my protective boyfriend

By writingandreading_

116K 658 342


Who we are/ date
Secret party
Hurting feelings
Christmas Break
6 months
6 months (part2)


21K 109 96
By writingandreading_

It's 1 week later after he showed me the rules. Everything went well until yesterday(Saturday)

Friday night Brian slept with me and we cuddled and watched some movies. Around 10:45 pm he said. "Emily go make yourself ready for bed. "
"Okey Brian I will" I said.
I brushed my teeth, put on my pj and went to bed.

It was 11:05pm and i should be going tot sleep but I didn't want to! Duhh. It was weekend after all and all my friends would stay up till 1pm.
I just took my phone from the bedside drawer. Brian usually went to bed with me around 11:45pm so with my amazing math skills I calculated had 40 minutes to be on my phone. lmao.

Started texting some friends and scrolling through instagram for a while.

i almost let my phone fall when I heard steps coming up the stairs. I looked at the clock, 11:30pm. Why so early already, I thought.
Brian was coming and I tried to put by phone away as fast as I could and closed my eyes. (lets go fake sleeping skills)

Brian walked in and I had the idea as if he was staring at me for ages, as if I wasn't sleeping haha. I almost laughed but luckily didn't.
I fell asleep eventually and felt Brian laying next to me.

I went upstairs and Emily was already asleep. And I laid next down to her.


I woke up and looked on my phone as always. Just checking some social apps.

After that I went down stairs wanting to make breakfast.
Started to look on my phone for some recipes and got a message from a friend. I read it and answered it, then I saw a a deleted messages from Emily.
Oh and I could see it was deleted AT 11:28pm! Wow she's smart haha. Hmm that girl is in some trouble.

I walked upstairs again and turned on the lights in the room to wake her up.

It was about 9am in the morning and I woke up from the bright light. Brian had put on the lights in the room to wake me up. "Briannn!!!stop I want to sleepppp go away" I whined.
"Emily i want you to wake up and watch the attitude"

(Sheezz he's pissed today) "Ugh I don't fucking care just go downstairs!" I said while rolling back on my belly..(smart choice),I heard footsteps in my room but didn't really care until SMACK. I felt a sharp pain in my bottom. "Owwee! stop it you jerk!!" I yelled at him.

"SMACK, Emily don't talk to me SMACK like that SMACK okay?!"

Me almost tearing up.."oww stop it I'm sorry okayyy?!"

"If I ask you SMACK to wake up you do it.
"I'll come, Im sorry"
He gave me a hug and said, " its okay baby just come downstairs quick."

He made me pancakes with raspberries and strawberries. I ate it and it was soo damn good! Never knew he could cook like this haha.

I went back upstairs to go on my phone but I couldn't find my phone there so decided to yell, "Briannnnn have you seen my phone?!

"Emily don't yell at me just come downstairs and talk to me normally am I clear?"

how the heck is he supposed to hear me from upstairs then urgh, I thought but I just said, "yess, coming"
I was at the top of the stairs rn.

"So I have your phone Emily, "but WHY" she said and ran down the stairs to me and trying to get her phone out of my hand. First warning!
Emily get off! Your not getting it back today"

"Shut up Brian give it back to me ITS MINE" i yelled.

"Go to your room now and wait till I come back and say you can get out! You know damn good why!" I said very stern and a bit angry

"No! Im staying right here where I am!"

"Emily don't make it worse for yourself. You have 3 seconds to get ya ass upstairs now!
1.....2....(and she started running).....3 ".

Seriously! I thought while laying on my bed, how could he be like this?!It took like a hour before he came back(even though it was only about 10 minutes)

"Emily come here and sit next to me."

"Why are you here?"
I shrugged and said softly " I don't know"

"Yes you do, tell me."
"because I yelled at you"I said soft.
"And also?"

"Because I cussed at you and..had a bad attitude to you" while looking down to the floor.

"And what are we going to do because after you didn't listen to me. What are you getting?"

"Uhmm a s-spanking" I said looking down..again.

Yes that's true. Your getting spanked because you gave me a attitude but mostly because you were on your phone last night when you were supposed to be sleeping! And you know the rules Emily!(I said stern)

(Shit how did he knew that I thought)
"Oh yeah I'm really sorry about that" kinda caring but not to much at the same time lol.

That's to late now. Get over my lap you're getting 30 with hand on pants and 15 on your underwear am I clear?!

i was kinda in shock, I dint thought he would really spank me. "O-ohkay Brian"I said while a tear rolled down my cheek. I kinda scared because of what is gonna happen and cause I've never been spanked before..

"Okay lets get over with this", I pulled her over my lap and she already started sniffing and apologising to me.

Brian, I shouldn't have been on my phone last night and have a attitude this morning. I'm sorry please don't!

I can see you're sorry but you're still having a spanking baby. Now let's get started okay honey?

She started crying out of now where, "baby what's wrong? Why are you crying this hard." I pulled her back up and sat her down on my lap.

"Bbriann......i don't really know, im kinda scared."

"Ohw babygirl don't worry, you will be just fine" I held her in my arms."


"Baby slow down okay breath. look I know it can be scary the first time and yes it will hurt for a little but I promise we will cuddle afterwards and you will be just fine!"


"Hey Emily do you trust me?"

"Yes, i really do but idk it's a little scary."

Ahw okay that's good. Don't worry let's just start alright?

"Uhuhm, hold hand?"

"Sure babe"and I held her hand.
"I'm gonna start now"

I nodded my head.

"owweeee" i yelled in the bedsheets.
"I am ssorryy" I said while crying.
"Almost baby", I was spanking her hard but then waiting a few seconds before the other one came so she could really learn.
(already crying)sssorryy.
I just cried softly in de bedsheets.

"Are we done" I said sobbing, after he stopped for a few seconds.

No baby not yet, your getting 10 on your underwear now. You're doing great okay.
(I wanted to hug her already and tell her that I love her but she needs to understand that this isn't a joke)

I pulled her pants down and began, "baby I'm gonna start okay"


"owwweee" I kinda screamed

Okay baby I want you to count the last 10, if you forget to count your getting 2 extra am I clear?

"Y-yesss" I sobbed


"Two, threeeeee" I really didn't want no more.

Owe four,
"I fucking hate you" I mumbled, softly, like really softly.

"What did you say?!" I said while stopping for a second.

"Nothinggg!!" Wth how did he hear that I kinda thought.

"Come on say it!" He said and gave me another 3 slaps.

" i ssaid i-i hate you"? I mumbled softly.

"Don't SMACK you SMACK ever SMACK call me that again SMACK! I'm your boyfriend and i love you very much!I don't want you to call me that SMACK understand?!"

"Owwwee, yes" I cried

"Now go count where you were"

"Fiveee" i sobbed.

"oww six, seven, eight"

"nineee, ten" I tried saying while crying.

He sat me up slowly on his lap.
I sobbed in his chest for some time. He hugged me tight and then he explained to me;

Emily i was really disappointed in you about yesterday, I don't want that to happen again, am I clear?

"y-yesss" I sobbed actually feeling bad about what I did.

I know this hurts, but this is going to happen often if you don't listen to me. Or act like this okay baby?

yes okay, im so sorry Brian I won't do it again. " I said while there were still tears rolling down my cheek.

It's okay it's okay slow down sweetie, you're already forgiven.

Know that I always love you baby even when I am angry or disappointed at you! I love you so so much!

"I love you too Brian!"

you still have to go downstairs and stand in the corner with your eyes looking at the wall.

"okay" I said looking down a bit.

He held my hand and we walked downstairs together.

Okey now go stand in the corner for me and soon the time is over and we can watch a movie together.

at this point yk I didn't rlly wanted to go in the corner after that all..

"Nah im no going to haha ,really think I'm gonna stand there?" I said with a attitude again.

Oh really? Cause I do think you are going over there!
He grabbed my arm and put his knee on a chair and pulled me over his knee(kinda) SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK.

"okay!im going!!!" tears already forming in my eyes.

"I already thought so!"

After 10 minutes i got her out of the corner and we walked to the couch. She cried a bit I'm my chest and I calmed her down.

We picked out a movie and cuddled together.

I love you so much Brian!
She's so freakin cute I thought while giving her a big hug and saying, "I love you too baby!"

Do you guys like these stories? Tell me in the comments if you have more ideas I could use! Or what you think of it.
1809 wordsss
Bye -xxx kate

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