Leave Me No More (Completed)

By ailovexiaowang

213K 14K 1.4K

Wang Yibo fell in love with his savior in the first sight, regardless of his young age that time, to underst... More

one ( I Found You )
two (Recall The Memory)
three (I was Long For You)
four ( Try To Get To You )
five ( I Will Be Your Hero )
six ( Wang Lao Tzu )
eight ( One Step Closer )
nine ( Papa Bear & Mama Bear )
ten ( The Smile and The Mole )
eleven ( Please, Notice What I Feel For You )
twelve ( Let's Go For A Date )
thirteen ( Amusing Amusement Park )
fourteen ( That Feeling )
fifteen ( The Crash )
sixteen ( Confession )
seventeen ( It's Our First Time )
eighteen ( A Family )
nineteen ( Today )
twenty ( The New Problem Occured Part 1 )
Not An Update
twenty-one ( The New Problem Occured Part 2 )
twenty-two( The New Problem Occured Part 3 )
twenty-three ( Say Hi To The Deal )
twenty-four ( The Battle )
twenty-five ( A New Problem Occured. Again? Wait! It Worse! )
twenty six ( A Goodbye)
twenty - seven ( Where Are You? )
twenty - eight ( A Trait )
twenty - nine ( The Suspect )
thirty ( Meet An Old Friend )
thirty - one ( Would We Meet In Heaven Or Hell? )
thirty - two ( Please, Come Back One More Time )
thirty - three ( Hey, My True Love )
thirty - four ( Love For The Eternity )

seven ( The Feel )

6.5K 486 41
By ailovexiaowang

Xiao Zhan just finished his shift for the day. He was getting ready to pick up his niece at school, when his phone rang.

"Aish...! Seriously..." He grumbled when he saw the caller ID. It has been a week he's giving Wang Yibo his "service".  He answered the call. "Yes, Wang Lao Tzu?"

"Come to my office," Wang Yibo's voice sounded commanded from the opposite line.

"Hey, I need to pick up my niece. I don't want her to wait for me too long. Please, let me pick her up first!" Xiao Zhan shouted.

"That's why come to my office, so she won't wait for you too long!" Wang Yibo raised his voice.

"What the fuck, man...!" Xiao Zhan cursed .

"I owned you , Xiao Zhan... Don't curse at me," Wang Yibo reminded Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan could only rolled his eyes and retorted: "Fine! Wang- Shaoye!"

"Good. Come faster."

Xiao Zhan cut the line. With the greeted teeth, he humped and stomped to XX building.

Xiao Zhan stood in front of the CEO's office. He raised his hand to knock the door, when the door swung open, and his hand stopped in the air before he hit the person whom appeared from behind the door.

"Ah? You arrived," said Wang Yibo, with no expression, nor emotion.

Xiao Zhan managed to give him his signature smile, which made Wang Yibo's heart fluttered.

"So what can I do for you now, Wang- ye?" Asked Xiao Zhan, warmly.

"Let's pick Liang Liang up," Wang Yibo replied. He dragged Xiao Zhan by the hand.

"Eh!?" Xiao Zhan was stumbled. He quickly move his legs to walk following his master.

The secretary watched them with confuse but bright eyes.

"He... Hi, Ms. Yang," Xiao Zhan greeted her when they passed by her desk.

"You are not allowed to flirt with my staffs," Wang Yibo said emotionless when they were inside the lift.

"When did I flirt?" Asked Xiao Zhan, confused. He scratced the back of his head.

"Just now. With my secretary," replied Wang Yibo.

Xiao Zhan widened his eyes. He stared at Wang Yibo, had no idea wether he has to laugh or cry.

"I didn't flirt with her. I just said hi to her," Xiao Zhan declined.

"That is counted in flirtatious action," said the CEO,coldly.

"Huh?" Niw Xiao Zhan really want to cry,but not in ftont of this cold guy. Then he moved to stand in front of the young master and look at his face sternly, and asked: "So? If I say hi to you also counted as flirting?"

Wang Yibo "..."
He couldn't say anything. They stood very closely and face to face. This made his heart beats crazily.

Xiao Zhan smiled, showing his signature bunny smile. Wang Yibo's heart felt want to jump out already. He felt his legs turned into jelly,but he struggled to steadily stand in the spot.

"Hi, Wang Yibo...." Greetted Xiao Zhan, flirtatiously.

Wang Yibo stated at him deeply. His mouth slightly opened, between shock and turn on. Oh, shit! Why doesn he have to do this to me? I'm really weak for his charm. That bunny smile... Goshhhh... What should I do? Wang Yibo internally cursed. But his fave remained impassive, only now his cheeks turned crimson light and the red tint crept up his eartips.

"That's so flirtatious," Wang Yibo commented.

Suddenly Xiao Zhan's smile disappear, replaced with a frown.

"Heyy... Why are we never reach the basement?" Xiao Zhan amused.

"No one hit the lift button yet," Wang Yibo's voice remained calm despite his heart was beating unsteadily.

"Then why didn't you hit the button if i didn't?" Asked Xiao Zhan.

"You are blocking the buttons," said Wang Yibo, as he leaned forward to hit the lift button. His cheek brushed against Xiao Zhan's.

Xiao Zhan froze. He couldn't move as the strange feeling sneaking inside his chest and tickles his soul. What the hell is this? What is wrong with me? Xiao Zhan thought to himself. And at the same time the lift started to move downward, and Wang Yibo pull himself back backward.

"What happened?" Wang Yibo asked when he saw Xiao Zhan kept silent and didn't move.

"Ah? Nothing... It's nothing," replied Xiao Zhan, a little bit nervous.

"We better hurry. Or Liang Liang will wait too long..." Wang Yibo mumbled.

"En!" Xiao Zhan nodded his head.

Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan arrived at Ah Liang's school. The school was already empty, only left a few teachers who getting ready to leave.

Xiao Zhan jumped.out of the car without waiting gor Wang Yibo. He rushed to the school's gate and entered the yard.

"Where's my baby?' asked Xiao Zhan, panickly when he didn't see Ah Liang anywhere.

"Oh? Mr. Xiao... She's inside. I think she's not feeling well," informed the teacher.

"What happened? Where is she now? Why didn't you inform me earlier?" Xiao Zhan felt nervous. He dashed into the classroom.

"Ah Liang?!" Xiao Zhan hugged the little girl.

"Zhan Shūshu..." Ah Liang smiled when she saw her uncle.

" Are you okay? What happened?" Xiao Zhanrubbed the girls's head.

"She got a slight fever. It's not high. We gave her the medicine already. She'll be fine soon," said the teacher who accompanied Ah Liang.

"When did it happen?" Asked Xiao Zhan. He got up with Ah Liang in his arms.

"Just only. That's why we didn't inform you, since you are coming to pick her up already, "answered the teacher.

"Ohh... Ok. Thank you. I'll bring her home now," Xiao Zhan bid farewell.

"We better bring her to see doctor first," Wang Yibo spoke.

Xiao Zhan turn d his head to see Wang Yib, th n nodded.

"Cànlàn- gege...!' Ah Liang's smile was brighter when she saw Wang Yibo and called.him splendid.

"Weh! Why did you call him cànlàn?" Xiao Zhan protested with a frown.

Wang Yibo just looked at them, impassively.

Ah Liang turned her head to Xiao Zhan and said, " He is cànlàn, but you are kè'âi, Shūshu...!"

Wang Yibo snorted listened to Ah Liang talking.

"I'm not cute. I'm handsome," declined Xiao Zhan.

"You are mèili, then!" Ah Liang decided.

"Hey! How come you said your uncle is pretty? That is for a girl like you." Xiao Zhan complained.

"You are beautiful..." Wang Yibo said while he looked at Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan glanced at him, then locked their eyes. They stared at each other for a while. The strange feeling crept into their heart which is beating faster than usual.

What with this feeling? Why I feel that I've met him before? Like a long time ago... Who is he actually? Xiao Zhan talked to himself behind his mind.

I want to tell you how much I love you. How long I've been searching for you. I didn't know what I felt for you back then, until I found out 3 years ago. I always love you in a romantic way, not a brotherhood like my brother told me. It is love... I fell in love with you since the first glance. Wang Yibo battling with himself in his thought.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

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