The Walking Dead - Clementine...


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You are a boy whose father deserted you and your mother when you were only 5 years old. Your mother had to wo... More

Chapter 1 - New Beginnings
Chapter 2 - Rewind
Chapter 3 - Bonds
Chapter 4 - Life only gets harder
Chapter 5 - New Hope
Chapter 6 - The Cruelty of Humans
Chapter 7 - Silver Lining
Chapter 8 - Ambush
Chapter 9 - Same old story
Chapter 10 - The ever-growing death count
Chapter 11 - Confusion
Chapter 12 - Long Road Ahead
Chapter 13 - Noble deeds and bitter glory
Chapter 14 - Secret Revealed
Chapter 15 - Missing link
Chapter 16 - New found hope
Chapter 17 - All the pieces come together
Chapter 18 - Nearing the boiling point
Chapter 19 - Crawford
Chapter 20 - Destined to fall
Chapter 21 - Life or Death
Chapter 22 - Back Home
Chapter 23 - Speechless
Chapter 24 - No time to lose
Chapter 25 - Lee's Ultimatum
Chapter 26 - Savannah the land of the dead
Chapter 27 - Y/N's on point
Chapter 28 - Calm before the storm
Chapter 29 - "Happy reunion"
Chapter 30 - Heroes come and go, but legends are forever
Chapter 31 - Close Call
Chapter 32 - Torn apart
Chapter 33 - The two of us
Chapter 34 - Feeling Helpless
Chapter 35 - "Warm" welcome
Chapter 36 - Back to the norm
Chapter 37 - Boxed in
Chapter 38 - Alone for the fight
Chapter 39 - Where are you
Chapter 40 - Wounded Saviour
Chapter 41 - Rematch
Chapter 42 - Eye of the storm
Chapter 43 - The end of Y/N?
Chapter 44 - Welcome to the new world
Chapter 45 - Dangerous Confrontation
Chapter 46 - Goodbye my friends
Chapter 47 - A Warrior's Struggle is Rewarded
Chapter 48 - Long time waiting
Chapter 49 - A new member
Chapter 50 - Tension in the group
Chapter 51 - History lesson
Chapter 52 - Truce
Chapter 53 - Rivals or Partners
Chapter 54 - True nature revealed
Chapter 55 - Enter Hunter
Chapter 56 - Unfortunate Teamup
Chapter 57 - Painful experiences
Chapter 58 - No more
Chapter 59 - A Bastards End
Chapter 60 - We made it
Chapter 61 - Preparing for the end
Chapter 62 - Countdown to Armageddon
Chapter 63 - The nightmare ends?
Chapter 65 - Finally arrived
Chapter 66 - Amazing awakening
Chapter 67 - Back to reality
Chapter 68 - Family advice
Chapter 69 - Official
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
New Story

Chapter 64 - Get out

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Clem's Pov
The ground is littered with bodies, walkers and normal people. Bullets are flying everywhere and blood has painted the white snow red. You do your best to move through the base with no one noticing you so the boys don't have to be put in danger but anyone that comes near you is shot down without a second thought. The strategy seemed to work for sometime but after being trapped by multiple gun men and losing some hope, it was rekindled when the men dropped to the floor by the hands of a person you thought was gone forever, Kenny. The two of you stared at each other in disbelief for a few seconds before a word could be said.

Kenny: Clementine?

Karen: You know him Clem?

He walks over to you and the two of you share a warm embrace.

You: I've missed you so much.

Kenny: Me too Clem, me too.

He let go of each other.

You: I guess it's been a long time since you've seen them.

You tell him as you gesture at the kids. He walks over to them and goes down on one knee.

Kenny: It must've been hard for you, all of you. But don't worry we'll get through this.

He gets to his feet.

Kenny: The're two more people we have to meet up with but they might not have much time.

Clem: Who?

Kenny: Y/N and Derick.

Ashley: They must've went after Hunter.

Karen: Wanting revenge.

Kenny: After what he did to them, I would want payback too.

Ashley: We have to get out of here.

You wrap up the small reunion and make your way through the walkers, raiders and many other challenges. It wasn't easy but after a long hard struggle the gates were finally in sight along.

Sam: Guys there are bodies on the outside.

Karen: What's new?

Kenny: Three people, only one standing.

You take a closer look and realize that Derick is the one on his feet.

You: Derick's up, the other 2 must be Hunter and...

You're afraid to finish the sentence as fear creeps into your heart but you try to convince yourself that Y/N must've just walked off cause he couldn't stand being next to Derick. After seeing Derick walk over to one of the bodies, look over to you and begin to talk to the person on the ground, that dumb idea you had faded away. You continue running with tears streaming down your face and as you get closer it becomes for apparent that Y/N is one of the people laying on the ground. After what feels like an eternity passes you finally make it to them. Your fear of the worst keeps you silent and the most you can do is hold back tears and watch with your heart tearing to shreds as Karen hugs a hopefully unconscious Y/N tightly.

Karen: We have to get him someplace safe!

Kenny: The trucks...they're totalled.

You feel someone tug on your leg and look down to see an upset Liam.

Liam: Y/N...

He says in a sad little voice which breaks your heart even more. You pick him up and hug him tightly. He cries onto your shoulder and you do your best not to cry. After a few moments you place him back down.

Karen: We can't just stand here and watch him die!

Everyone goes silent and the only sound you can here is the groans of a large herd of walkers approaching.

You: There's no way we're letting that happen.

Karen: Clem?

Kenny: She's right, Y/N's had a huge impact in our lives. We owe it too him.

Sam: He has...but how are we...?

You: I'll find a way, just hold off any walkers that come near him!

Derick: A car.

Ashley: What?

Derick: Think about it, in this cold ass snow Hunter probably had some form of transport to get to places quickly or have people be captured and brought here.

Kenny: Then it's settled, I'll go get the car while you hold off the walkers.

You: I'm coming with.

Kenny: No.

You: I have to go!

Kenny: Just stay here with Y/N and the kids, I'll be back.

Before you can respond he goes off running.

Sam: I better go too.

You: What?

Sam: I can't let you guys do everything can I.

She begins to walk away but you hold her arm, stopping her from going any further.

Sam: Clem...

You: Stay here, I have to do this.

Sam: What?

You: Please, just stay here and help Ashley protect Karen and Y/N.

Walkers drop dead as Derick shoots them down.

Derick: It's better that way.

You both turn to him in shock as he walks towards you.

Derick: Look there isn't time to argue over this, stay here and kill the walkers that are approaching the idiot on the ground.

He shoots more of them with Ashley helping out.

Ashley: We can't let Clem go on her own.

Derick: That's why I'm going with her.

Ashley: No! You've done enough, come on Clem let's go!

The two of you shoot your way through the herd after Kenny, with walkers trying to grab you, bite your necks and faces off was a struggle but the multiple gunshots allowed you to find your way to a large shack with loads of walkers banging on the door.

Ashley: Shooting them all will only waste ammo, find another way in while I cover you.

You stab a walker in the face and make your way around the side of the shack, window is the only way in but only way to get in is to shatter the glass.

No choice.

A walkergrabs you by the arm and tries to bite you but you grab it by the neck and use all your strength to throw it head first through the window, the shattering of the glass drew Ashley towards you along with many walkers.

Ashley: Get in!

You climb through the window and Ashley follows suit, before making it through her leg is grabbed by a walker. You shoot it in the head before it can take a bite and pull her in.

Ashley: Thanks.

You: Don't mention it.

You see a pickup truck, its old but could still be useful. Behind you stands Kenny who is trying to keep the doors shut.

Kenny: Damn these things.

You make your way over to him.

Kenny: Clem!?

You: We'll hold off the walkers while you try to get the pickup started.

He nods and makes his way to the pickup while you hold the door and Ashley shoots all walkers on the window. With the banging increasing it's getting harder and harder to keep the doors shut but you hold on for as long as you can.

You(thoughts): Not again, I won't lose you again.

You tell yourself trying to keep the doors shut for as long as possible, just when your arms weaken the sound of a car starting rekindled the fire in you, there's still hope for us.

Kenny: Alright you two get in.

You: Ashley first!

She runs to the pickup and jumps in the back.

Ashley: Clem!

You run to the pickup as fast as possible and join Ashley in the back.

Ashley: Here.

She hands you a grenade.

Ashley: When the doors fly open and those bastards march in...

You: Yeah.

Kenny: Alright you two, get ready!

The door begins to slowly open and you pull the pin on the grenade. After the opening is big enough you launch the grenade as far as you can and an explosion goes off shortly after.

Kenny: Let's get the fuck outta here!!

He rams through the door and he goes as fast as possible with you and Ashley shooting nearby walkers. You make your way outside the base and find the others holding off a lot of walkers. Y/N is laying on the ground with all the others surrounding him. Kenny stops near them and you jump out of the pickup. You run over to the unconscious Y/N but a walker gets in your way. It grabs you by the arm, knocking your gun to the ground and tries to bite you. You try to stab it but another grabs your free hand. You try to fight them off when two gunshots go off and the two walkers fall to the ground.

You look down to see Y/N laying on the ground with your gun in his hand and a smile on his face. You run over to him and he puts his arm over your shoulder.

Y/N: Are you...okay?

You help him to his feet and make your way to the pickup with the others covering you.

You: You're the one I'm worried about.

You both stop by the door and you throw the last grenade at a group of walkers up ahead, creating an opening for the truck.

Kenny: Get in!

Everyone does exactly that with you and Kenny sitting up front, Karen and Y/N in the back seats and Derick, Ashley and Sam in the back of the pickup. With everyone in and the kids sitting in your lap Kenny drives off.

Kenny: Looks like we get to live another day.

You look through the window at the large body of death behind you and take a deep breath.

You: Yeah.

After taking a quick glance at Y/N some of the earlier sadness begins to fade away knowing he's resting.

Karen: I'm terrible at this.

You: Terrible? At what?

She looks down at Y/N who's resting his head on her lap and runs her fingers softly through his hair.

Karen: He was beaten, cut up and had this metal melted onto his skin, he bled and suffered all to help and protect us. I'm his mother, I should be the one doing that not him.

Her eyes get watery but she holds back the tears.

Karen: I already failed him once, I thought that this time I would make it up to him and give him at least the love and protection he was denied as a child. But...

She goes quiet. You try to talk but Kenny stops you.

Kenny: Not now.

You: Okay.

More time passes and all those in the car are silent, you can't hear the other 3 in the back talking. Guess they aren't in a talking mood as well. You look down at the boys sleeping on you. You smile and hug them softly.

Kenny: We'll need a place to get Y/N and Derick help, got any ideas.

Karen: Would say the Cabin but it got burned down along with the meds in it.

Kenny: Walkers have blocked off the path to my groups shelter and waiting them out isn't an option.

You think for a while before remembering a place.

You: New frontier.

Karen: What?

You: It's a large community I was with for a little while, originally was full of bad guys but after they were gone my friend Javi took over and the place has been peaceful ever since, even helping out other smaller communities.

Kenny: Alright then, lead the way.

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