Crazy In Love

By RhysiaQ

207K 9.6K 7.9K

Your love got me looking so crazy right now. G!P Onika! More

Chapter 1:The Meet
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapger 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8: You can't heal what you never reveal.
Chapter 9: You can't heal what you never reveal pt 2.
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: Bday
Chapter 17
Part 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 22
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chpater 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 14

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By RhysiaQ

Beyoncé's Pov.
Thursday, September 2nd, 2019
8:05 am

I smiled looking in the mirror at my growing belly, I can't wait to find out the gender of my unborn child, I already love him/her and their not even here yet, I know I'll be a good parent and so will Onika I sighed thinking about her.

It's been 2 days since me and Onika last spoke, and honestly I wanted it to stay that way. How the fuck you want to be in a relationship with someone and still acting a fool.

I sighed feeling a vibration coming  from my phone I picked up it up seeing it was a message from Onika.

Onika. : I know I told you I'll give you your space but you still coming over at my moms today?

Beyoncé: Yes. I'll be there.

Onika: Aight I'll pick you up at 2 😘

I rolled my eyes leaving her message on seen.

I'm becoming more and more home sick I miss Huston and my family. Onika and I will still be heading to Houston Saturday even though I didn't want to be anywhere near her, I still wanted my family to meet her and plus I'm scared what my mother will say about my pregnancy, I needed some sort of comfort.

"Sweetie, You didn't tell me that girlfriend of yours had a next girl pregnant" Leonardo said sitting down next to me. How the fuck did he know that?

I raised an eyebrow at him "What are you talking about" I said. He showed me a picture of Nicki and a very pregnant woman hugging.

I read the caption that said "Nicki Minaj's and her alleged baby mama celebrating her 27th birthday together" I chuckled at the photo, I wasn't even mad.

"It wasn't any of your business" I said giving back his phone.

"Beyoncé this is bad publicity, When you announce that your pregnant you will just be a next girl that Nicki Minaj knocked up" He said placing his head into his hand.

"You need to relax, I'm not just 'some' girl I'm Beyoncé fucking Knowles" I said with much cockiness in my tone.

"That's not what the public will see" He stated. "Fuck the public then" I shrugged, I didn't need this kind of stress on me and he knew that too.

"Beyoncé you're gambling away your career" He said which was his favorite line to use now.

"No I'm not. I understand that I got pregnant early but it was my decision to lay down and have sex and it's also my decision to keep and raise my child" I said. I was tired of him at this point.

"I just don't want you to be a next wash up" He said sincerely.

"I won't" I said and ended the conversation there. "I'm hungry" I said rubbing my growing stomach, He laughed "you're always hungry" He said before going on his phone ordering a chicken salad for me.

"Thank you, you're the best" I said jumping giving him a hug. "Take your fat ass off me Beyoncé" He said and I pouted now feeling insecure about my body. "Am I that fat?" I asked looking down at my thighs.

"Oh no! Girl I didn't even mean it as that" He said trying to comfort me, I rolled my eyes making a reminder to tell Onika to fuck him up.

"I'm heading out anyways, My driver is outside" I said grabbing my fur coat and my  purse.

"What about the salad?" He asked "You can eat it" I said.

"Ok girl be safe" He said, I nodded my head leaving the building.
"It was a pleasure working with you" The brand label said handing me my Cheque for the Dior collaboration , I smiled and took it out of her hand "Likewise" I said giving out my goodbyes to her and her team.

"Rob lead her out please" She instructed her security guard.

"Right this way miss" He said leading me to the exit, I stepped outside and saw my security by the door waiting for me. He escorted me into the tinted black Range Rover that was waiting for me.

"The next stop?" My driver asked looking at me from the rear view mirror.

"To the studio" I said and he nodded driving me to the destination.

Onika's pov.
"Happy birthday Shia" I said giving her the Rolex I got for her.

"Thank you baby"  She said pulling me into a hug, I smiled patting her shoulder uncomfortably, cameras was on us and this shit don't need to get back to B.

"Np ma. Enjoy the rest of your day" I said pulling back from the hug.

"You not staying?" She pouted unwrapping her gift "A Rolex?!" She shouted with excitement in her voice.

I chuckled at her reaction "Nah I'm not staying I got shit to do" I said walking closer to her "You're the mother of my child, I owe you a lot" I said caressing her stomach, I bent down and left a peck on her belly "Take care of mommy for me" I said to our unborn baby. I looked back up and saw her smiling at me "You're going to be the best mother ever" She said.

"I hope so" I said before telling her guests bye.

"You ready B?"
I was in my car waiting for a response from Bey after 5 minutes of waiting she finally texted back.

BeyB💙🤰🏼: Yes.

Me: Ok On my way!

I cursed at my spell check, I'm not that excited.

Beyoncé and I haven't really been on the best of terms lately. I stayed blowing up her phone trying to get back on her good side but nothing. The girl cut my face and everything, she didn't even say sorry instead I got a first aid kit thrown at my head.

I'm really feeling her and I do want to make her my girl, Shawty is everything I wanted in a woman and I'm not letting her go without a fight.

I pulled up at Bey's mansion and saw her walking out slowly.

I rolled down the window before she could enter the car "Damn ma we just going to dinner at my mom's house not the Galla" I said chuckling.

She rolled her eyes not commenting back, I sighed and rolled back up the window opening the door for her on the inside.

She sat down and put on her seatbelt not saying a word to me.

"No greeting kiss?" I asked playfully trying to lighten the mood.

Still no word from her. She just continued looking straight ahead.

I turned to look at her "We not going to my mother's house with no bad energy" I said to her.

She raised an eyebrow at me "What bad energy" She asked.

"This whole not speaking shit, it's childish bey" I said honestly.

"Girl bye, Start the car up let's meet my baby's grandparent" She said.

"And your mother in-law" I said trying to be smooth with my words.

She blushed but quickly replaced it with an eye roll.

"Whatever Onika" She said with no emotions in her voice.

I clenched my jaw and drove to my parent house.

"It's finally nice to meet you" My mother said with excitement pulling Beyoncé into a hug.

Beyoncé smile and hugged my mother back "It's finally nice to meet you too Ms Maraj" She said.

"Girl call me carol" She said letting go of Beyoncé and glanced down at her stomach.

"Look at your baby bump" My mother gushed and placed her hand on her belly. "I can't wait to spoil you" She said speaking to Beyoncé's belly.

Beyoncé chuckle rubbing her stomach "I'm guessing she's happy to hear that, She's kicking" She said. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"She?" I decided to speak up. The both of them turn their attention to me.

"I have a feeling it's girl" She said and I shook my head smiling.

"It's a boy" I said, She rolled her eyes and giggled at me "It's a girl" She said.

"Kids stop. The food is ready"  My mother said laughing at us.

We walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. It was a huge variety of food and I was deadass confuse since it was just the three of us, My mother loves to be extra.

"This looks good" Beyoncé said admiring the food in front of her, I chuckled and agreed with her. It does look good.

"I tried" My mother said acting like that comment didn't go to her head.

I started eating a piece of chicken until she slapped me upside my head, I mean mugged her.

"The fuc-" I felt a next slap at the back of my head again.

I heard Beyoncé laughing lowly "Grace And Don't be swearing, I'm not fucking playing with you Onika" She said and I held my mouth open wide.

"You just cursed!" I shouted.

"Shout in my house one more time and I'll slap the shit out of you" She said and I quickly shut up.

"Now pass me your hand" She said grabbing my hand and putting out her next hand so Beyoncé can take it.

I saw the huge grin that Beyoncé had on her face.

"Dear God, I thank you for this new addition to my family and I'm very grateful to experience this new journey of my daughter's life, I pray that Beyoncé and Onika will be the best mothers they can and also very thankful for this food that you have blessed us with"

"Amen" We all said in unison.

"You got something there" Bey said pointing to the side of my mouth.

I wiped my mouth "Still there?" I asked her, She nodded her head and I started wiping hard at my mouth.

She started laughing at me "Let me" She said getting it off. I smiled and stared at her, How did I become so lucky? I felt lucky and she wasn't even mine.

I guess she caught me watching because she ducked her head and started blushing, I lifted up her chin "I told you already, Your smile is too beautiful to hide" I said honestly.

"Are you two in a relationship?" My mother asked cutting me off from admiring Beyoncé's beauty.

Beyoncé turned her head from me and answered my mother question "No." She informed her.

My mother turned her head quickly at me with confusion plastered on her face. "Onika why haven't you made this girl your wife yet? I just met her and I already love her" She said and I rolled my eyes.

"In due time mom" I said keeping it simple, I heard my mother muttered something but I didn't pay it no mind.

"I love your music" My mother said turning her attention to Beyoncé.

She smiled "Thank you very much, that means a lot to me" She said genuinely.

"Destiny child songs used to be Onika and Jelani favorite" My mother said, I sank down into my chair, I know she would've embarrassed me somehow.

"Oh really?" Beyoncé smirked looking at me. I avoided her gaze.

"Yes. They even used to fight over one of y'all, I can't remember" She said trying to remember, I swear she don't know when to stop.

Beyoncé chuckled "Please try to remember, this is new information to me" She said siding with my mother.

I groaned not wanting my mother to remember. I've always had a crush on B, I just never told her because I don't mention soft shit.

"Wait! It was indeed Beyoncé! I remember, Wow" My mother said and I thrown my head back. "They both of them would watch y'all music videos and start fighting over who will get to marry you" My mother said chuckling.

Why is she laughing? Doesn't she know that this is child abuse????

Beyoncé joined her "Really!?" She asked with much curiosity in her voice.

"Yes, it's amazing how the universe works" She said and I quickly sent a thank you to the universe.

"Wow" Beyoncé said looking at me.


"I had fun tonight, Your mother is lovely" Beyoncé said. We was currently parked outside her house.

"Same here and she loves you" I said smiling at her.

It grew awkward for a minute "So..." I trailed off "Good night?" I said unsure not knowing where me and Beyoncé stood.

She sighed "Do you want to come in?" She asked and I knew I looked like a dummy smiling this hard, I nodded my head quickly taking my keys out and running to Bey's side opening the car door. She laughed getting out the car and I closed it back following her inside her house.

"I'm about to go change, we will talk when I get back" She said heading upstairs, I nodded and took a seat on her Italian sofa.

10 minutes of scrolling through my phone I heard Beyoncé's foot steps, I placed my phone back in my pocket and turned my attention to her.

"Hey" She said taking a seat by me, She was in a white tank top and shorts and damn do she look good.

"Beyoncé look, I'm sorry for the shit that I've been doing but believe me when I say that I'm serious about you" I said honestly.

She let out a breath "Onika why me?" She asked and I raised an eyebrow "Out of all the girls why do you want to be in a relationship with me?" She asked.

"B you helped me when I was going through something, You bailed me out of jail, Your the only female that I confide in and know that I can trust, you're open minded you think beyond, you're independent that's what I like most about you, you get shit done and I know for a fact that you'll have my back through everything and I respect you for being so strong, I know you don't open about it but I know that you have your days that you wonder how your career will end up due to this baby but let me tell you this no matter what happens don't think that I won't be by your side." I said airing everything I had on my chest out.

"You always know exactly what to say" She said pulling me into a hug, I melt into her arms not realizing how much I missed her touch.

See this is the shit I talk about, it's not just about sex with her there's something more.

"If you want to have a relationship with me, show me some loyalty let me know that you can be loyal to me without any titles" She said caressing my arm.

I pulled back to look at her "Whatever it takes to have you" I said eyeing her lips. I wanted them so bad.

I guess she read my mind because she leaned in and connected her lips with mine, Only her lips ever made me want more, I pulled away biting down on her bottom lip.

"Ow! What you did that for!" Beyoncé said playfully hitting me.

I smirked and shrugged my shoulders.

She rolled her eyes and straddle my lap "I've missed you" She said grinding on me taking my lips back into hers. I groaned feeling myself becoming aroused "Shit you gon' get fucked" I mumbled into the kiss, I lifted up her tank top over her head exposing her perky breast and I couldn't help but drool a bit. Damn.

I took one breast into my mouth and massage the next one giving it attention too, Beyoncé moaned and started grinding harder on my penis. She unblocked my jean And massaged me through my Calvin Klein brief. "You so big baby" She said kissing down on my neck, "ride it" I said pushing her shorts to the side feeling her wet pussy, I placed two fingers inside her making her a moaning mess, I took them back out teasing her "Onikaaa" She said whining, I chuckled taking my dick out of my brief and saw Beyoncé watched it with hungry eyes.

Beyoncé's POV.

"Mhm fuck!" I yelled as I lowered myself on Onika's dick, I winced before I got accustomed to her size "You good baby?" She asked me and I nodded my head placing my hands on her shoulder and bounced up and down on her hard penis, "Fuck Beyoncé" She moans in my ear, that gave me motivation, I made a C rotation on her cock making her hold onto my waist "What are you doing B?" She said throwing her head back biting down on her bottom lip, I smirked and made an O rotation "Fuckkkkkkkkkk" She said and I moaned feeling her inside of me I started bouncing up and down before making a next C rotation "Oh fuck I'm gon marry ya ass" Nicki yelled as she cum inside of me, I paused what I was doing "Did you just cum?" I raised an eyebrow at her. "Fuck yes I just came, What the fuck was that?" She asked in an angry tone, I chuckled knowing she was angry because she came fast.

"Something I read, I was trying to spell coconut" I said smiling at her still feeling pleasure from her dick inside me.

"Well fuck, Pussy like yours I can't last that long Bey" She whined like a kid I chuckled and peck her lips.

"You good?" I asked because honestly I wanted to cum too.

"Yes, Now let me fuck You, I'm not going out sad" She said slamming me down on her cock, I yelled out.


What's y'all opinion on B & Nicki's relationship? 🤔

Do y'all think Onika will be loyal to Beyoncé without any titles? 🤔

Beyoncé birthday is coming up🎉

Shia And Onika seems to be getting along, what's y'all thoughts on that? 👀

Like and comment guys 💕

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