His Pyro And graffiti Artist...

By AlecAlexC

22K 303 26

what if the brain had a sister who was just like bender??? what if she was always in Saturday detention?? Wha... More

wisp johnson
fuck you!
you dont know us
lunch and weed
group theropy

Saturday detention

2.8K 34 9
By AlecAlexC

I woke up and got dressed and me and John headed to school

We walked in and sat down side by side me using him as a foot rest because he had another chair

"Well...well. Here we are! I want to congradulate you for being on time..."

Claire raises her hand

"Excuse me, sir? I think there's been a mistake. I know it's detention, but...um...I don't think I belong in here..."

Vernon doesn't care infact he looks very unamused with the red head.

"It is now seven-oh-six. You have exactly eight hours and fifty-four minutes to think about why you're here. To ponder the error of your ways..."

i watch as my bestfriend Bender spits into the air and catches the spit in his mouth again.

I try not to laugh as Claire looks like she is going to gag.

Vernon continues "...and you may not talk. You will not move from these seats."

He glances up at Bender and me and points at us.

"...and you..."
Vernon pulls the chair out from under Bender's feet which causes both of our feet to fall."...will not sleep and you will not vandalize anthing. Alright people, we're gonna try something a little different today. We are going to write an essay--of no less than a thousand words--describing to me who you think you are."

"Is this a test?" Bender asked

Vernon passes out paper and pencils and takes no notice of Bender.

"And when I say essay...I mean essay. I do not mean a single word repeated a thousand times. Is that clear Mr. Bender and wisp?"

Bender looks up. "Crystal..."

Vernon then looked at me and I rolled my eyes,

"Whatever you say dick."

"Good. Maybe you two will learn a little something about yourselves. Maybe you'll even--decide whether or not you care to return."

My brother raises his hand and then stands,

"You know, I can answer that right now sir...That'd be "No", no for me. 'cause...

"Sit down Johnson..." vernon went to tell at my brother and I growled at him

"Thank you sir..." He sits.

"My office..." Vernon points,"...is right across that hall. Any monkey business is ill-advised..."He looks around at us,"any questions?"

"Yeah...I got a question." I said and then looked at bender who nodded

Vernon looks at us suspiciously.

"Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?"

"I'll give you the answer to that question, Mr. Bender and mr.Johnson, next Saturday. Don't mess with the bull young man, you'll get the horns. Vernon leaves."

"That man...is a brownie hound..." bender said and I nodded in agreement

Everyone tries to get comfortable and we hear a loud snapping sound. Brian turns and looks and it is Allison, biting her nails. Bender's eyes widen as he turns to look. Everyone is looking now. Allison notices them looking at her.

"You keep eating your hand and you're not gonna be hungry for lunch..."

Not like what bender said Allison spits part of her nail at Bender.

Oh that's nasty I put on my head phones and zoned them out I closed my eyes and relaxed

I started singing melanie martinez drama club out loud with out even realizing I was doing it

I felt someone shook my shoulder after I was down and everyone looked at me,

"You were singing." Bender said and I rolled my eyes,

"Anyone tells anyone about this and I'll kill you all." They all looked at me I looked down

Bender looked at me as I stared at the floor "Oh, shit! What're we s'posed to do if we hafta take a piss?"

Clair looked disgusting "Please..."

"If you gotta go... "

We hear Bender unzip his fly.

"You gotta go!"Everyone is now looking at Bender.

I smirked

"Oh my God!" Clair yelled

"Hey, yer not urinating in here man!" Andrew yelled and I rolled my eyes

"Don't talk! Don't talk! It makes it crawl back up!" Bender said and I stared laughing a but they all looked at me like I was crazy

"You whip it out and you're dead before the first drop hits the floor!"

Ma and Bender gasps mockingly.

"You're pretty sexy when you get angry...grrr!" I said with a wink and my and yo making it look like a paw,

Andrew looked down slightly red

Bender turns to my brother.

"Hey, homeboy..."

Brian points at himself with his pen.

" ...why don't you go close that door. We'll get the prom queen and your beloved sister-- impregnated!"

Claire turns and glares at him.

I rolled my eyes k knowing he wasn't being serious

"Hey!" Andrew yells

Bender ignores him.

"Hey!" Andrew he yelled again

"What?" Bender said annoyed

"If I lose my temper, you're totalled man!"



"Why don't you just shut up! Nobody here is interested!"

"I don't know Clair bender is very attractive I wouldn't mind if he closed the door." I said with a wink

"Well hey Sporto! What'd you do to get in here? Forget to wash your jock?"

"Uh, excuse me, fellas? I think we should just write our papers... " my brother tired but we all ignored him

"Look, just because you two live in here doesn't give you two the right to be a pain in the ass...so knock it off!" Andrew said and me and Bender mockingly registers pain in his face.

"It's a free country..." me and bender both said at the same time

"They are just doing it to get a rise out of you! Just ignore them..." clair tried to tell Andrew but me and bender smirked at each other

"Sweets...you couldn't ignore me if you tried!" Bender said and I nodded
Claire rolls her eyes.

"So...so! Are you guys like boyfriend/girl- friend?....Steady dates.....Lo--vers?.......Come on Sporto, level with me. Do you slip her the hot...beef... injection?" I asked and Claire and Andrew turn to face me and Bender, both furious.

Clair screams "Go to hell!" As andrew yells "Enough!"

Me and bender both smirk in victory

"We win." I said and they both turned around and I walked over to my brother

"Sup nerdy." I asked as I ruffled his hair,

"Hey sis." Bender started talking again,
"What do you say we close that door. We can't have any kind of party with Vernon checking us out every few seconds."

"Well, you know the door's s'posed to stay open..." by brother started and I rolled my eyes,

"So what?" I asked and my brother shut up

"So why don't you just shut up! There's five other people in here you know..." Andrew said and me and bender both looked at him,

"I'm with bender on this so there's four others."

"God, you can count. See! I knew you had to be smart to be a...a wrestler." I started laughing

"Who the hell are you two to judge anybody anyway?" Andrew asked me and bender and I sighed and rolled my eyes, but of course Andrew had to continue,"You know, Bender,wise you too...you bith don't even count. I mean if you two disappeared forever it wouldn't make any difference. You two may as well not even exist at this school."

Well fuck that was harsh

I stopped listening and put on my headphones and laid my head on my brothers shoulder

They all looked at me but I just looked down

I closed my eyes lsuetnjng to bullet by Hollywood undead and fell asleep.

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