Found Someone (Spinel X Reade...

Oleh __lavenderskies__

86K 1.7K 1.2K

original description: "Today, right here, right now... I'll love again..." I, like many people, am gay AF for... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1 - Happily Ever After
Chapter 2 - The Arrival
Chapter 3 - My New Best Friend
Chapter 4 - Get To Know Me
Chapter 5 - No Matter What
Chapter 6 - Disobedient
Chapter 7 - Independent Together + A/N
Chapter 8 - Running Out Of Time
Chapter 9- Drift Away
Chapter 10 - Found
Chapter 11 - Downwards Spiral
Chapter 12- The Missing Piece
Chapter 13 - Not Good At All
Chapter 14 - Aftermath
Chapter 15 - A Fresh Start
Chapter 16 - With You
Chapter 17 - Not Enough
Chapter 18 - Am I Inturruping Something?
Chapter 19 - We Need To Talk
Chapter 20 - You're Mine
Chapter 21 - Everything Stays
Chapter 22 - Just A Dream
Chapter 23 - Call You Mine
Chapter 24 - Taken
Chapter 25 - Change
Chapter 27- Complete Me
Chapter 28- End Of An Era
Reconciliation (Epilogue)

Chapter 26- Do It For Her

1.6K 44 27
Oleh __lavenderskies__

You stumble back, startled by the tall, slender, off-white toned gem standing before you, an eye covered with a bandage. She kneels, meeting your gaze with a gentle look of contemplation.

"You must be Y/N." She lifts a hand to her chin, eyes scanning you.

"I- I am." You struggle to get comprehensive words out, still taken aback from her sudden appearance.

"I see. She's told me a lot about you."


"Spinel, of course."

"...You're lying. She's-"

"Shattered? She isn't... yet. I'll explain everything on the way." She takes your hands, leading you across the boardwalk to a distant, magenta ship. "I haven't even introduced myself. How rude of me. I'm Pink Pearl," She mentions, the ship coming closer into view as she runs across the shore, your hands in hers. 

She climbs into the small seat, situating and setting the course for Homeworld. "I've set the coordinates for Homeworld. We'll be there soon."

"You, um, said that you were going to explain?" You mutter, aimlessly staring out of the window.

"Right. The Diamonds were going to shatter her, but Blue found out about Spinel's connection with Pink. They decided to put the shattering on hold. She'll be shattered in 5 hours unless we break her out."

"What's in it for you?"

"Spinel had a lot to discuss. She's done nothing wrong, and after hearing everything she said about you, I had no choice but to take matters into my own hands."

"What did she say?"

"About you? Where do I begin?" She chuckles, resting her elbows on her knees. "She misses you. She wouldn't stop talking about how amazing her doll is. She loves you, Y/N. You mean a lot to her."

"I know." A smile tugs at the sides of your lips, flushing a bright red. "What's the plan?"

"I predict since you're human, you'll be able to slip past the detectors. I'm a Pearl, so I'll be authorized to enter any facility. With my authority and your humanity, we just might be able to pull this off."

"And if we don't...?" 

She goes silent for a moment, then speaks.

"Let's not think about that right now. We can do this. You and me, Y/N." She flashes you a reassuring smile. You return it, eyes drifting to the bandaged side of her face.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your eye?"

She flinches, pressing her fingertips to her bandage, flustered. She carefully removes them to reveal an entire half of her face to be covered in fractures, leading to the center of her eye. After a split second, she wraps them around her face again.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry."

She shakes her head. "Don't worry about it. We're here. Let's get her back."

The two of you take careful, slow steps as you make your way to the door. Pink Pearls holds it open for you and shuts it behind her, pressing her back against the door in relief.

"We've made it. Spinel is at the end of this hall. You two can talk, but you'll have to be qui-" You don't let her finish as you sprint towards the end of the corridor, her figure appearing in your vision. She sits with her knees tucked up to her chest, arms wrapped around them several times.

"...Spinel?" She snaps her head towards you, your eyes meeting for a split second before they light up with recognition.

"Y/N! You're here!" She exclaims with a wide smile, practically in tears. "How did you-"

"I had some help." You nod towards Pink Pearl.

She laughs, wiping away tears. "I'd kiss you, but I can't exactly go through this destabilizing barrier." You notice the yellow aura separating you two as you effortlessly step through it without a single scratch. You provide a passage you her to leave the cell. She immediately pulls you into a tight embrace, spinning you around. She wraps her arms around you and kisses away your tears. 

"You're really here," You sob, rambling. "I thought- Steven said that you were-  I thought I'd never see you again, I-I'm so happy you're okay."

"Of course I'm okay. I'm here, doll." 

"You guys, I hate to interrupt the moment but we have to get going. They're going to find us." Pink Pearl suggests, wringing her hands.

"Right. Yeah." You take her hand in yours. "We're getting you out of here, Spins."

She squeezes your hand, meeting your gaze and placing a soft kiss on the side of your cheek.

"I love you."

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