A Deal With Lucifer (Currentl...

נכתב על ידי Drift-Kagun

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The tragic tale about a boy, unlike the rest. A sinful soul, with malicious bounding. The eleven-year-old boy... עוד

Table Of Contents (Extended)
She Told Me Not To
What I've Become
My Demons
Lock It Up
The One Enslaved
Darrel's House
Rush Recklessly
All The Lives Taken
Contacting The Underworld
The World In God's Image

The Thing That Binds Me

14 0 0
נכתב על ידי Drift-Kagun

————Danny's POV————
The path to the Mansion wasn't just a straight line; we had to walk up steep paths, climb vines, etcetera, and finally we were rewarded with arrival at the location we struggled to reach. I walk up in front of the door, and twist the doorknob, which in return, it granted me access to Lucifer's Mansion. I step inside with Lamont following behind me, and we're instantly greeted with two paths side by side.

"This is it Lamont" I say. "The day I've dreamt of through the month that went by prior to it. We're finally here Lamont, and I'm ready to kill Satan himself"

"The question is, what do we do Danny? There are two paths to choose, and splitting up would be illogical" I make a finger gun, and point in the right direction. "There!" I answer. Lamont simply nods, and walks in the opposite direction toward the left path. "Hey did you not see where I pointed? The right path." I remind.

"Danny do you want me to list all the things you did wrong, and what I've stopped from escalating? You always make dumb choices. If you could see, you'd notice the yellow substance dripping from the ceiling of that hallway, which would be considered Nitric Acid, something that comes from bat droppings. Bats are something we'd like to avoid" Protests Lamont.

"The fact that bats wonder the right path should be a good thing! That shows that the path isn't usually taken, hence why it's a bat's resting grounds. If you weren't so blind, you'd see that there are cobwebs along the walls of that hallway, also a sign that the path is abandoned. Lucifer clearly takes the left path on a daily, because if not, there wouldn't be webs in the right one" I reassure.

"Danny he's a spirit! He could phase through them with relative ease! Being the idiot you are, I'm assuming the next thing that's gonna come out of your mouth is, 'Let's just split up then', so I'll just hop to it!" He walks down his chosen hallway, and I walk down mine. The walls were quite thin, so we could hear each other's footsteps from the other sides of it. Lamont's footsteps turn away from my hall, and start to become less audible as he walks farther and farther away from the wall that separated our hallways.

I could kind of hear him talking, but only a bit. He was running his mouth about how Satan would have wanted us to be separate. I had never thought about that until now, but it was too late to turn back now, I've already gotten way too far for it.


Loud screaming echoed through the halls, coming from the path ahead of me. Suddenly from behind, somebody grabs my arms right above my elbows, pulling them behind me and threatening to pull them off. "Gahh!" I cry with pain in my voice. "Danny, are you gonna cry?" Taunts the person behind me. They had a deep voice that was very calm.

They could only be identified as a male figure. He breathed hot air onto my neck, and knead my back hard, pushing forward with questionable force. I fell on my knees, and screamed bloody murder. "Aaahh!" The man then tugs hard on my left arm, dislocating it with a loud pop. "Please stop!" I scream in agony, and try to fight my tears, but they ran down my face, despite my effort to stop them

"Stop? Why would I do that? It's just too fun inflicting pain onto others!" I fall to the floor on my stomach, and he kicks me right in my walnuts. "Aaah! Please, stop!" I beg and beg, but he keeps giving me the same reply. "No, I'm not done yet!" At this point, I might aswell have been put in a torture chair. He stopped beating me senselessly, after what felt like hours.

He lets go of me, and I turned around to look at his face, but he was gone. I sat there and cried for awhile, letting my tears carry away my stress. I felt like leaving that mansion, it felt like hell just being tortured that one time, but I didn't. I had a goal that was ahead of me, and I wasn't going to let fear nor pain drag me away from it. My father's sacrifice isn't going to be for nothing.

I continue down the long hall, and reach a large room with a backwards chair, rested behind a desk. It was quite cliché, because it's what I see whenever I watch some show or get to the boss level in a game. The chair spun around, and Lucifer was seated. In it. "Of course it's you!" I roll my eyes, in a way that it's dramatically noticeable, then facepalm.

"Danny, come closer" he lifts his index finger in my direction, and points it out before curling it up. He does a couple times, motioning for me to come over. I carefully approach is desk, and notice that he's wearing a white tuxedo. Just to make it all the more cliché, his skin was a deep red color, and he had a tail shaped like an arrow. "Why are you wearing white? I'd expect to see you in all black" "Heh heh, so that I can see the blood that dirties it when I cut you open and take your soul!"


His expression would turn psychotic looking, and his already large grin stretches off his face. "I like to look like how I'm drawn in cartoons just to embarrass the living when they fall to my feet. You're so weak, wouldn't even be able to beat me if I actually were a cartoon character!" He stands up fast, and I back up to avoid a possible attack. He lifts his left arm, and a pitchfork hung on the wall comes flying into his hand.

"Well, here we are Danny. Up and ready to fight. I must say, I didn't expect you to make it this far". He kicks the desk to the side, and spins the pitchfork before pointing it at my face. It was only an inch away from my face. "Don't move a muscle". I swallow hard, and start to tear up. "Plea-" I'm instantly interrupted by Lucifer's loud demanding voice. "I SAID DON'T MOVE A MUSCLE!"

I fight my shivers, but I simply cannot stop my heart from pounding on my chest, begging me to move. I duck down, and Lucifer jabs forward from above me, and I flee to the side. I would've been dead if I hadn't listened to my gut. "Where's Lamont? I can't do this without him" I think to myself. I pull the blessed tactical switchblade from my pocket, flicking it out, and leaning forward with force.

The lord of all evil dodges to the side and elbows me right in the back. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Kid you've got it all wrong here! Let's just drop the weapons and talk, eh? What do ya want, I can give you anything just don't touch me with that thing!" I roll to the side, pushing myself up with the fist of my right hand, clenching the blade tight. I back up towards the exit of the room, and pull my left arm in an attempt to relocate it. "Lucifer I want nothing from you, or to do with you!"

I push my left shoulder against the wall, pulling harder this time. I could feel it sliding back into place. At the moment I got it only a tad bit away from popping back into place, I felt a sharp pain that ran throughout my left arm. "GAH!" I fall to the ground holding it, and notice it was stabbed by the pitchfork. "Mmm, the blood of a young boy as bright as you deserves to be added to my collection!"

The tall red man walks over to me, and lifts my chin up. "Mmm Danny, lend me your blood!" Without taking his eyes off mine, he removes the sharp weapon from my arm, and I begin to pour blood. "Ahaaagg!" I cry in pain, but it was worse than what I had felt before. Tears pour from my eyes, and I begin to draw dissy.
As Satan lifted the pitchfork to his mouth, licking it clean from my blood, I stabbed him in the right leg. He backed up grabbing hold of it, and screamed in a bone chilling way. I try to keep awake, but my eyelids get too heavy and keep closing. "G-God please" I say in a whisper. "I can't end like this, I have to put an end to him before it hits the new year"

The hellman removes his shirt, placing it over my sliced open arm, letting my liquids cover it a dark crimson colour. I fall forward, and pass out, but the last thing I could hear were loud footsteps coming near.

Lamont runs into the room calling out my name, before seeing my unconscious body lying there leaking blood. "D-D-Danny?!" He covers his mouth with his hands and gasps. He looks across the room to see Lucifer on the ground nursing his wound. "What did you do to him you satanic freak?!"

He whips his steel baseball bat out of his bookbag, and tosses aside his gloves, coat, and hat. "I see that you've come to help your friend, ey? Well it's quite safe to say that you won't be able to get him to a hospital in time, assuming you could me. Lamont would take the blessed tactical switchblade from my now cold hand. It was hard for him to pull out because my fingers were tight around it.

"Get back demon!" Warns Lamont.

"Oh Lamont, you have always been the smarter one. Let's match wits against practically immortality and see who comes out on the other end" Lamont gets in a battle-ready stance, and signals Lucifer to come at him. "Danny just didn't have enough faith. I myself do, so bring it lord of all evil!" "As you wish, though I do say that I'm not easy to beat.

המשך קריאה

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