《The Bad Boy》Umeji Kizuguchi...

By thatCutesyPie

79.2K 1.6K 8.5K

The Bad Boy, Umeji Kizuguchi, has a soft side for (Y/n)(L/n) that he tries to hide by teasing and pretending... More

~•Chapter One•~
~•Chapter Two•~
~•Chapter Three•~
~•Chapter Four•~
~•Chapter Five•~
~•Chapter Six•~
~•Chapter Eight•~
Chapter Nine Preview

~•Chapter Seven•~

5.9K 134 656
By thatCutesyPie

A/n: Everyone in the comments worrying about (Y/n) forgetting the drink: 🤡🤡🤡

Nahhhh I'm kidding, broskis. But yes, the drink finally gets dealt with in this chapter. WoOhOo!¡ No need to go in a rampage drink situation hasn't been dealt with... 😅

For some reason, this book is getting a lot more attention lately and I have no idea why? I don't even know why but I just wanted to thank everyone for all of the support, lovely comments and votes on this book. It means a lot to me, and I love you all very much!! 🥺🥺❤

Anyway, I won't hold you back any longer! Without further ado, here is the new chapter~


“Be careful out there, hun!” the Nurse's benevolent voice called out towards you.

      At that present moment, you had just departed from the Nurse's office after she bandaged up the wound on your nose. Oh, how delightful that was. Really delightful. The nurse secured the inflated purpled contusion with a thick layer of white gauze plastered on the sensitive skin and stuck the bandage down with some tape. Bleeding had been rendered to a total halt, but the injury continued to immensely pulse with mild stings of affliction from the pain stretching through. However, given that it was treated properly, it wasn't as agonizingly irritating as before. It surprised you that all you endured was a bruise and nothing too drastic like a broken nose. From the unpleasantly cruel fall you experienced when Umeji had positioned out his foot for you to trip over, you thought you'd receive something more severely damaging. Thankfully, though, you didn't.

      You simply couldn't wait for everyone to be staring at you all day because of the compression slapped onto your face.

“Thank you, miss. I will,” you replied formally as you ambled out of the infirmary and stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind you as you egress.

'Probably won't. I'm just a penchant for running into trouble,'

      Drifting your eyes around the hallways, you noticed no soul was in your line of sight- there was a quieten silence accompanied in the environs. No students or faculty members lurked about, only a peaceful solitude suspending in the air. Sidling a few feet away from the Nurse's office now, footsteps shortly puncturing the stillness, you stopped in your pace and leaned up against the wall momentarily to take a breather. A lightly tiring sigh effused from your lips as you ducked your arms across your chest, resting your head to the wall and allowing your eyelids to seal over your vision.

      Thoughts traversed randomly through your mind as you paused for a short while.

“Hm... I wonder if my retards for friends are at our usual spot.” you absentmindedly inquired to yourself, a soft smirk forming on your mouth at the thought of your three miscellaneous friends.

“I'm surprised you even have friends given how much of a loser you are.” a recognizable voice spoke up from behind you.

      Just as you regained your stance and peeled open your eyes, an arm promptly stretched out and attached itself to the wall beside your face instantaneously. This inevitably caused you to falter backwards in an affrighted manner, growing eyes fleeing in an expansive length from unexpected shock.

“JESUS H. MURPHY!!!” you shrilled- shrieking voice carrying down the hall.

      Mainly you were startled because of the sudden appearance, but it was mostly because the person in front of you was goddamn motherfucking Umeji. He planned an unanticipated arrival as per usual. What else is new? You pondered to yourself.

“Ugh! The fuck is wrong with you?! Why did you scream like that, you freaking maniac?” Umeji exclaimed in vexation as he covered his ears with his hands, a grimace arrayed on his face.

“You scared me, obviously!! I didn't expect you to do that!” you exasperated as he removed his hands from his ears and directed a derisive look towards you.

“You got scared because of that? Damn, you're such a crybaby.” he berated.

      You clamped a hand down onto the area on your chest just above where your drumming heartbeat was in a soothing attempt to calm yourself down. Fingers clutched around the fabric, erratically paced heart rate pacifying to its normal lever. He really gave you a fright and practically startled you out of your own skin (clearly). He only looked at you with an intimidating glare and grazed a hand through the blonde forelocks cascading unrestrainedly over his temple.

“Why are you here?” you puzzled once you obtained you abandoned equilibrium.

He clearly seemed displeased with your query and wagged his head from the sides, feigning a laugh of some sort. “You are just so stupid, you know that?” The range of his resonance leaked with taunting malign and he continued on, “You never gave me my damn drink.”

( d r a m a t i c r e c o r d s c r a t c h )

Once he acknowledged that fact, the expanse of your eyes broadened widely and you quickly cleared away the mass amount of tension developing in the back of your throat, “Oh... Y-your drink?” you repeated in a blissfully ignorant tone in hopes it wouldn't somehow offend him.

      You had literally forgotten about delivering the beverage back to him. (N o k i d d i n g) Alarms blared in a continual, incessant cycle inside your head and a cold sweat pulsated through your skin. A sinking feeling harvested sickeningly deep in your stomach, an unbearable heaviness settling below. A churning and nerve-wracking feeling- sensing that some shit was about to go down.

“Isn't that what I just said?” Umeji scowled fiercely, “I mean, I send you on the simplest task and you can't even go through with it. You think you're better than me or somethin'?”

Your teeth nicked at the side of your lip in agitation, awkwardly. “Yeah.. um... I forgot to give it to you...?” you lessened, voice tailing off slowly.

“I don't like being waited on, and I will not tolerate it if someone thinks that they can ignore me when I demand them to do something. If someone doesn't follow my instructions, serious consequences follow up after it. I don't know who you think you are, but if I want something, I get it. If send you to do something, you do it. Unless you want to get hurt. Got it?” There was a certain edge his voice had met, vindictive malice slithering from his lips in a sharp and retorting remark.

      You flinched violently at the raising seriousness dripping in his words, undoubtedly fearful at that second. But then there it was again- your last line of patience drew drastically thin until it dispersed into banishment, gone without a trace along with that former apprehension. That bursting feeling of confidence and fearlessness deluged to your veins and pumped vigorously throughout your system. You had no clue as to where this sudden ego materialized from, but you couldn't focus on that at the moment nor did you bother to scrutinize it any further. A light rubescent color pigmented over the original color of your skin. Anger inflicted the dimensions of your visage, furrowing your features in evident inflammation.

“Y-you know what?!” you stammered out in frustrated aggravation, earning a creased brow from Umeji.

      Without any given warning, you whisked yourself around and steamed away from the blonde-haired male. Knowing that he was going to follow you behind you, a plan settled into your brain. Perhaps a stupid one indeed, but at that moment you had been overcome from fury and given the inability to properly think straight. It appeared as though vengeance had altered your mindset into something more negative; something searing and acidic that awaited to erupt from your being into the form of hostile aggression and violent actions towards Umeji. No hesitation was required or even allowed in this abrupt chance of your persona.

“Hey! Where the hell are you going?!” he called out, followed immediately by the frenetic and heavy steps of his feet as he tramped behind you.

“I wasn't done with you!” he said again, but upon not receiving any sort of acknowledgement of any kind from you, he audibly grunted out in frustration.

      Forging through the hallway with Umeji pursing only a few feet behind you, your forehead scrunched up in unmistakable rile. The acquired destination was your locker where you planned to give him his drink, but not in the way that'd he'd expect at least. As Umeji said so himself- if he wants something, he'll get it. And you were going to bring it to him.

      You concluded in your tracks once you arrived at your locker. Hastened fingertips inserted the correct passcode into the little lock before you swung it open with full force just as Umeji appeared behind you. Sensing his immediate presence, you extended an arm inside. You grabbed ahold of the can that dwelled in the very back of the miniature locker, passing by a small pile of money, pair of shoes and some random school utensils.

“Here- you can have your fucking drink!” Your strident voice strained aggressively with provoked emotions prevailing over all other basic motor senses.

      In this state of enragement, thoughts couldn't properly flow through your head- cerebrum clogged with rage that amassed heavily and seeped out into reality. Your digits clutched with the tightest grip around the warm can of soda, chest fluctuating as you heaved out a staggering outtake of air. Without the absence of hesitation, you threw your arm towards him and unloosened the drink from your grasp.

      Time itself appeared to have drastically slowed down to a timely duration- the drink was dispatched into Umeji's general direction as the world dissolved into an abyss of absolute nothingness. For a split nanosecond, his eyes temporarily increased in size before he punctually acted out at this abrupt situation. Centimetres away before the can could successfully cannon into his face, his arm shot out in front of him and grabbed ahold of the drink in such a swift movement no one could've expected it.

      Eyes hooded by everlasting anger, you were undeniably blinded by the unbridled feeling of fury dominating over your psyche. Then, the actuality weighed down upon your being once your eyes adjusted to the sight of Umeji now holding onto the can. To your unfortunate demise, he sustained no injury whatsoever and had completely blocked himself from the blow he could've received.

'Oh, shit... Oh, shit! Oh, shit! I can't believe I just did that!!' you internally screamed to yourself, your intense hostility subsiding in immense quantities and not long after you had been sent into nervous agitation.

A slight simper broke free on his face, a light chortle escaping his mouth in a slight second before it wended away, “Did you really just try that on me?” he questioned stoically and fixed his eyes to the can, then dragging his fiery vision back onto you.

'I'm dead. I'm so dead!'

      There was a certain consistency dispersed within the atmosphere- a blinding engulfment of tenacity that surrounded the two teenagers. More especially you.

      Umeji, unblinkingly staring at you, easily crushed the can within his grasp without requiring much effort. The lid exploded with an echoing pop and liquid contents quickly drained from the can and poured down to the ground. His fingers became tremulous from the ferocity and he threw the can to his side. It landed rather harshly onto the floor, causing you to visibly waver in your stance from the aggression that thought to transude from his physique.

“Listen, sugar,” Rid if any sort of mercifulness, the taller male vigorously lurched towards you and roughly slammed you up against the lockers.

      A loud quivering clatter of the doors reverberated throughout from the sudden collision. Your head impacted against one of the many little metallic doors, causing an instant rupture of harrowing pain to ricochet throughout your skull.

      All of the air was forced away from your lungs and discharged from your mouth in a breathless wheeze. The curve of your eyelids seemed to grow large, pupils furiously dilating into little dots. His hand briskly planted beside your head and the other dangled from his side. Umeji's demeanour sensibly emanated animosity that was impenetrable like venomous toxins and encompassed around his character ominously. Perturbation circulated deeply in your abdomen; slow and glacial like the forbidding coiling of a rattlesnake.

      He lowered his head down to yours, a boiling emotion of pure hatred swirling in his amber eyes- a malevolent glister and a piercing glare that etched a sensation of anxiety into your soul. Despite the dandelion coloration of his hues, they now seemed to resemble a caliginous cloak overshadowing the original prepossessing color of the enrapturing
melted gold. Scarlet threads laced in the whites of his eyes. In response to his intense stare drilling right through your head, you gyrated your head to the side. You closed your eyes shut and attempted to swallow down your nervousness with a trembling gulp. You really crossed the line with Kizuguchi this time.

“I don't take too kindly to people who try stupid shit like that with me,” He emphasized his words for greater effect, and it sure as hell had its desired effect with you.

      Daring to open up your eyes again, you watched his movements intently and trepidatiously. He followed his gaze over to the side and raised his arm close to his face, watching as he curled his fingers into his palm. Distinct veins interlinked with sweltering fire of infuriation blistered evidently on his arms and hands, his upper lip raising in a snarl and revealing a bare glimpse of his clenched teeth. A solidified lump formed in the back of your throat and you swallowed it down with a terrible shudder coursing through you. He tightened his hand into a compressed fist, prolongedly on purposeful intention to draw out the tension of the moment before coasting his menacing eyes back towards you. He was definitely pissed.

      Umeji then quickly glided his other hand to your neck and grabbed the collar of your shirt within his hand. His other arm was still lifted in the air and formed in the shape of a locked fist. He bunched the soft material of your shirt in his hand, which nearly strangled your neck from the dense contact.

      Utter apprehension devoured the fibres of your body, your heart thrumming in palpitating beats against your ribcage. A single oval of sweat streaked down the side of your face, framing the panic ridden on your countenance. He appeared to have sensed the fear oozing from your essence and in his own triumph of intimidating you, an arrogant smirk graced along his lips.

      If it weren't for the fact that you were going to die at that moment, you'd think the way he was behaving would be considered hot. Or that could just be your raging teenage hormones talking.

“If I don't beat you to a bloody pulp right here on the spot, you'd be considered lucky, (Y/n). But I still ought to show you what happens when people get on my nerves...” he trailed off purposely as his hand reeled behind him, adjusting himself to swing down at you.

“NO!! For the love of all that is holy, don't! I-I'm sorry, okay?! It-It won't happen again, I swear!” you spluttered out hastily, the flustered apology tumbling from your lips as you held up your palms in a surrendering motive.

      His fist ceased in the air only inches away from your face, an unreadable expression remoulding the structures of his face. You stared at him now, completely appalled and horrified for what'll possibly occur next. Taking your words into pensive consideration, he shifted his hand away. His vitriolic behavioural state abated increasingly, and he returned to his normal bearing.

“Hmph. It better not, or you'll be in quite some trouble, missy.” he threatened lowly, releasing the hold in the collar of your shirt and shoving you back roughly. “I'll go easy on you this time, but take this as a warning: If this happens again, I won't be afraid to crack your skull open.”

      He stepped a few feet backwards and stuffed his hands within the pockets of his pants. You breathed out a pent-up inhalation of air and delicately rubbed the spot around your neck, endeavouring to stabilize your quickened breathing.

“Duly noted...” you quipped with a tinge of sarcasm, your breath returning to its normal pace.

“Now,” he suddenly began and cracked his hands and earned your attention, “I have another task to send you on. I need an answer sheet, and you're gonna go steal it for me.”

“Wait... You want me to.. steal the answer sheet? But I can't do that, I could get expelled if I'm caught!” you exclaimed.

“And I care why? May I remind you that I'm not asking you to do it, I'm demanding you to.” he countered, narrowing his eyes at you in a threatening way.

      Not wanting to tick him off again, you reluctantly obliged to his demand and nodded your head in acquiesced confirmation.

“Whatever. I'll get the dumb answer sheet for you.” you complied without much protest, muttering grudgingly.

      You intertwined your hands behind your back, lacing your fingers together and looking down at your feet.

“Good choice. However, I don't plan on waiting for the answer sheet. I want it exactly by lunchtime. If I don't get it by then, you are well aware of what happens. Now, get the answer sheet and deliver it to me by lunch. Got it?” he ordered.

“Yes, yes. I understand.” You resisted the urge to roll your eyes and sighed for the fiftieth time that day.

      Unpredictably, his arm dove into your locker and effected you to wince. He pulled his arm out and you looked over and noticed he was wielding onto a stack of 2400 yen (about 30$) in bills. A smirk tugged at his upper lip as he flipped through the cash.

“H-hey!” you stuttered out, flushing despairingly and jutting out your lower lip in a babyish pout, “I was gonna buy some pizza with that...”

There was that goddamn smirk projected on his guise again, his roaming eyes raking your figure in apparent judgement. “By the looks of it already, you're the last person who should be stuffing their face.”

      Mortification crimsoned your cheeks in the form of a deep ruby blush and you crossed your arms over your torso in an attempt to cover yourself up. Insecurities outpoured over you from his discourteous comment. You focused your gaze somewhere other than the delinquent in front of you and cast a partial view to the side. The humiliated blush profusely scorched through the flesh on your face, a frown descending the corners of your lips. His only response was a half-suppressed chuckle passing through in a brief exhale from his nose.

“See you around, freak.” he flouted and straggled away, sending you a final loathsome expression before he disappeared around a corner.

      Biting down anxiously on your bottom lip, you observed Umeji walked away from you with the money he stole along with all of the pride within yourself. Just when you thought things could've been steering into a better direction, reality slopes down and obliterates your dreams in an instant. And now, you had to risk either one, a possible expulsion if caught red-handed stealing the answer sheet or two, plummeted into a dollop mess by Umeji's own fists.

“It never ends, does it?” you said underneath your breath.

A/n: Alright BROSKIS! IT'S FINALLY BEEN DEALT WITH! Nobody has to worry about the drink any longer- there is no need to be in a state of distress anymore. You can all sleep peacefully tonight knowing that the drink situation has been handled. 🙏

Anyhow, I hope you precious and glorious potatoes enjoyed the chapter.
Just a reminder- you might have homework or an assignment due tomorrow and/or you're using unnecessary data and/or you might be forgetting something important. Have an amazingly magnificent day/afternoon/night and don't forget to eat your beans. IT'S ESSENTIAL!!!

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