Dating The Fame

נכתב על ידי _Leahh

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Can Genesis deal with the slander from the media, obsessive stalkers, betrayal and the trust issues? All of t... עוד

Chapter 1: G Shit
Chapter 2: Drunken
Chapter 3: Making A Move
Chapter 4: Don't Mind
Chapter 5: All The Stars
Chapter 6: Cravings
Chapter 7: I Am Not
Chapter 8: The Kiss
Chapter 9: Gardening Tool
Chapter 10: Brother
Chapter 11: Mine
Chapter 12: Meeting the Fam
Chapter 13: Twitter Fingers
Chapter 14: NYC
Chapter 15: Intimacy
Chapter 16: Should've Told You
Chapter 17: Body II Body
Chapter 18: Blondie
My Heart
Chapter 19: Past
Chapter 20: Leaked
Chapter 21: Don't Look Back
Chapter 22: You Should Stay
Chapter 23: Different Now
Chapter 24: Serenity
Chapter 25: The Weekend
Chapter 26: The Awards
Chapter 27: Opportunites
Chapter 28: Controlling
Chapter 29: Desperado
Chapter 30: Tore Up
Chapter 31: Moving On
Chapter 32: Kick off
Chapter 33: Pride
Chapter 34: Monica
Chapter 36: Twenty Three pt. 2
Chapter 37: Timing is Everything
Chapter 38: Mistake
Chapter 39: Chill Bill
Chapter 40: Substance
Chapter 41: Circle of Life
Chapter 42: Holiday
Chapter 43: VA

Chapter 35: Twenty-Three

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נכתב על ידי _Leahh


"Ohmigawd, mmph!" I belted out as Chris held my left leg over his shoulder while ramming hisself into me.

In attempt to silence my fits he took advantage of my mouth being held ajar as he crashes his lips onto mine, sucking down on my tongue. I felt my body start to tremble as the tense in my lower abdomen formed for the thirteenth time tonight. Sweat was now dripping off from Chris body as he used the palm of his other hand to press down on my thigh, keeping me steady.

Just as I was reaching my peak I caught a glimpse of Chris muscles flexing, a sign I learned indicating he's close. Taking that window I quickly flipped us over and rode out my orgasm as my hands went flying up to my hair that clung to my sweaty skin. Chris nails practically dug into my hips as he guided my circular motions while biting his bottom lip hard enough the skin turned white.

While grunting out profanities, Chris hips buck up into mine causing me to lift up letting his load shoot on my torso while some on my thigh. We gave up on the amount of condom usage around the third or fourth time, since Chris complained mostly.

I collapsed down onto his bare sweaty chest as he wrapped both arms around me. We laid in a comfortable silence trying to catch our breath for the most part. Suddenly Chris chuckled causing the vibrations to tickle my skin.

"What's funny?" I narrowed my eyes up at him.

"Damn Breezy." He mocked me from earlier, I kisses my teeth as he laughs.

"Okay don't start smelling yourself. You know sometimes I just say things." I defended since it's true. I have the tendency to blurt random shit during sex in the heat of the moment.

"Shit was funny as hell." He chuckles as I playfully rolled my eyes and laid my cheek back against his chest. "But I do wanna talk about that ice trick..."

I blush and sat completely up. "Did you like it?"

"Hell yeah. What made you come up with that?"

I shrugged since I literally looked up oral sex tricks and ice cubes was highly suggested. I didn't expect Chris to react the way he did but I should've known he enjoyed it. This nigga bust on my lashes without a warning, almost killed the whole mood.

"Something I researched. I definitely have more up my sleeve though." I grin as I pecked his lips a few times.

Chris smirked before glancing up at the clock that sat on the night stand. The time reading a little past two in the morning. He tapped my thigh and sat up as I slid from on top of him. I raised my eyebrow as I watched him slide on his boxers before making his way over to the suite's closet. He stretched his arm out reaching up on the top rack before he spun around with a black box and a smirk on his lips.

"Happy Birthday."

I smile and accept the box from his hands as he watches me intently. The second I popped the box open, my jaw dropped. I have never seen something so clean.

"His and hers." Chris clarifies pointing at the two watches.

"Baby," I gasps still at lost for words.

"Do you like it?"

I scoff. "Like it? Christopher I love. Like I love it too much I almost don't wanna wear it out!" I tease as he laughs. "This is so dope, baby thank you."

Chris smiles as I press my lips against his. I pecked his lips a few times before deepening the kiss as Chris chuckles and pull away.

"You need to get some sleep. We got a-lot planned for the day. Specifically breakfast in the morning with the crew." He mentions as he takes the watch box and place it on the night stand while flattening out the sheets.

"I'm excited." I blurted as Chris began cutting lights off while laughing at my small remark. Once he slid into the bed next to me, I wrapped one leg around him as he snakes his arms around my waist. "I love you."

"I love you too," He kissed the crook of my neck before his soft snores played in my ear.

The next morning I woke up a little past ten and the bed was empty but I could hear the shower running. I blinked a few times trying to clear my blurry vision as a annoying buzz kept going off. I furrowed my eyebrows and checked the night stand to see it's my phone with hundreds of notifications.

A few of them where messages from my family members wishing me a happy birthday. But alot came from Instagram in a mention on Chris' post. Curiously, I opened the app to see what all the conversation is about.

Liked by Logan.Sams, and 656,879 others
Chrisbrownofficial    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my baby @ oprettygenesis I'm tryna turn this ONE into TWO tonight 😈👅

I laugh at the caption and instantly went to the comments were everyone either insinuated that I'm already pregnant or sending me birthday wishes. Playfully rolling my eyes I threw the sheets back and made my way into the bathroom. Chris stood in the center of the shower washing his hair while singing his own melody.

"Really?" I held my phone up to the shower glass. Chris peaked on eye open as the water ran down his face and grins.

"Like I am every night." He wiggle his eyebrows, chuckling I toss my phone on the bathroom counter to brush my teeth as he cut the shower off. "Girl you make me wanna get you pregnant." He sang teasingly.

"Shut up, Christopher."

We spent about twenty minutes on our morning routine and getting ready for the breakfast Chris had catered downstairs. He was able to claim one of the hotels conference rooms that'll be big enough to sit everyone.

"I miss you guys so much!"

On the elevator ride down to the lobby, Giana FaceTime me as our parents sung the traditional birthday song to me. It's something my dad have always done and I honestly appreciate the consistency, every year especially when I was off at college.

"We miss you both! Chris we can't wait to come see a show, Giana won't stop talking about it." My mom mentions to Chris who stood behind me to be in the camera frame.

"I got y'all. Y'all gotta come to the last show in LA." Chris responds.

My dad pursed his lips. "You outta bring me out on stage so they can see what a real sexy man looks like."

My eyes widen as Chris laughs hysterically, bending over clenching his stomach and all. My mom and Giana both frowned up as my Dad stood up in camera doing the old two step I've seen him do all my life.

"Enough of all that." I frown in disgust making them laugh.

"We'll let you go–wait what's that on your wrist Genesis?" My mom squinted her eyes. I grin putting my watch into view.

"My gift from Chris."

"My college tuition." Giana exclaimed.

"Oh wow, Gene, that's really nice. All facts no cap." My mom agreed causing Chris and I to furrow our eyebrows.

"As you can see, your mother is still going through this mid life crisis."

She scoffs, "It is not a crisis. I'm just cooler than him."

I laugh as my parents bicker back and forth while Giana sat beside them shaking her head. Although I was laughing, a lumped formed in my throat as I suddenly felt home sick. It never dawned on me how much I miss my family, Logan and Wyatt included. I used to get home sick alot in college too. Being as I just up and moved out of my parent's home and with Chris I shouldn't even be surprised.

"Alright, Genesis we won't hold you anything long. Happy 23rd birthday, honey. We love you."

"Love you too."

My voice cracked as my eyes began to water. By now Chris frowned as he looked down at me. We shared our goodbyes one last time before ending the call, just as the elevator doors open up.

"Are you okay?" Chris asks once he stepped off, I nod swallowing the thick lump that formed. I'm assuming that response wasn't good enough for Chris as he grabbed my forearm and spun me around, his concern eyes searching mine. "You can tell me."

I smile. "I'm fine, Chris. I just miss them that's all." I nod assuringly. Chris raised his eyebrow as I snicker. "But I won't be fine if you keep holding me back from eating, let's go."

Chuckling Chris licked his lips and wrapped his arm around my shoulders before placing a small kiss on my temple. I may feel a little home sick, but it doesn't mean I regret being here or even leaving. It'll eventually pass like it always does.


I coo'd as we walked into the conference room to see everyone waiting with gold balloons spelling my name out. I turn to look at Chris as he grinned cheekily while dancing with his shoulders.

I thanked everyone and even shared a few hugs with others before we all started fixing our plates at the breakfast buffet.

"So I see Chris gave you his gift." Sevyn grins as we placed fruit on our plates.

I smile looking down at the watch on my wrist. I never had anything as expensive and flashy like this before. Well of course not, it'll take me years to afford it.

"You also got that glow and walk, I see somebody was up late." EJ smirks as I blush.

"Can y'all stop?" I snicker as they laugh.

"Just sayin'."

I shook my head grabbing both my plates containing fruit on one, then chicken and waffles on the other. Just before making my way back to a table, I was met with a chest.

"Happy birthday." TJ stood in front of me with a genuine smile.

"Thanks, uh you're coming out with us tonight?" I asks.

He nods. "I'll be there. Do you remember your birthday last year?" He chuckled as I playfully rolled my eyes. "Your tolerance was so trash."

TJ and I were fresh friends when my birthday approached last year. We were messaging for a while until my birthday weekend was the first time we met in person. Every year I tend to have a casual birthday dinner then Logan and Serenity would take me out afterwards. TJ ended up surprising me and coming in town.

However, that was the night we slept together.

"Haha, so funny. I thought we agreed not to discuss it." I laugh sarcastically as he laughs.

"You were a wild woman back then, shorty. We used to have so much fun."

I nod. "You were my best friend." I mumbled as he frown slightly before his face straighten up.

"Yeah, people change."

"People move on." I pursed my lips as he knitted his eyebrows together.

"How do we get back to that?"

I shook my head. "We can start over, but I don't think we'll ever get back to how we used to be."

Brushing past him I made my way over to where Chris and I was sitting. Except Chris wasn't there anymore.


"Can you just chill the hell out?" Chris huffed as Monica turned bright red. He was minding his business with Genesis and eating good when Monica pulled him to the side angry.

"No, fuck this– I'm done. I'm tired of being on the sideline and biting my tongue for you!"

Monica felt as if she was being played for a fool. Despite finding out about her and Chris past, Genesis still clings to Chris arm and that made her furious. She at least expected them to break up for a while; two weeks not being long enough. She thought an opportunity would open up for her. Instead she's always the last choice.

"So what are you saying?"

Chris honestly didn't understand what Monica was so upset about. They were old news and only had fun together but times have changed. He never really had any feelings for Monica so he didn't understand where she was coming from.

"I quit! I'm packing my bags and going home." Monica threatened.

She wanted to test the waters. See if Chris was going to beg her to stay. She knew that if he did he obviously felt something for her and was just trying to hide it. She had hope. She didn't wait by his side during these two years for nothing. He could possibly still want her.

Chris tried his hardest to show no emotion. As much as he wanted to say "deuces" and walk away, he knew that he couldn't. She had something on him and his loved ones and he didn't want to rub her the wrong way. However, he did not care to ask her to stay. He was perfectly fine with her quitting. He really didn't need her anymore anyway.

"Okay." He sighs. Chris knew he had to lay in the bed he was in and figure out a way to get around Monica going to the press afterwards. It was the only resort. He definitely wasn't gonna ask Monica to stay.

"Okay?" Monica squinted her eyes before she growls and shoves Chris, causing him to stumble back a little. Only a little. "I can't believe you! Fuck it, and don't think I'm being quiet for you any longer!"

Pursing his lips Chris watched as Monica stormed back to her room. Once she was completely out of his view, he was forced to think back to that summer. One of the worst days of his life.


Grinning at the softness of Monica's lips on his neck, Chris took several more gulps of his Hennessy. They were having a small little house party at Chris' gated mansion in Virginia. Everyone there were either drunk, high or possibly both.

Chris never really left his house anymore since the incident was still pretty fresh. He knew his PO would be over in the morning pissed at the night he had before hand, but he didn't care. Today was one of those days where he was drowning in his deadly thoughts and needed a release. He called his boys up and a few girls he knew for the company, to help fill the void.

Two hours later here he is drunk and ready to have sex with the girl who basically ruined his relationship. Chris just didn't have it in him to hate her. He placed his hands on Robyn and he broke her trust, nobody is to blame but hisself.

"Which room baby?" Monica giggled as she had to help Chris up since he could barely walk straight.

"Uhh, t-this one." Chris stammers as he approached a random door he knew a bedroom was in.

They kicked the door open expecting it to be empty only it wasn't. Hoody occupied the room with one of the many blondes he brought over with him. Hoody had his pants down to his ankles while the blonde was laid out on her back. Chris cursed as Monica and him chuckles seeing as they walked in on something private.

Except, it wasn't consensual.

The blonde cried and squirmed from under Hoody, pleading for him to stop. Hoody saw it as a game and played along as he took his large hands and wrapped them around her neck, holding her down. The blonde then began scratching and kicking as her face began to turn a shade of purple. Hoody, oblivious to the fact that Monica and Chris stood at the doorway watching, smirks down at the blonde while still thrusting in her.

He likes a little role playing and she told him she likes it rough.

"I don't think–" Monica started but was shushed by Chris who completely sobered up due to the sight in front of him.

"We should go." He mumbled ready to leave out.

He took Monica's hand into his preparing to walk out the room. He was going to erase what he just witness from his mind and pretend nothing ever happened. It wasn't until Hoody cursed loudly that stopped the two from leaving.

"Ashley? Fuck–Ashley!"

Chris raised his eyebrow and turned around to see Hoody now towering over the blonde. He shook and nudge her while calling her name. The hairs on the back of Chris neck stood up as the blonde eyes fell on them yet she wasn't exactly looking.

Monica and Chris then watched in horror as Hoody attempted to move the blonde, yet she remained unresponsive.

I wasn't gonna have multiple chapters of suspicion about what Monica had on Chris. Now y'all know, what did y'all expect? 👀

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