I'll Always Be There No Matte...

By IzumiiWasHere06

376 1 5

I've always loved you too neechan ^^ -Trishie Jane More

Watching Over The little Kitten
Stay Away From My Kohai.
Baby Kitten
Sick Day.
Protecting You From The Pain and Guilt.
Supportive Neechan

Still Sick.

10 0 0
By IzumiiWasHere06

Jillian's POV:
It was late at night when i heard my kohai coughing loudly i remember what the doctor said about her asthma so i decided to get a glass of water i woke her up and help her drink the glass of water. She then finish sipping on it and she coughed abit i layed her back down wrapped the blanket around her. As i stroked her hair she squirmed abit i check on her temperature it was going up her temperature went from 38 to 40 i panicked and i got up to find some ice i then heard her coughing again. I rushed back to her room with the ice i put the ice on a cloth and wipe it around her forehead she was in bad shape i could tell by the redness of her face. I got her inhaler just incase she has trouble breathing again she was still breathing abnormally again. And she kept breathing with her mouth and a few minutes later she began coughing again i was totally worried about what the doctor said about her asthma she woke up coughing alot. I rubbed her back so she can stop coughing she kept coughing and coughing it was really a severe asthma attack. Normally her asthma would not be this severe but now its really severe again i gave her the glass of water for her to drink she drank it. And i asked "does something hurt kohai?" She nodded and pointed at her own throat I could tell she couldn't speak at all. And she also look like she needed to pee i help her up and took her to the bathroom. I waited outside she peed for a minute. Then she came out of the bathroom face still red.

Trishie's POV:
Seriously my Body feels like its gonna collapse on me for a minute my neechan helped me walk back to my room i layed down dizzy my neechan hold my hand and played with it for awhile then i started to couch again i coughed for 3 minutes and started to gag i got up and ran to the bathroom. I spit my phlegm out in the sink i couldn't stop coughing even if my chest hurt i couldn't stop coughing my neechan rushed to me and rubbed my back. I stopped coughing i was panting heavily like i ran a marathon then here we go again a few minutes later i coughed again this time gripping on my chest my neechan kept rubbing my back it feels like my lungs will collapse on me. My neechan gave me my cough syrup i took it and my coughing stopped. Then i remember i have to go out tonight for an important reason "neechan get dressed were going somewhere" i said she looked confuse but she did go change and i get change to i wore my cloak. And we went outside i was bringing my phone we went traveling through the night.

*few minutes later*

Jillian's POV:
I still am confuse why we are traveling this late at night. Then she told me something "neechan" she coughed for abit and said "can you do me a favor and pass this usb to teacher arnold tomorrow." She handed me a usb i asked "huh why?" She said "its an important project and i need to pass it to him—" again she started coughing for 7 minutes then she fell to the ground. My eyes widened and i crouched down and rubbed her back i looked at her she look pale. I knew i should've let her go out this late. She panted heavily then i felt her body was getting more hotter then she suddenly blacked out.

*hours later*

Trishie's POV:
I woke up in my room i sat up and someone suddenly hugged me. "KOHAI!" Neechan screamed i asked "w-what happened?" She explained into me then i remember she looked so concerned i did regret going out that night i asked "how long have i been unconscious" she replied "two days. And i also passed your project to teacher arnold" i thanked her and she also told me my fever went down but. I still have a bit of fever i layed back down as she crawled to bed and layed down next to me. She kissed my cheek and pinched it gently "awww so adorable ^^" she said. Then i began to cough again she rubbed my back i stopped coughing then she she hugged me behind. And whispered "im sorry my kohai if i let you have a high fever" i replied "its fine its not your fault its my fault" then she replied "Im so lucky i have you as my kohai" then i started coughing again. She kept rubbing my back and again i stopped coughing.

*Hours later*

Jillian's POV:
It was late at night me and my kohai are asleep then i heard. Again my kohai coughing and sneezing i rubbed her back again but i remember she wasnt wearing warm clothes so shes coughing alot. I got up got her white sleeve and put it on her. As i lay down next to her i snuggled against her neck and hold her hand. She purred and She snuggled against my arm cuddling it. I giggled and kissed her forehead and went back to sleep ^^

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