Unwanted Son

By Corruptprophet777

309K 3.5K 3.9K

This is a retelling of the story No thanks, I'm good https://www.wattpad.com/user/observer213 I got permissio... More

Accidents Happen
A Free Bird
A Bird Caged
Broken Wings
Birds Of A Feather
Birds Eye View Part 1.
Birds Eye View Part 2.
First Date/Last Date
Drinking Away The Pain
Bull-Riding +18
A Bitter Betrayal
Meeting CVFY
A Baby Bird?
Behind The Vale
Behind The Vale Pt. 2
Behind The Vale Part. 3
You Really Thought That Would Work?
Off To See The Wizard... Part 1
Off To See The Wizard-Part 2.
Unwelcome Reunions
I Wonder What Happened To...
Weiss Is Waifu
Vulnerable Isn't Weak


7.4K 112 72
By Corruptprophet777

Hawke POV:

After what I just witnessed I needed some time to myself. Luckily Beacon isn't lacking in regards to space. So I guess that nobody will mind if I went for a walk~

Me: 'Sigh' "I never thought that in my entire life... I could feel proud of something I did. But Duncan, he proved me wrong. He just spoke his first words. Of course most human babies say their first words around his age, but not complete sentences! Then again he's only HALF human.... That must be it. He's half faunus, I heard that faunus develop different than humans. I guess he takes after his mo- no. Ada. Emerald is his mom, not Ada. "

I stop walking and look at an old photo from some newspaper

Me: 'sigh' Why'd I have to go and think about you again?

(Not my art, it is awesome though)

Me: Dammit! Why can't I forget you?!

I start pacing back and forth, trying and failing to calm myself. I can't contain this pain anymore and begin to scream at the top of my lungs, damned if I care if someone heard me


Finally I collapse on my knees and tears begin to crawl down my face.

Me: Why do I still love you?

And I cried. Right there on the outskirts of Beacon Academy. In the dark of night. When I thought I was alone.

I was wrong.

Qrow POV:

I want to kill Summer! I entrusted her with my child and she did something so horrid and depraved! But at the same time, we now know she was still under HER control!

30 Minutes earlier:

Summer: I know what I did, but It wasn't me! N-not the r-real me! I didn't want to hurt him! Same as Taiyang and Raven! I didn't want to hurt him, I didn't want to Rape him!

She Broke down in tears while she cries for herself I quickly grab my weapon and point it at her.

Tai: Whoa! Qrow, wait!

Me: Move TAI! She hurt my baby!

I went to hit her but Raven pushed me back

Raven: I'm just as sickened as you are sister, but we need to hear her out before we can pass judgement!

I push past her and snarl back!

Me: And who the hell are you to be acting all high and mighty to me ms. Leavemyhusbandandkidstogobacktomurderousrapistthievs!

Raven backed away and I continue towards my former friend when suddenly...

Summer?: 'Hmph' I'm surprised that you all have the restraint to not kill this... PATHETIC excuse of a silver eyed warrior~

Ozpin's eyes widen in shock and we all take a step back.

Summer?: Oh? Not so talkative when another person joins the conversation? Oh well~ I've had such fun in this body~ The Pain I inflicted on the youngest Branwen~ It was... ECSTASY!!!~

Summer? begins to grope herself while rubbing her inner thighs together, biting her lip with a flushed face

Ozpin: Salem.

Summer? Looked up and smiled and began to laugh.

Salem: In the flesh~ Or so to speak. I am so surprised you didn't realize I still had hold of your greatest weapon~

Ozpin: How long have you had control of team STRQ?!

Salem took a moment and began to count on her fingers, until she stopped and smirked

Salem: Since the night of their graduation~

Tai: Bullshit! How could you have control of us that long?

Salem: Well to be fair, I had no control of Qrow~ You other fools though~

Raven: How did you come to possess us?!

Salem: Do you not remember? I'm hurt! After all you asked me to join the party!

Taiyang and Raven's eyes widen and they paled considerably.

Me: What did you guys do?

Neither said anything for a moment, whether it be from fear or shock. Taiyang was the first to snap out of it

Taiyang: The night of graduation. Raven and I had got engaged. You were passed out drunk but we wanted to get married...

Raven: S-so Taiyang and I decided to tie the knot.

Taiyang: Pun intended.

Raven: .... Right- anyway we found someone to officiate the union, and we needed two witnesses. One was Summer.... and the other was....

Me: Her?! Seriously?!

Taiyang: We were drunk and it's not like we really were paying attention to who we were talking too! And In our defense she looked like a gorgeous blonde!

Ozpin's eyes never left Summer- Salem. He was just waiting for something.

Ozpin: Why?

Salem: Hmm?

Ozpin I asked why?

Salem: Because you needed to realize that no matter how much trust you put into these children... any of them could be your worst nightmare~

Me: Really?

Salem: Oh no child~ I did it to create the most powerful weapon~

Me: Hawke?

Salem: 'Giggle' No~ His off-spring~

Her eyes turn towards a sleeping child. Robin.

Me: No....

The others slowly begin to piece it together. Robin was Hawkes Oldest child.

Suddenly Salem begins laughing. I quickly pick Robin up and cradle her in my arms. Taiyang punches Salem in the face, causing her to fall to the floor again.

Summer was on the floor shaking. Taiyang was standing in-front of her looking at her in rage. Raven was just in shock of all that has happened. And I was holding... my granddaughter?!

Ozpin suddenly stands up and walks beside Tai, and grabs Summer by the throat. The most surprising thing is that no-one rushed to help her. We all just watched as Ozpin tossed her onto the ground and pressed the tip of his cane against her chest.

Ozpin: I know you are in there Summer. Please, fight back! You have suffered at the hands of Salem far too long, now FIGHT!

Summer looked panicked and began trying to get up but Taiyang and Raven grabbed her Arms and legs respectively. She began to cry and looked directly to me.

Summer: Qrow! Please help me! I never hurt Hawke! You heard her! PLEASE!

I simply shake my head and walk out of Ozpin's office, bumping into a snooping Glynda Goodwitch and General Ironwood! Both looked slightly teary eyed and look at me with pity.

Glynda: I-I am so sorry for everything that you have been put through Qrow!

Ironwood: Is there anything I can do to help? Any and all of my resources are at your disposal!

I look down to the sleeping child in my arms and back to them.

Me: Help me find my son.

They look at one another and nod in agreement and then back to me

G+I: Of course!

I smile and we all walk to the elevator together.

Hold on baby, mamas commin'!

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