" She thought, after seeing Can's face.

"Who is the father?" Can commanded and Emre was standing right next to him. Serene feeling frightened by her two brothers cornering her against the wall, lost consciousness and falling into Can's arms.


Aziz, Mihriban and Kenan, were walking back to the room when they see Engin come out of the private room calling for a nurse and running back inside the room.

running towards the private room and seeing Serene passed out in Can's arms, and everyone in shock. But Can's face wasn't shocked it was something else

"Can? What happened?" Mihriban asked.

The nurse walked in and sees Serene passed out. "I'll be back, I'm going to get some alcohol." The nurse leaves running to the nurse's station reaching a medical cart and taking out a few packages of alcohol pads, and running back to the room. "Put her on the couch." The nurse told Can. Can carries his sister to the couch and leaves her there, the nurse approaches to her opens the package and put it on Seren's nose, she did this various times till Seren cane back to her senses.

"I'll be back, I'm going to get my blood pressure cuff." The nurse said and left, and Mihriban sat next to Serene.

"Can, what happened?" Aziz asked "Sanem, Emre, Cansu, Engin. Somebody please tell me what happen!" Aziz demanded, but no one said a word.

"Stop looking at each other like that, and somebody speak up. We need to know WHAT HAPPENED!" Mihriban yelled.

"She's pregnant!" Can yelled "Who the hell got her pregnant! Who the hell is the FUCKING father, how the fuck did she let this happen to her." Serene was crying non-stop.

"Is this true?" Mihriban asked cupping her daughter's face. Serene cried and cried, she couldn't find her words, but she nods.

"Who's the father!" Can yelled again.

"CAN!" Aziz yelled, "I'M HER FATHER, NOT YOU!" Aziz yelled. "Plus she's old enough to know what are the consequences of having sex without protection.

Can came to the couch and squared next to her, cupping her hands in his he asked "Serene, please tell me who it is? He needs to be responsible for this, he needs to know, and I will make sure he takes responsibility for this. You don't have to marry him if you don't want to, but I swear to you, he will help you with the baby. Just tell me who he is."

Serene pulled out one of her hands and brought it to his face, tracing his beard, "Can, I love you. Your my big brother, you, Emre and Baba have always protected all of us. Have always taken care of us. But I can't tell you who he is."

Can looks at her, "Please don't tell me someone rape you?! I will kill that SON IF A BITCH!" Can yelled and stood up. Engin was trying to keep his posture.

"Serene, speak!" Emre yelled

"Serene it's that true!" Aziz asked

"NO! NO! that's not true!" She shouted, all three of you stop it! No one rape me, no one touch me without me says yes!"

"So, who... is... the ... FUCKING... FATHER!" CAN YELLED

"CAN!" Sanem yelled at him, "Come with me! Emre you too!" Both Emre and Can walked out with Sanem.

Meanwhile Kerem was in Hazal's room

"Hi." She said opening her eyes

"Hi, how do you feel?" He said grabbing his chair and getting it closer to the bed.

"I'm ok, my ribs hurt but besides that I'm ok."

"Did I slept for long?"

"I'm not sure when I walked about 20 minutes ago, you were already asleep." She smiled.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Can told me you rescue me."

"Don't mention it." He smirked and she smiled. Hazal went to move but the pain stopped her.

kerem stood up "Do you need anything?"

"Can you please fix this pillow?"

"Yeah sure." He helped her lift herself up a bit her screaming from the pain. He quickly pulled the pillow from her back and put it behind her head, and leaning her back softly. Their faces being too close, and breathing their breath go faster than normal.

"She's so beautiful!

"His so cute!

They both thought at the same time.

He smiled and sat back in his chair.

Back to Can, Sanem, and Emre

"Can calm down" Sanem asked softly

"Who's the father?" Can asked again looking at Emre.

Emre shoved his shoulder "I don't know, but I want to know, just as bad as you."

"Does it matter?" Sanem asked and both Emre and Can looked at her like she was crazy. "Look, I'm sure Serene is not sleeping with 50 guys at the same time" Can and Emre kept looking at her shocked. "I am sure she has a boyfriend, give her some space."

"Ok, I'm with you! She's not that type of woman. But, why would she not tell us? We are her family! Why does she have to go and hide. I'm I right or not Emre"

"No, Your right!"

"I don't know Can, look at the two of you right now? Specially you Can. Your out of control, plus its a baby." She said smiling.

"Yes Sanem it's a baby, and I'm happy for her. But what I'm pissed off and I'm sure Emre has the same issue; is who is the father? Why is she hiding him? Why Sanem? Why?" He said clenching his fingers.

"Can, she must have her reason, and it might be a good one."

"It better be." Emre spoke firmly and Can nodded.

"Look you two stay here, I'll go in and see how everything is. The only thing I can say is be happy for her. She needs her brothers, not her enemies." And with those words she walked away and walked into the private room. Sanem walked in the room seeing Aziz and Mevkibe crying and hugging her daughter. "Are you sure no one hurt you?" Aziz asked.

"No, baba. I promise no one hurt me."

"So, why don't you say who it is?"

"Because" she looked at Sanem, Engin noticed this, and decided he was going to talk to her later about it. "I just can't. But I promise I will say it and soon, but no one rape me, nor anything like that."

Sanem walked up to Serene "Are you ok?"

"Yes, thank you. How are they?"

"They'll survive" She smirked and waved her hand in the air making Serene smile. Sanem closed her eyes, letting her know everything was ok and Serene smiled. Aziz came out of the room and saw Can and Metin we're by the hallway window

"Who could it be?" Can asked

"I don't know, but I'll help you kill him." Can looked at Emre and nodes.

"I Know you will." Can smiled.

"No one is going to kill anyone. Either you two calm down or forget that you guys are my sons. We didn't raise you like that, we gave you guys morals, and now your talking about killing! Both you Anne and I are disappointed in the two of you, I understand the annoyance because she doesn't want to talk. But, at this moment that doesn't matter, what matters is her and the baby. If you want to understand it perfectly, if not is on you two. But enough with the killing, and talking nonsense, no need to kill anyone!" Aziz spoke firmly. "You two are grown ass men, than act like it!" And he walked into Hazal's room.

"Aziz Bey" Kerem stood up from his chair.

"Hi son, how are you?" Aziz shook Kerem's hand and patted his shoulder.

"I'm ok, thank you."

"And how are you feeling?" He walked up to Hazal and kissed her forehead.

"I'm ok Baba, with pain but ok. Baba Kerem and I were wondering if maybe he can stay with me for a while and help me out at the house."

"But, honey your Anne is there."

"Yeah Baba, but if we need to get something from the store. Anne is not going to leave me alone at home while she goes."

"You know you will not be alone, we have the cleaning ladys. But, I see your point, I don't mind as long as Engin doesn't need him, I'm sure Kerem can definitely help you. Especially now that you have to be in bed for almost 6 weeks."

"Yeah, I will need all the help I can get."

"If Baba is able to convince Engin, I'll be seeing you every day. I can't wait for that to happen."

If I can see you every day, I will be the happiest man in the world." He thought while looking at her

"Yes, you do. Ok. I will talk to him." He kissed her on the cheek and shook Kerem's hand and walked away. Walking across the hall and sees Sanem talking to Can, he keeps going to the private room.

"Can, I see your frustration. But, please be happy for her. She needs you." Sanem was talking while he was trying to trace her cheeks, and he smiles.

"What's so funny?"

He smirked "I never thought I was going to touch someone else's beard, other than mine."

"CANNN!" She tried to shoved him, but his big figure didn't even move.

"I love this because I get to see you in public, but I'm not to sure about it."

"Can, come one were talking about your sister, not my disguise." She smiled

"Ok, fine. Sanem she's my sister and I love her. I will always protect her and now I will protect the baby. I just don't understand why she's covering up the father's name." He let go of her face. "I need time to be able to process this, I need time to be able to get use to my baby sister to hide something from me. We have always been close and open with each other, and now she's doing this to me? To me? I just don't get it."

She cupped his face, making him look at her, and fever leaving his eyesight she said, "I know honey, I can see it in your face, I understand you, but all you can do right now is he with her. Like I said Prior she needs her brother not her enemy." He let out a tear and she wiped it with a kiss. "While you think, and breath and relax, and do whatever you need to do to get your frustration out, I have something to tell you."

"Right? You mentioned that earlier. I'm so sorry, I've..."

"Don't you dare! Your sister got in an accident. Come on Can." He cupped her face and kissed her.

"You know what?"

"What is honey?" She had her hands wrapped around his waist.

"I don't like this disguise."

"Why? You just said you did." She smiled

"I can't touch your face, not see your watery lips, and all because of the beard. I can't trace your hair because of the wig and hat. And worse of all, I can't see that beautiful face of yours. We need to come up with another disguise, but I really don't like it "

Sanem laughed "Ok, will figure that out later, right now we are going to talk about something I need to tell you."

"Fine, so tell me." He smiled

"Well, I spoke with my sisters and they like the idea."

"Really?" He cupped her face again.

"Yes!" She smiled, he picked her up and twirled her around "Can put me down! Some one can see us." He put her down and kissed her. "Are you sure you don't like this disguise?"

"Well, if I think about it, I do like it. I get to spend time with my girl."

"But, the rumors are going to go wild if everyone thinks your gay?"

"I don't care about that, all I care about is to spend time with you. But, I do think we need to change it because I can't appreciate that beautiful face of yours."

"Tamam. Will see what we can come up with." They both smiled at each other.

"So when are you guys moving out?"

"I don't know, maybe this weekend."

"Ok, let me know and I'll help."

"No, you can send someone to help, but that is it."

He smiled "Ok, yeah I guess you're right!"

Emre was in the bathroom, he finished washing his hands when he got a text.

<We're moving out, love you see you this weekend. I hope your sister is ok 😘>

He smiled and came out of the bathroom, bumping into a woman. "Ohhh I'm so sorry!" He said catching her so she wouldn't fall. The lady lift up her head "Polen? What are you doing here?"

Polen Looks at Emre "Hı, well you Anne and I came to you give guys support."

"Huma?" He sees his mom two steps behind Polen.

"Hi son. How are you? Where's Can?" "His not hear." He said as Can was coming around the corner hugging Sanem and both coming to a hult.

"Huma? Polen? What are you guys doing here." Can asked surprised.

"Son! What are you doing hugging a man?" Both Huma and Polen were shocked.

"Are you gay?" Polen asked

To be continued ...... 😊😬🙈😊

🥰Thank you for reading. I hope you guys like the chapter! 🥰

🥰😊Let me know what you guys think! 🙄🥰😊

🥰😊 I appreciate all comments😊🥰 and all stars ⭐✨🌟

🥰😊Have a wonderful day 🌄 or night 🌃 Everyone 😊🥰

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