Heroes Need Saving Too (BNHAx...

By Glizzy_Rider155

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A teenage girl who has a troubled past has to become the number one hero in order to prove that she is not wh... More

Chapter 1: Hatred starts young
Chapter 2: Exploration
Chapter 3: Getting a foot in the door
Chapter 4: A clean house is a start, right?
Chapter 5: It's a new day, it's a new me and it's a new life
Chapter 6: Alrighty then...so be it
Chapter 7: Who is what now?
Chapter 8: The nights are darker than usual now
Chapter 9: A good fight for once
Chapter 10: I was useless
Chapter 11: I didn't...what?!
Chapter 12: You learn new things everyday
Chapter 13: It happened again
Chapter 14: Can this day get any better?
Chapter 15: Back to school once again
Chapter 16: Let the games begin
Chapter 17: The new Recovery Girl's in town
Chapter 18: You save people for a living, but this time it's different
Chapter 19: The first meeting
Chapter 20: Pissed off and tired
Chapter 21: What an interesting turn of events
Chapter 22: Still a little child
Chapter 23: Time doesn't always heal
Chapter 24: I may be a girl but I ain't no cupcake
Chapter 25: The plan
Chapter 26: The thought of moving out?...bleh
Chapter 27: Alright, a new plan
Chapter 28: Boxing
Chapter 29: Let's get a move on
Chapter 31: One of my many skills
Chapter 32: You must save him once again
Chapter 33: Telling people about yourself can be dangerous
Chapter 34: I don't need to eat
Chapter 35: Nothing like being a disappointment
Chapter 36: The name game
Chapter 37: Not a good day
Chapter 38: Some down time first...
Chapter 39: ...then a fight
Chapter 40: Choices
Chapter 41: Is this real life?
Chapter 42: On the rise
Halloween Special
Chapter 43: The presence of my sister
Chapter 44: The past
Chapter 45: Video-games are like life
Chapter 46: Freaky Friday...but on a Saturday
Chapter 47: Back again and already saving someone I
Chapter 48: Back again and already saving someone II
Chapter 49: Recovery
Chapter 50: The early bird gets the worm
Chapter 51: I'm trying at least
Chapter 52: Everything's my fault
Chapter 53: "How are you?"
Chapter 54: Gained another friend, I guess?
Chapter 55: A little sparring match
Chapter 56: The beginning of a journey
Chapter 57: We have lift off
Chapter 58: Everyone's here
Chapter 59: To the top we go!
Chapter 60: Some fights here and there...no big deal
Chapter 61: This was your plan?
Chapter 62: Victory
Thanksgiving Special
Chapter 63: Just let me sleep
Chapter 64: Glad to be back
Chapter 65: Can't I get a break?
Chapter 66: A part of my past I try to forget
Chapter 67: Please don't find me
Chapter 68: What was once lost, was found
Chapter 69: ...
Chapter 70: I'm awake
Chapter 71: Story time
Chapter 72: I'm back
Chapter 73: Planning a mission
Chapter 74: The mission
Chapter 75: The mall incident
Chapter 76: The start of summer vacation
Chapter 77: I'm not lazy
Chapter 78: Training
Chapter 79: It's starting
Chapter 80: I tried
Chapter 81: An odd comeback
Chapter 82: A missed opportunity
Chapter 83: Company
Christmas Special
Chapter 84: The great escape
Chapter 85: The five year old that I am
Chapter 86: I wanted to be home alone
Chapter 87: Another interesting day
New Years Special
Chapter 88: Started bad, ended great
Chapter 89: Beach day
Chapter 90: Back to work
Chapter 91: I'm a horrible person
Chapter 92: Search...
Chapter 93: and rescue
Chapter 94: Guilt
Chapter 95: Catching people up
Chapter 96: A cats senses
Chapter 97: Easy yet tiring day
Chapter 98: One last hurrah before school
Chapter 99: Schools in session again
Chapter 100: Moving Again
Chapter 101: Someone else's turn
Chapter 102: I've been found already
Chapter 103: It was my fault
Chapter 104: My kind of solution
Chapter 105: I'm sorry
Chapter 106: Annoyance
Chapter 107: Things are looking up
Chapter 108: Dread
Chapter 109: The Results
Chapter 110: A Tiny Party
Chapter 111: It's official I guess
Chapter 112: Already put to work
Chapter 113: First call
Chapter 114: Hard day at work?
Chapter 115: I know the feeling
Chapter 116: Too much human contact
Chapter 117: Planning a mission II
Chapter 118: The mission II
Chapter 119: My own fight
Chapter 120: The Aftermath
Chapter 121: Observations
Chapter 122: Trust
Chapter 123: Morning call
Chapter 124: Odds and ends
Chapter 125: An outing
Chapter 126: Set up
Chapter 127: Festival Preparations
Chapter 128: Happy for once
Chapter 129: Welcome
Chapter 130: Numb
Chapter 131: Pains
Chapter 132: Positivity is hard to find
Chapter 133: Hiding the truth
Chapter 134: Mall trip
Chapter 135: Others safety is more important
Chapter 136: Present Mic's POV
Chapter 137: Aizawa's POV
Chapter 138: All Might's POV
Chapter 139: Finally awake
Chapter 140: A temporary home
Chapter 141: I don't need help
Chapter 142: I need space to cool off
Chapter 143: "Just fell down the stairs"?
Chapter 144: Moving into my old dorm
Chapter 145: Lunch plans
Chapter 146: A little sparring match II
Chapter 147: Just a wee bit obsessed
Chapter 148: Not all that obsessed
Chapter 149: Okay, maybe really obsessed
Chapter 150: A shattered doll
Chapter 151: A new deal
Chapter 152: Catch up
Chapter 153: Back to I-Island I go
Chapter 154: Surprise me
Chapter 155: How stupid can I be?
Chapter 156: Not everyone is who they seem they are
Chapter 157: A lookalike fight is not that easy
Chapter 158: An explanation
Chapter 159: Another trip
Chapter 160: Like a real hero
Chapter 161: Made another friend
Chapter 162: Too slow
Chapter 163: I'll try to not disappoint
Chapter 164: We blame ourselves
Chapter 165: First day on the job
Chapter 166: Easiest job
Chapter 167: I'll prove you wrong
Chapter 168: Finally didn't mess up
Chapter 169: Someone new who worries
Chapter 170: Nothing but surprises
Chapter 171: Was that the cat?
Chapter 172: I can't hear you
Chapter 173: Winning takes its toll
Chapter 174: Thank you cake
Chapter 175: Like a dream
Chapter 176: It's just an illusion
Chapter 177: A young Sherlock
Chapter 178: Natural disasters
Chapter 179: As tough as nails
Chapter 180: Bitter cold, just how I like it
Chapter 181: My origin
Chapter 182: A winter outing
Chapter 183: A caged polar bear
Chapter 184: Where am I?
Chapter 185: The panic sets in
Chapter 186: It's my mess
Chapter 187: It's everyone's mess
Chapter 188: Don't get him involved!
Chapter 189: Another lead
Present Mic's B-Day Special
Chapter 190: Nearing my end
Chapter 191: Final words
Chapter 192: The warmth of safety
~Authors Note~
A New Chapter - The Future is Now

Chapter 30: It's all coming together

1.5K 61 16
By Glizzy_Rider155


I turned off the alarm that was going off on my phone. I had set an alarm for six o'clock so then I could get an early start at unpacking since I didn't do any yesterday. I then got out of bed and for a moment I was unsure of my surroundings, but then I remembered where I was; my new home. I climb down the spiral staircase and into the attached bathroom to freshen up and to change into my everyday wear; sweatpants and a hoodie. Once I finished getting ready, I decided that I should make myself breakfast...then I should also make Aizawa and Mic breakfast too, but if I don't then I'll make lunch or dinner.

I then look around in the pile of boxes for the one that says 'kitchen'. After moving boxes for a few minutes I finally found it. I took my pan, a plate, a cup, a small pot, and silverware, then walked to the kitchen. Since I had food from my apartment, they let me store it in their pantry and fridge. Once I made it there, I opened the fridge to grab my eggs. I set the pan on the burner of the stove and let it heat up along with my pot of water while I went to the pantry to get my instant oatmeal. By the time I got the lid off of the oatmeal cup, the frying pan was hot enough to fry the egg. While the egg was frying, the pot of water started to boil so I added it to my oatmeal and stirred it in along with a little brown sugar. While my egg was frying, I guess I was so loud that I woke someone. I heard footsteps approach then a groggy voice. I turned around as soon I heard a peep.

"Yo, Y/N, what are you doing up so early?" Mic asked as he rubbed the back of his neck as if it hurt. His hair was a mess and it looked odd to see him without the speaker around his neck.

'Wow, I almost didn't recognize Mic. If he were to bump into me on the street, I wouldn't know that it was him.'

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was I making too much noise?" I asked then turned towards the egg, then flopped it onto a plate.

He then said as he waved a hand, "No, no, you're fine. I'm a light sleeper so I wake up to the slightest of sounds."

"Oh, I'll keep that in mind when I'm walking about at night." I paused as I picked up my plate and cup of oatmeal, then I answered his earlier question, "Umm, to answer your question, I decided to get up this early so then I could get an early start at unpacking."

He nodded his head once slowly as he said, "Ahh. Okay, I see." He then added as he turned towards their room, "Well then, have fun with that. I'm going back to bed." He then finished off his sentence with a yawn.

When he only took a few steps I quickly added, "Hey, I'll make lunch...or supper. Depending on when you guys want to eat I'll make something, just let me know, please."

He then stopped and said over his shoulder, "Sounds great...I'll let Sho know when he wakes up."

"Thank you, Mic." I said as I set my breakfast on the table.

He stopped once again but turned towards me this time. "Hey, since you'll be living here, you can call me Yamada. Seems only right, right?" He finished with a tired smile.

As I stand next to the table I say, "Yeah...well then, see you later." He then started walking back to his bedroom and shut the door behind him. I sat down at the table and just as I did I realized that I didn't have anything to drink. I then walked back to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of what little orange juice I had left. I walked back to the table with my glass of juice, sat down and started to eat.

You shouldn't eat so much. You'll get even fatter.

'Thanks. I know that already but this will be the only thing that I'll eat for the next few days'

Alright then. Also, you better clean your dishes.

'No shit Sherlock.'

You should just kill your self since you are imposing on two peoples lives. Just be sure to do it elsewhere. They don't need you finishing the job here in their house.

'Yeah yeah, I was planning on doing it next week...I'm starting to get sick of bothering people so much.'


I then picked up my dishes and brought them to the sink. On my way there I threw away the cup that the oatmeal was in. I washed my dishes and brought them back to my room so I could put them back in the box. I'll decide what I will do with my kitchen-wear later after I finish packing.

I stood with my back to the closed door looking over my new domain and was thinking of where I should put stuff. I decided that I would just YOLO it and place stuff as I unpacked it; to hell with plotting shit. I started with picking up the bookshelf and putting it in the indent next to the spiral staircase. Since there was room for one more shelf I generated one more that looked exactly like the other one. With me, being the otaku trash I am, I put my figures that I have collected over the years on the one in the same arrangement that I had in my old apartment. With the other shelf, I put all of my manga that I had. I didn't have room for another shelf in my old room so I just kept them in boxes. I didn't know I had enough to fill a whole book case full of manga. Since I play so many instruments, I have competed in my fair share of competitions and aced them all by getting first place in each and everyone I entered.

I put those medals on the top of the book shelves. I then moved onto the living-room area, which I put closest to the door. I put the TV by the window so then if you were to sit on the sofa, you'd be able to look out the window at the same time as you watched TV. I also had the TV sitting on a low shelf which held all of the different gaming consoles and a huge rack of games sat to the left of that which was in the corner. I had one chair with its back to the wall that the door was on, the coffee table in front of that, then the other chair. The coffee table was in the middle of the TV and the sofa. On the other side of that area, I made it into my music area. I generated a metal chair with a cushion and placed that behind the music stand which was placed like the TV. The keyboard was next to the music stand and had a stool of its own. The amp for the electric guitar and bass was tucked in the corner, angled so the speaker was facing out.

Since I still had so much room I decided to generate stuff so it would help take up some room. First I generated a shelf which was like a book shelf, but this was deeper and was meant to store instruments. I decided to put that in the corner instead. I then moved the amp so it was next to the instrument storage and angled it the same way I had it before. I generated four huge sheer curtain panels and hung them up over the window. I then generated four black curtains and tied them so they looked fancy. Ya know how they'd look with it being oval-ish for the top half of it, then tied, then the rest of it hung in vertical waves.

Anyway, after that I generated a seven foot bean bag chair which was more like a love seat...whatever it was, it was comfy as hell. I put that by my bookshelf. I then put other odds and ends away in their appropriate locations. I then put my clothes and shoes in the closet-which was also huge. I then added a soft rug by my bed so it would make it feel a little more homely and comfy. When I finished with that, I inspected my nearly completed room and adjusted things until it seemed fit. I then took a step back to take it all in now that I am fully moved in. Well...almost moved in. I still have two boxes of kitchenware sitting by the door and I have absolutely no idea what to do with them.

When I finished I opened my room door and walked out to the railing directly in front of the door and leaned over to see if anyone was up yet. For being eleven, nearing noon, no one was up besides me. I then pulled up the big bean bag chair, plugged my bass guitar into the amp and plugged in my ear buds so then I wouldn't wake Aizawa and Yamada. I then started to play the bass part to Bohemian Rhapsody (by Queen). While the song played I had my phone connected to the amp so then I was able to hear myself play and the song that I was playing to. I played many, many more songs. I think I played for at least an hour and a half. Man, time flies when you're having fun. Anyway, while I was playing the bass part for Leave the City (by Twenty One Pilots) I started to sing the bridge without even thinking.

~In time, I'll leave the city~

~For now, I will stay alive~

~In time, I'll leave the city~

~For now, I will stay alive~

~In time, I'll leave the city~

~For now, I will stay alive~

~In time, I'll leave the city~

~For now, I will stay alive~

I mean, play any Twenty One Pilots song anywhere and I'll sing to it no matter the circumstance. So, there I am practically laying down, singing with a bass guitar laying on my stomach and I all of a sudden get a feeling that I'm being watched. I pause the song on my phone, take out my ear buds and turn around.

"You're really good at singing. Have you taken vocal lessons?" Yamada asked with a surprised smile.

My face started to turn red. I then turned down my amp, shut it off, unplugged by guitar and put it away.

"Look what you did. You embarrassed her. I told you not to barge in." Aizawa told Yamada as if he was a little child. Aizawa then let out a sigh and admitted, "It is true though, you have a gifted voice."

Now facing the wall, trying to hide my beat red face, I squeaked out, "Thank you." I then pull the bean bag chair back by the book shelf. When I turned around Yamada spoke up.

"Your room looks pretty great!" He was nearly in awe. He then started to walk around my room to get a better look at stuff.

Aizawa was looking around too but he wasn't walking around, "Yeah, it does." He paused as he noticed my geeky shelves.

'Shit! I forgot that no one knew about that hobby! They probably think I'm weird now!' I started to panic.

"I didn't know you were into anime and comics." Aizawa said.

Yamada added, "Or video games."

"Ye-yeah...I-I'm weird...I-I know." I stuttered nervously.

Yamada then said quickly, sounding as if he'd take back what he said, "No, that's not what I mean! I mean, that's cool. It's different, unique. We should all play a game or two together."

"We'd also like to learn more about you since you'll be staying here for a while." Aizawa said to me. He then added, "Also, Hizashi said that you told him that you'd make lunch or supper. Is that true?"

I nod my head as I answered, "Yeah...would you like me to make lunch?"

Yamada then joined the conversation, "I could go for lunch."

I then said, "Alright then, I'll make lunch now...what do you want to eat?"

They looked to each other, then Aizawa deadpanned as he started to walk out of my room, "Anything is fine with me"

Yamada then followed behind him and said, "Same here."

I was then left standing there, debating what I should make. Should I make a meal that would suit their taste? Should I make them a meal that would be traditional from my hometown in America since they want to know more about me? Should I make something that's quick? Ugh, this is too hard.

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