The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (CO...

By whateverlivi

1.5M 38.8K 3.3K

Jade thought she had seen the last of her ex-husband, billionaire Nick Smith after he cheated and huimilated... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
New Book
Dont play wit me 💯

Chapter 14

45.1K 1.2K 171
By whateverlivi

Nick POV

"Mom what should I do?" I pleaded with my mom. I just told them about what happened and how I officially rejected the business deal. "The court date is in three days and it's not like I can just not turn up".

"I don't know honey, you should have thought of the consequences before doing what you did".

"Please mom I really don't need a lecture wight now. I agree I made a mistake, alot of them to be precise".

"I know baby but you have to hear it from someone. Now that mistake is preventing me from seeing my grandchildren".

"We have a court date in three days. You can come and know what is happening".

"Ok bye. I love you my boy".

"I love you too momma".

Jade POV

"This place is beautiful" I complimented Antonio.

"It's big too," Lily said spinning around.

"Haha... And we finally have more people here" Antonio said walking from the kitchen.

"Thank you so much for letting us stay at your place. I really don't wanna be a bother so let me know if anything is bothering you".

Both girls are upstairs playing with Bre. They woke up from a nap and had too much energy.

"So when's the court date?" Antonio ask

"December 19" I sigh as I drop sit in the couch. "It's so unbelievable that I have to go to court over my babies".

"Don't worry you will be alright" he said sitting next to me.

"You know what am just gonna go. Where is my room again?" Lily asked while walking backwards.

"Upstairs make a right and then a left. The first bedroom you will see after you make the left" .

Lily walked up the stairs with a Butler in tow.
"See you in a few hours!" She shouted .

"How are you feeling?" He asked while massaging my temple.

"I don't know how to feel. Ever since Nick has been in my life things became chaotic. I just want to spend time with my babies and not have to worry about them getting taken away". I said with tears in my eyes. This was honestly the most emotional I have been in a while.

"Calm down Mama's" he said in his thick accent. She liked the way how her body reacted to him and the tingles she felt when he called her that.

"Oh my gosh, that was so hot," I said without a care. We were both adults so there was no point in acting as if we both don't know what we want.

Antonio started laughing at what i said. "What did I say, Mama's?" He asked acting clueless which made her shiver. She bit down on her lips trying her best not to show him the big smile.

( In case i forgot to touch up on this but Antonio is African American. He is from the hood in Atlanta but chose to continue school which made him what he is today. He owns a construction company.)

"This just makes you hotter and hotter everytime," he said placing a hand on his chest. He looked at me biting on his bottom lip.

" It does?" he ask while placing his hands on my thigh. 

I looked up at him with hooded eyes and he stared at me with intrigue.  

"Daddy!" We heard Bre's voice coming down the same hallway. She saw us and started to approach and I looked at Antonio.

I saw her and did a quick smile. 

" why are you so red?" She asked and my cheeks heated up some more. Antonio laughed and I looked at him playfully hitting his shoulder.

I gave her a tight smile and hurried towards to the twins.


Today is the court date and saying that I am stressed would be the understatement of the year. I hated that fact that the future of my children would depend on another human who has never met any of us a day in our lives.

"C'mon Jay get yourself together!" Lily says as I pace around. "We're gonna be late."

"Why did he have to come back all of a sudden? I have too much to lose right now," I said with distaste. Nick always finds away to ruin my life but now it's not only mine.

We both walked downstairs and saw Antonio holding the twins and Bre by his side.

"You ready?" He asked handing me Jadeen.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I gave him a smile and we walked towards my range Rover. Antonio and Bre will drive behind us with their car along with some guards.

30 minutes later and we finally arrive to the courthouse. I picked up a Jada while Lily picked up Jadeen.

We walked inside and saw Nick and his parents along with his lawyer and assistant.

"You have to be fucking kidding me" I sweared under my breath.

Antonio walked up to me and placed his hands around my waist. I leaned into his touch and looked forward and saw Nick's reaction.

"Hello Jade it's been awhile" Mrs. Smith came up to me.

"Hello Mrs. Smith it sure has been," I said and look towards Nick. I had no problem with his parents, the only person I had a problem with was Nick.

"Enough with that we are family, call me Lola!" She said extending a hand towards me.

"Correction Mrs. Smith we were family" I replied while she takes a step back.

"Enough of this already and let's head in" Mr. Smith interrupted.

I rolled my eyes at this. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately.

The judge came in and did the normal stuff.

She was now trying to decide on an agreement for us. It was already said that neither of us will win this case.

It wasn't a huge court hearing but instead a small one. Jade and her lawyer sat on the left while Nick sat on the opposite side with his lawyer.

"So Ms. White did you tell your now ex husband about your pregnancy when you found out?" Nicks lawyer asked although he already knew the question.

"No I did not, it was suppose to be a surprise but the day I went to his office to tell him. My husband was screwing my best friend," she spoke truthfully and Nick looked down feeling the judges eyes on him.

"So because of the hatred your felt for him you did not tell him about bringing kids into the world?"

"Objection your honor," Jade's lawyer said.

"Objection sustained."

The went on for another twenty minutes and they could tell that the judge was becoming bored by it.

"The court has assigned the father with partial custody. He is allowed to take the children Fridays- Monday. Court is dismissed".

I don't know anything about courts😬 

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