The Death Kiss (Nanowrimo)#wa...

By NatashaMubashar

183K 9.4K 1.1K

What if Death falls in love with you? Lily Christensen escaped a near death experience when she was 10. A... More

Chapter 1: The accident
Chapter 2: The prison van
Chapter 4: Adrian Jones
Chapter 5: Timberline city
chapter 6: The dark nights
Chapter 7: The curse of Ella
Chapter 8: Red rose
Chapter 9: I am no Angel
Chapter 10: Gabriella
Chapter 11: The butterfly
Chapter 12: The Mighty Jonas
Chapter13: The crazy dream
Chapter 14: The predator
Chapter 15: His world
Chapter16: You can't die!
chapter 17: The funeral
Chapter 18: Life and Death
Chapter 19: The Arrest
Chapter 20: James Wilson
Chapter 21: The fire
Chapter 22: Marie's Grave
Chapter 23: The letter
Chapter24: Who kills who?
Chapter 25: 36 hours ago
Chapter 26: End of the End

Chapter 3: Blue eyes

8.7K 485 50
By NatashaMubashar

"I missed the first day of school", I shouted," I just can't believe it."

Mom switched on the TV without even considering my existence. Marie sat on the couch next to her, silently. The news of the prison van was all over the news channels. The rescue teams have reached the location. There have been several attempts to take out the van from the river, but all of them were unsuccessful.

I sat on the couch, between mom and Marie. A list of the pictures of unfortunate victims was released. I saw each face and name clearly. There were supposed to be 4 prisoners and two police officers in that van. But none of them had blue eyes like that guy.

I nudged Marie.

"Hey, you remember the guy we saw in the morning...."

"Which guy?" Mom heard me.

Before, any of us could reply, I heard loud cry of the baby.

Mom got up," Aaron must have woken up."

 I was proud of Aaron for waking up at this moment, I had skipped the part of story where I heard the flute and the saw the blue eyed guy, in front of mom and police officers both.

Strangely, Marie had not mentioned the guy too.

When mom left, Marie spoke," What Guy?"

"The one who jumped out of the van..."

She raised her eyebrows.

"The blue eyed one... who said sorry to me..."

She shook her head, "There was no guy,Lily."

"Are you kidding me? You told me to start the car when you saw him running towards us."

"No, Lily! I told you to drive away from the location of the accident. But you didn't. So, we had to answer the police questions for a couple of hours."

I clenched my fists in disbelief, my throat was dry and I felt my breath stuck in my chest.

"I can't believe it..."

"What you can't believe?"

"I'm sure what I saw. It's okay, we won't get in trouble. I won't tell anyone about what we saw. Just tell me, you saw that man with white shirt and black stripes on, rushing towards my car. He had covered his face. He said sorry to me and ran into the forest."

She pulled a serious face, and nodded.

"You remember?" I asked anxiously.

And Marie burst into laughter.

"Good story, Lily."

I stood up, and went upstairs to my room. I was happy that Marie didn't follow me. She was convinced that I was making it up. Something was not right about whatever that was happening to me. I had seen that guy with my own eyes. I do know, eyes could lie but not this much.

I lied down on my bed, on my stomach. My phone started blinking like crazy. It was a reminder for the submission of my English Assignment.

"Oh no!"

I jumped out of my bed, and carried my school bag to the next room. Aaron's little room was adjacent to Mom's, exact in front of mine.

"Mom,I need to go to school."

She was changing Aaron's diaper and he was clapping happily with his little hands.

"Lily, are you out of your mind? Wait for a day; you can go to school tomorrow."

I touched Aaron's hands with my fingers, and he happily grabbed my index finger.

"I have to submit my English assignment today, I am already very late. It was due before holidays."

"I can ask David to talk to your English teacher about it."

She carried Aaron, and kissed his head.

"Baby is happy?"

He laughed with his toothless mouth.

I protested," No, I don't want David to do anything for me."

"It's not something which would crush you under the burden of debt." She looked at me meaningfully.

"I'm 17. You can't tell me what to do." I protested again, more firmly.

"It's my house, so my rules. Now, young woman, behave yourself and go to your room."

I walked out of the room, disappointed. Marie was still watching the TV. I could see the top of her head when I peeked down the stair case. I kept standing in the middle of stairs, deciding whether I should go downstairs or not.

I took another step towards the decision of going downstairs when I heard Mom's voice.

"Can't you talk to him, David...? But...Oh! I understand."

I went back upstairs to listen to mom.

"So?" I prompted.

"David's saying that your English teacher wants the assignment, he has to grade them today."

It was the first time, I was happy to hear something about David.

"See, I told you so."

I carried my bag downstairs, and picked up my car key from the counter.

Marie turned her head. "Where are you going?"

"School, Have to drop English assignment. You want to come along?"

"No, I'll stay with your mom. You go ahead."

I nodded happily. I wanted to go alone myself too. I needed time to think about everything that has happened in last few days.

I entered through the golden gates of "Aidan's High". There were four statues of four figures over the front entrance that represented Discipline, Excellence, Ambition and Success.

I drove around them to the parking area. I took out my English assignment from my bag, and got out of my car. I have to drop the assignment and go back home. I wasn't in the mood of seeing any class mates.

I sneaked through the back door of the school, through the thinly crowded corridors to my English teacher's office. As I placed my hand on the handle, I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Isn't it the little Miss. Attention seeker?"

That nasal voice, full of stinging accent belonged to no other than the Sabrina Saltzman. The girl who, somehow, took a sudden dislike of me, as soon as she entered Aidan's high. We competed for the role of Juliet in the school play, two years ago, which was unfortunately given to me. The play was a total disaster. And Chase was the worst Romeo in the entire history of "Romeo Juliet" plays. An year ago, Sabrina competed with me for the cheer leading captaincy. And this time, she unfortunately won.

Between these two unfortunate events, we became arch -enemies, somehow.

I spoke without even turning around, "Get a life, Saltzman."

I knocked at the door and went inside. Mr. Daniel was sorting out a pile of papers. He looked at me, over his thin spectacles.

"I'm Sorry for the delay, actually..."

"Mr. David told me about your accident. I'm sorry to hear about it."

I nodded, and placed my crumped English Assignment on his desk. He picked it up and placed it on the top of the papers.

"Very well, Miss Christensen. It seems you had a good time with this assignment." He mocked.

I faked a smile and nodded. He started sorting papers again, which was my cue to leave. I came out, and Sabrina was leaning against the nearby locker.

Before she could say anything, I saw Chase in the corridor walking towards us. I knew, he must be worried about my accident. David must have broadcasted the news in his chemistry class.

Chase waved at us.

"Hi Lily."

I smiled," Hello Chase."

To my surprise, he turned towards Sabrina. He tucked the loose strand of her blonde hair behind her ears.

"Baby, I am so sorry."

Sabrina grinned," Forgiveness granted."

"Sabrina and Chase? " I thought. My mind screamed a big No. Even after dumping Chase, I never thought that he would go to this extent to take his sweet revenge from me.

I started walking, but Sabrina spoke, "Have you invited Lily to our party?"

Chase spoke," oh, I forgot. Hey, wait."

I turned around.


"We're hosting a party at my place for celebrating ..."

He cut off in the middle of the sentence.

Sabrina completed his sentence happily," For us, Chase and me. You aren't only his ex-girlfriend but his Best friend too; otherwise I wouldn't have invited you. "

I turned around, and without speaking a word, I started walking. I heard Chase's voice behind me, calling my name. But I kept walking towards School's old building. There was a shortcut way out to the parking area. I rushed through the empty corridor, towards the back door. Suddenly, I heard the death tune playing. But its music was different this time; it was instrumental- More like piano. It seemed like it was coming from music room. I followed the tune, and it grew louder and louder. I pressed my ear hard against the door of the music room, and listened.

It was definitely coming from behind this door. But music class was held during first few hours of school, not at this time. As our Principal believed that morning was the time when music could be enjoyed to its fullest.

I cupped my hands around the door handle, and opened the door with a thrust. The music stopped at Once. I saw someone sitting behind the piano.

I shouted," Who's there? Show yourself."

I was stunt at the controversy. The tune that was so frightening was unlike the hands of the person that was playing it. He was handsome, the kind of guy who belonged on the cover of a romance novel.

"Hello there." He spoke softly, "Can I help you?"

I brushed back few strands of loose hair behind my ears.

"Sorry, I thought someone else was here... by the way, who are you?"

"I'm Adrian Jones." He offered me his hand.

His smoky blue eyes were smiling. I shook his hand.

"Lily Christensen."

"So, you are here to learn some music?" He placed the lid of the piano down.

"No, I was just passing by. I heard this tune that you were playing..."

"Do you like it?"

"No..." I tried to answer his question honestly.

He raised his eyebrow. I quickly added my own question, "So, you are a new student here Adrian?"

He smirked," No, I'm the new music teacher."

I stood speechless for a minute.

"I'm so sorry for interrupting. Actually, I didn't mean to. The tune which you were playing reminded me of something." I spoke.

"I was expecting the very same response from you. Anyways, Nice to meet you."

"What do you mean?"

He was almost near the door now, with his right hand on the handle.

He turned around, and winked.

These were the very same playful blue eyes that I saw in the morning.

I could hardly utter, "Oh my Gosh". And my words died in the loud closure of the music room's door.

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