The Three of Us

By AnneWithAnEStory

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Branches off from my story In The Woods When First We Met, but you don't have to read that story to get this... More

1. Before.
2. spoilers
3. Back to Normal
4. School Again
5. Reconciled
6. Ambiguity
7. Facade
8. Unraveled
9. Hunger
10. One Thing at a Time
11. Acceptance
12. To Tell
13. Onion Baby
14. Sunday School
15. Absences
16. Different
17. Grown Up Friends
18. Three in Her Corner
19. Birthday Party
20. Emily's Advice
21. Mr. Blythe and a Big Decision
22. Announcing the Decision
23. Disguise
24. The Second Principle of Magic
25. Baby Talk
26. Noticeable
27. School Comes to a Close
28. The End and The Beginning
29. Word Spreads
30. No Return
31. The Start of Life at Home, and Friends
32. Shifting Gears, and The First Kick
33. Getting Accustomed to Not Being Alone
34. "Twenty-Six Weeks Old"
35. Constant Company
36. To Tell a Story
37. Gilbert Tells a Story, Too
38. Urgent Requests, and Rachel's Advice
39. Licorice, Butter, and Marzipan
40. Friends
41. Tillie and Jane Come to Visit
42. Feelings
43. Gilbert is Turned Away
44. Gilbert Comes Back, Jerry is Unfriendly
45. Jerry and Gilbert
46. Jane
47. Making Decisions about the Coming Weeks
48. Trying to See the Bright Side
49. On the Precipice of Change
50. Packing and Visiting
51. The Night Before Leaving
52. The Morning We Leave
53. A Last Goodbye
54. Goodbye to Gilbert
55. Something Borrowed
56. Train Trip
57. Boarding House in the City
58. The First Night Away
59. Getting Used to the Hospital
60. The Second Doctor Visit
61. Desperation
62. Finding a Place
63. Emptiness
64. Fear
65. Letters to Gilbert
66. Labor
67. Anne's Baby
68. A Lamp Lit in a Darkened Room
69. Matthew's Wing
70. The Complications of Unmarried Parents
71. Mixed Messages
72. Separation
73. A Rock and a Hard Place
74. A Letter to Gilbert
75. September
76. Back to Green Gables, and Marilla's Complaint
77. Change
78. Anne and Gilbert are Reunited
79. A Hidden-Away Baby
80. Gilbert Meets Anne's Baby
81. First Visitors
82. Jane's Adoration
83. Conversation
idk a title
85. Miss Stacy
86. Miss Stacy Brightens the World
87. Afternoons
88. The First Fall
89. It's Settled
90. Beneath a Cool Exterior
91. Matthew's Goodbye
92. Marilla's Time
93. Time to Go
94. Miss Stacy and The Truth
95. Train Conversation
96. The Warrens
97. Leaving the Baby
98. The Right Thing
99. Let's Go Home
100. Family
101. Another Family
102. Marilla Cannot Be Alone. Ever.
103. In the Middle of the Night
104. A Bright New Day
105. As Time Goes On
106. Devotion
107. Back
108. After Church
109. Matthew's Moment
110. Miss Stacy Again
111. The Second Christmas
112. Christmas Day
113. Christmas Night
114. Gilbert Alone
115. The Future
116. Two for Tea, and Tea for...Four
117. Jane Has Two Gifts
118. The Question of Mrs. Andrews
119. Choose a Side and then Stay On It
120. Remorse
121. Unwelcome
122. Knowing Where You Came From
123. Resolution
124. The Balance of Power Shifting
125. Done
126. Cozy
127. Gilbert With Us
128. To Add
130. Valentines Day and Anne's Birthday in March
131. 15th Birthday to 16th Birthday
132. The Year
133. Explosion
134. Anne is Direct
135. Words and Carrots
136. Walter
137. A World Away
138. The Argument
139. Matthew Points the Way
140. Deference
141. Empty House, Lonely Hearts
142. Graduation
143. Gatekeeper
144. 2nd Birthday
145. The Fair
146. Mrs. Andrews Comes Over
147. Time to Say Goodbye
148. Saving the Baby Bed, and Gilbert Gone
149. The First Queens' Letter
150. Bad to Worse
151. It Continues
152. Mrs. Andrews' Betrayal
153. Mrs. Andrews' Hope
154. Gilber Comes Home
155. Frustration
156. On the Brink
157. Everything's Going to Be All Right
158. Rachel Being Rachel
159. A World to Come Into
160. Anne Teaches Sunday School
161. How We've Missed You
162. Anne's Christmas Play
163. More
164. Unfinished Dream
165. Holiday's Over
166. Grandma and Grandpa
167. Grandpa Sees Walter's Intelligence
168. Springtime
169. Summer
170. End of Summer, Start of Redmond
171. A Profession
172. Gaining Speed
173. Author, Author
174. I Flip
175. Mrs. Blythe Has a Visitor
176. Exposed
177. Green
178. Walter is Awful
179. Breaking Point
180. Respite
181. Coming Back Together
182. Anger
183. Gilbert's Plan
184. Rejoicing
185. Honesty
186. Good
187. Plans for a Picnic
188. Panic
189. The Proposal
Untitled Part 190
191. Quack
192. Four
193. A Rough Road
194. Decisions, Despair, and Doilies
195. The Hope Chest
196. The Brownie 2
197. A Marble Match of the Mind
198. New Chapter (plus a recap if you need it)
199. Second new chapt of the day, I am alive aren't I?
200. Realizations on Both Sides

129. A Valentine for Mama

746 23 95
By AnneWithAnEStory

Back to the current time.

The flash forward was to show you how Walter is bad at school subjects. Lol.

Anyway, after the next couple chapters, we will probably have a time jump of a whole year.


Before long, February was upon them, and Gilbert began to think of Valentine's Day. He and Anne had not celebrated Valentine's Day the first year they'd known each other, but they'd only known each other a short time then, and they'd been friends, but nothing more. Now, it was clear that while they were too young to court, they were in some sort of quiet relationship, so he felt free to think of what he could do to show her how much he loved her.

Beyond that, he wanted to assist Walter in giving his mama a present.

He thought of her birthstone- she always wore his gift now, hanging from the chain he'd given her on her birthday. Now that she was happily attached to Walter, he decided he would give Walter's birthstone to her for Valentine's Day. She could wear that on her chain, too. When Walter's birthstone came in the mail, Gilbert was happy with his purchase- and relieved that Walter had been born during a month whose stone wasn't outside his ability to buy.

While he was at the post office picking up the gift, he had an idea.

"Say," he said to the postal worker. "Do you have any more of those stamp pads I could buy?"

The clerk looked at him strangely. "We don't sell these- they're for official postal duty."

Gilbert nodded. "What about borrowing one, then? If I can't buy it?"

"Borrow it? Whad'ya mean borrow it? I'm not to let it leave the premises. This is official government property right here!"

Gilbert sighed. "What about if I used it right here- could I come in and use it right in front of you?"

"Suit yer' self," he shrugged. "Long as you don't interfere in official business."

"I won't," Gilbert promised. "It's just for...sort of a craft. Thank you."


"Could I borrow your baby?" Gilbert asked, knowing his question was funny and allowing it to be so. He smiled, his eyes twinkling conspiratorially.

"Borrow him? What do you mean?" Anne asked in surprise.

"Just for a little while. He's going to help me with a project," Gilbert said mysteriously.

Anne didn't know what to say. "But where will he go?" she finally asked.

"It's a surprise," Gilbert said. "I can't tell you. But I assure you he'll be perfectly safe."

"Oh, I know," Anne told him. "I trust you. I just can't imagine why you'd want him for anything."

"Can I?"

"He eats every three hours."

"We won't be gone that long," Gilbert promised. "It'll be quick, I promise."

"I...I suppose so. Can't I come?" Anne was holding Walter close.

"If you came, you'd spoil the surprise," Gilbert explained. He glanced around. "Do you still have that basket you used to carry him in? I'd try to drive while holding him on my lap, but it's so cold I'd rather have him in something."

Anne nodded, retrieving the basket from the pantry. She handed Gilbert the baby and went toward the stairs, calling back to him. "I need to get him some warmer clothes."

"We're going to make your mama a present," he said happily to Walter while Anne was upstairs.

Anne returned with an armful of fabric. She dumped everything on the kitchen table and motioned for Gilbert to set Walter down on it. Anne put warmer clothes on top of the clothes Walter was already wearing. Then, she pulled a sweater over Walter's head, and changed his booties out for thicker ones. She put booties on his hands, too. She then pulled some sort of quilted bag up over him, so that his lower body was enclosed in it. Then she wrapped him in another quilted blanket, lay him in the basket, and draped a softer blanket over the top of the basket to keep out the chill.

"All right," she announced. "He's ready."

Walter let out a wail. He tried to move and could not.

"I know you don't like being wrapped up," Anne said through the blanket. "I know you want to be able to move. But it's too cold. Stay put."

Walter cried.

"He's all yours," Anne said, pushing the wailing baby toward Gilbert.

"Gee, thanks," Gilbert said good-naturedly. "Hi, Walter...Anne, are you sure he can breathe in there?"

Anne nodded. "He can. All right, have fun."

Gilbert carried the basket out and placed it in the floor of the buggy so it would be held in place by his feet and not get jostled.

"Walter, I'm sorry," he said. "Mama wants you to be warm. And miserable. Don't worry. When we get into town, I'll...unroll you."

Gilbert had never driven with a baby before and he kept looking down as if worried Walter would disappear somehow.

Once in town, he lifted the basket out and went into the post office with it. He stamped his feet to get the snow off his boots and shivered as the heat hit him from inside; there were enough other people in the post office that the building felt warm just from being packed. Before he went up to the counter, he took Walter out of the basket and began to unwrap him. Walter ceased crying as soon as he was free to move his arms and legs. Gilbert smiled at him.

As he carried the baby to the counter, Walter on his arm and the basket carried in the other hand, he was watching Walter's reactions to his surroundings. Walter had never been anywhere but home and church, except for the hospital and boarding house, which he didn't remember, and the Warren's farm, which he'd rather not remember. He watched everything with interest.

Gilbert, still smiling, set Walter on the counter top. The postal clerk looked at the baby disdainfully.

"I'm here to borrow the stamp pad," Gilbert said cheerfully. "And I need to buy a blank card."

The clerk took his money and handed over the card, then said- gesturing toward the baby- "Would you kindly remove...that?"

Gilbert said, "I can't, I have to have him sit down." He began pulling off Walter's booties and mittens.

The clerk pushed the stamp pad forward and went back to his work.

Gilbert took it. "All right, Walter...let's see. How are we going to do this?" He'd brought a whole handful of handkerchiefs with him, knowing this would be a messy endeavor; now he got them out and set them down next to the baby. "Maybe we better do your feet first," he thought. He stuck Walter's foot onto the stamp pad. Walter laughed at the squishy feeling of it, then reached toward it, wanting to grab. "No," Gilbert said to him. He pressed Walter's foot onto the blank postcard.

Then he took Walter's other foot and repeated the process, this time doing the footprint overlapping the first one at the heel, so that the two feet together created a shape that resembled the letter "V".

Gilbert used a pen to write "L" and "O" on one side of Walter's "V", and then wrote an "E" at the end.

Gilbert wiped the baby's inky feet with a handkerchief, but knew they'd have to be washed. He hoped the ink would come off so Anne wouldn't be cross with him.

"All right, now we'll make the front of the card," Gilbert murmured. "This is the tricky part."

Gilbert needed to get ink on his own hand, but put it over top of the baby's and keep him from moving. He managed it, and when he lifted up his hand, there was an imprint of Walter's hand inside his own. He thought it looked really good. "Mama's going to like this," he said softly to Walter. "You did a good job."

Once finished, he wiped his hand as best he could and then wiped Walter's. He felt he hadn't planned for how dirty this activity was going to be, and figured he'd have to use a handkerchief to wrap around Walter's hand and then put his wrapped hand back inside his mitten. "We'll have to go wash," he said.

The postal clerk was looking at him.

"Thanks," Gilbert told him, handing the stamp pad back. "I appreciate it."

The postal clerk didn't say anything as Gilbert turned to leave.

Gilbert was standing at the door when he realized he'd have to roll Walter back up in all his layers before exiting the building. "Uh, oh, little guy, we better get you wrapped back up, hadn't we? Can't have you getting sick."

Gilbert set the basket down on the floor near the door and picked up Walter's many layers.

Before he got him all the way wrapped, the door opened and Mrs. Andrews was there. She stared at him a moment in shock and then swallowed. "Hello, Gilbert," she said uncomfortably. She seemed to be avoiding his eyes, but he could see her trying to look at the baby inconspicuously. "I hope you don't have him because Anne is ill," she said hesitantly.

"No, just looking after him for a bit," Gilbert said, trying to sound neutral. "Have a good afternoon."

He took Walter outside then, even though he wasn't all the way wrapped up yet, because he wanted to avoid any further conversation with Mrs. Andrews.

He could feel eyes, and when he turned back, he saw that she was watching them.


Gilbert decided he needed to go home and try to get all the ink off of Walter before he delivered him back to Anne.

Pulling up to his house, he said, "Welcome home," then he shook his head at himself, the words coming out without him realizing them. "Your second home...your home-away-from-home. I hope you like it here."

He took Walter in, but didn't unwrap him this time, because his house was much colder than the Cuthberts.

He decided to heat a pot on the stove so that the water to wash off Walter's hands and feet wouldn't be cold. While waiting, he played peek-a-boo with Walter.

After a few minutes, the water was warm and he got the ink off.

"There you go, good as new. Mama wouldn't like you having inky hands and feet. Are you ready to go back to her now?"

But Walter had become interested in Gilbert's kitchen. As he looked around, a bright colored dish towel caught his eye.

Before Gilbert knew it, Walter was heading for the dish towel.

He had started to crawl.

Gilbert stared at him in disbelief. Delighted, he picked the baby up and praised him as much as if he'd just conquered Mount Everest.

Then a thought occurred to him- better not tell Anne she'd missed this.


"Where is Walter?" Marilla asked.

"Oh, I don't know," Anne said casually, teasing Marilla.

"You don't know?" Marilla said, staring at her.

"I laid him down someplace...?" Anne said, acting as if she couldn't quite remember. "Hmm, I guess I ought to look for him. I haven't seen him in a while. Wal-ter...Wal-ter!" she called out.

Marilla was in a panic. "He's rolling over now, Anne, you can't leave him alone! Heavens, he could be crawling!"

"He isn't crawling yet," Anne reminded her.

"But he's old enough to! This could have been the first time! He could have crawled away and- gracious, the cellar door is open, what if he fell!"

She ran to look down the cellar stairs.

Anne laughed. "Marilla, I'm sorry- really I am! He isn't lost. Gilbert took him somewhere."

"Gilbert took him?"

"Yes, he said he needed to take him someplace," Anne explained. "He said I couldn't go because it would ruin the surprise."

"But does he have nappies? Does he have bottles? Did you dress him warmly?"

Anne regretted teasing Marilla. "Yes, he's dressed warmly. Of course he is. And I didn't give him any bottles because he said he'd be back very soon."

"But what about nappies-"

"He'll be back soon, Marilla," Anne insisted. "I'll change him the minute he's back, I promise. I don't like him in a wet diaper either but he probably didn't even go yet. He hasn't been gone very long."

Marilla was looking out the window. She only breathed when she saw Gilbert's buggy coming through the snow.

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