Colossal Love - Female Humano...

By TyrantYokai123

400K 7.4K 1.9K

What if instead of being normal giant monsters what if the mighty monsters in the godzilla world were instead... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Potentially Upcoming Arcs
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 6

13.8K 256 28
By TyrantYokai123

The two massive titans charge at each other and as they get close enough gojira uses her shear body mass and muscle to shoulder bash into the gojira-like titan with a loud thud which knocks it on it's side and destroys a few small buildings.

(Rick): Is it me or is gojira a bit bigger than before?

(Vivienne): No it would seem that gojira has grown since we last saw her.

Gojira lifts up her left foot and goes to stomp on the new titan's head however it quickly counters by firing it's purple beam right at the bottom of gojira's foot which makes her scream in pain and fall back a bit which gives the new titan enough time to get up and leap at gojira and bite down on her left shoulder but while gojira does feel it she endures it, charges up her atomic breath and fires it point-blank into the new titan's face which makes her let go of gojira's shoulder and makes her slowly back away as gojira continues her attack until the gojira-like titan is a good enough distance away from gojira which allows her to quickly stop her attack, spin around and hit the new titan with her large tail which causes the titan go fall over to the side hard.

(Rick): Oh that is going to hurt!


Gojira walks over to the new titan and glares at her for a couple of seconds until her dorsal fins start to glow blue again and she starts to rear herself up.

(Vivienne): Is gojira going to kill her?

(Rick): Wait look!

Rick points at something which makes vivienne's eyes widen as the gojira-like titan's massive tail starts to lift up from behind gojira and starts to aim and glow purple.

(Vivienne): Don't tell me it can.....

Just before gojira could fry the new titan to a crisp a small beam looks out from the new titan's tail and hits gojira right in the back which not only makes her stop her attack but also knocks her forward and is about to fall onto the new titan but she was quickly stopped as the new titan quickly turns her head up at gojira and fires the same purple beam from her mouth and hits gojira in the stomach which makes gojira get caught between two beams.

(Rick): She has gojira in a beam sandwich!

Gojira screams as the two beams start to leave nasty marks on her body but before they could do anymore damage gojira looks at the new titan and with a large amount of force punches the titan right across the face which shockingly makes the head of the new titan completely twist around.

(Soldier): Holy shit!

The titan stops beaming gojira as her eyes are widened with shock and soon enough she slowly falls backwards and lands hard on a few small buildings.

(Soldier): S-She got her!

(Rick): Hell yeah!

Gojira looks down at the titan and snorts a bit and slowly turns around and starts to walk away.

(Rick): Well that was not so bad now was it?

(Ishiro): (sigh) I'm just happy tokyo did not get destroyed.

While the crew of the argo take a breather gojira is about to enter the ocean again to recover until a very loud crack is heard which makes her stop in her tracks and slowly turn around to the downed titan as it suddenly starts to move with the new titan slamming both it's hands into the ground to allow it to launch herself onto her feet which makes gojira look on in shock.

(Vivienne): Wait look!

(Rick): Huh? (looks out the window to see the titan up) what the flying fuck!

(Ishiro): What kind of titan is that!?

The new titan grabs her head and slowly starts to turn it back around as the loud sounds of breaking bones are heard from her until her head right back around where it should be.

(Soldier): How the hell is that thing still alive after that!

The new titan starts to med itself by snapping her head back into place and simply stares back at gojira with a smug look on her face while gojira growls at her.

(Ishiro): This is not good she has recover her wounds!

The two titans roar at each other once again but this time they quickly charge up their breath attacks and fires at each other with the two of them connecting and a second later cause a big explosion of nuclear energy which sends out a strong shockwave and hits the argo and the two remaining helicopters and sends them flying back.

(Rick): HANG ON!

(Vivienne): AAAHHH!!

(Ishiro): AGH!

The two helicopters were sent into a spinning frenzy as they both crashed into the ocean while the argo was tip over to it's side while the crew hang on for their dear lives until the argo comes a slow stop.

(Soldier): Pilots 1 and 3 do you copy?

(Ishiro): Are they alright?

Rick runs over to the window and he sees not only the large smoke cloud but also where the two helicopters crashed.

(Rick): Looks like they crashed into the ocean thanks to the shockwave.

(Ishiro): Anyone on the surface?


(Soldier): Dammit! (slaps fist onto desk)

The crew are silent as rick looks towards the smoke cloud to see the two large titans fighting inside the smoke cloud with gojira flying out from it and crashing into a large building with the new titan rushing out from the smoke cloud and spears into gojira which makes her crash right through the large building and the two of them slam into city streets but just as gojira hits the ground the new titan grabs gojira's face and starts to drag her along the ground for a bit until gojira fires a atomic blast right in the new titan's face which makes her let go of gojira however just as gojira gets herself up and continues her attack the new titan moves herself out of the way of gojira's attack and fires her own beam however gojira quickly ducks which makes the new titan's beam shoot over to a couple of large buildings behind gojira and completely cuts through them.

(Rick): Come on gojira take her out!

Gojira charges into the new titan and bites down on her neck which makes the new titan scream in agony and stop her beam attack. Gojira slams her into a nearby tall building and then throws the new titan across the city.

(Vivivenne): If this keeps up.....

The new titan gets herself up and looks at gojira with rage in her eyes while gojira starts to runs towards her but suddenly the new titan opens her mouth wide but instead of aiming at gojira she aims downward and suddenly starts to shoot out black smoke from her mouth which makes gojira stop in her tracks.

(Rick): What the hell!?

Gojira and the crew of the argo look on as the new titan seems to vomit out a massive amount of black smoke which starts to swarm around the city and around gojira's legs.

(Soldier): Anyone want to take a guess what she is doing?

(Vivienne): I'm not sure maybe it could be some type of poison gas?

(Rick): Could be or something worse....

The black smoke pours through most of tokyo as gojira looks at where the smoke is going and then returns her gaze to the new titan as it smiles back at it her with it's mouth still open and suddenly it's eyes get covered up and without any warning the new titan shoots fire from her mouth which ignites the black smoke she fired out earlier and within seconds a massive wave of fire comes flying towards gojira and engulfs her in it.

(Ishiro): NO!

The fire rips through building after building, destroys the city streets and it turns it into a fire pit as all the crew in the argo can see is tokyo being lit a blaze with the loud screams of gojira being heard from the middle of it all.



The argo turns and faces the new titan and fires 3 large missiles which speed towards the titan and hit her right along the left side of her face, neck and left shoulder which makes her stop her attack.

(Ishiro): Continue the attack we have to stop her from doing anymore damage to tokyo!

The new titan slowly glares at the argo and growls in a very aggressive tone.

(????'s mind): Annoying humans......I will kill you this time.

(A/n): Done and done I loved doing this chapter since and I was thinking if I should have the titans talk but I decided for now you can just understand what they are thinking. I will be next working on 2 chapters on the crimson pearl story tomorrow so see ya there.

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