Dare Me To Jump Off Of This J...

By EhhMaa

11.5K 551 223

"Look Back at The Life That You've Chosen. Paths that you've walked down,Hearts that you've broken.Tell me it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 7

609 35 7
By EhhMaa

Waking up in my moms Bed was something i could get used to. Especially with my baby sister cuddled into my side. These are the moments I lived for, But also the moments that bought me the most pain. Times like this I wondered how different my life would be if my dad was still here, how it would be if i had killed myself. Maybe Jess would still have a dad and my mom would still have the happy little life she worked so hard for, instead of struggling with a fuck up of a son and an innocent little girl like Jess who deserved the universe.

I stretched out beneath the freshly washed sheet and stood up letting my muscles stretch, and jess rolled over to my moms side. Poor Jess, She deserved more than I would ever be able to give her, and the thought only brought a grimace to my face. She would never know how it is to live in a functional family, A normal family with a mom and a dad, No. All she was going to know was constant suffering with her mom wasting away and her brother a piece of shit menace to society.

Maybe when she's older and she figures out why he left she'll realize how much i have ruined for her and she'll hate me, like i hate myself. I wouldn't expect anything less. I hate myself for the hell i've brought over my family.

I grabbed a Note pad and a pen from my moms drawer and quickly scribbled that i would be home soon, and left it on the door with some tape. Quietly I left her room and tiptoed back to my room, grabbing a fresh pair of pants and a black short sleeve with my shoes I went to the bathroom, I changed quickly and grabbed my phone. Locking the door I jumped on my motorcycle and sped off down town to nowhere in particular.


By the time i decided to check my phone it was only twelve witch gave me an hour until i had to meet mike so I decided to head down towards the shops. The cafe we were supposed to meet up at was only a few buildings away from the record shop where i park my motorcycle.

Once the shop came into view, my mind was flooded with thoughts of the boy from a few days ago, Danny or something, I couldn't quite remember his name but i couldnt forget the feeling he had given me, and like the fool i was i let my curiosity get the best of me because the next thing i know im walking through the entrance.

The soft chime of the bell above the door was really the only noise, A quiet hum was heard through out the shop from an old vinyl playing towards the back of the shop. It was bright but not like the outside sun, more of a relaxed yellow glow from lamps scattered throughout the tiny space.

"Welcome to Vinnys Record Shop,Let me know if you need any help handsome" Called out the voice of a short girl towards the middle of the store. She had bleach blonde hair to match her icy blue eyes. She was beautiful but as you looked at her more, you could tell she was a try hard. She had a short cut Smiths shirt practically exposing herself and ripped jeans to match, Her hair was straight and a few bobby pins held back her bangs showing off the extreme eye shadow and blush on her pretty porcelain skin, her style was different but the look in her eyes and the way she twirled her hair as she followed my every move gave it away, this girl has probably slept with ninety percent of the customers here, and she has zero shame.

"You wouldn't believe what i could help you with" she mumbled under her breathe.

The sudden attention made me feel nauseous and I only replied with a curt nod and moved my self behind a shelf, pretending to be extremely interested in some of the vinyls and cds on the shelf.

"Hey ana, davids here so we're free to go"

I looked up to see a tall boy with blue hair, spiked in diffrent directions, aproaching the blonde girl who was still standing in the middle of the shop twirling her hair.

"Alright Babe, Ill meet you in the car" she replied as he reached her and began to kiss her, his hands hungrily roaming her body.

I had seriously never felt more uncomfartable in my life and i was considering to make a dash towards the exit and never come back, when a familiar brown mess of hair came into view. It was the boy from the other day, Today he had on an american flag shirt,and a denim vest with A Patch on the back that read "Evil and Young" over it. His legs were completely covered in dark skinny jeans and on his feet he had white vans, stained with sharpie and diffrent colored inks. His hair was pushed out of his face messily but it looked styled at the same time.

"Woah get a room guys, thats fxcking gross" He spoke bringing me back into reality as he passed the couple and into a door in the back.

The boy with the blue hair gave the girl one last kiss before passing me up and exiting the shop, leaving me and the girl to look at one another awkwardly. She reached behind the counter and grabbed a purse and a jacket, along with a sticky note and a pen. she scribbled down something and threw the pen back, slowly she walked towards me until she was right in front of me.

"Im free tonight if you want to Hang out, maybe i could show you what other things my mouth can do" She replied slipping the paper into my hand and giving me a wink. I looked at her in disbeleif from the shock of her utter ignorance. Im pretty sure she knows i saw her making out with what could possibly be her boyfriend and she wants to fucking suck me off? What a Fucking bimbo.

She then turned around and walked out of the front door, swaying her hips ever so slowly, only adding to my assumptions that this girl was trash.

Once the bell chimed I threw slipped the paper in a vinyl case and walked to another shelf. Poor bastard to whoever knocks that chick up.

"Welcome to Vinnys Record shop, How can I help" Called out the boy from the back as he enetered the room once again, His eyes focused on a stack of Cds as he came in. I honestly had forgot about him, and the nervous feelings came back. Once again i almost made a run for it but my legs wouldnt comply, stupid Legs.

"Everything alright sir?" he asked putting down the Cds and coming towards me. Shit.

"Oh, hey there, Didnt recongize you without the hat and motorcycle" He chuckled.

"Uhh" was all i managed to say. Really Tony? What the fuck is wrong with you?

"Oh sorry dude, you probably dont even remember me haha, Im David. We talked like a few days ago. Well more like i harrased you and you totally told me to back off but yeah" He replied streching out his hand.

"Oh, uh yeah. Hello David?" I replied lamely, shaking his hand.

"Hey" he replied smiling "I never got your name" he said.

"Tony" I said looking past him. "Sorry about the other day, It wasnt my best day and im not used to people randomely giving me compliments"

A small smirk played on his face and im guessing it was because of how red my face was.

"Its alright, you should get more compliments though, i mean look at you." He replied slyly

If tomatoes could talk and had a face it would be called TonyTomatoes. I could literally feel how red my face was , so i did what any Normal person would do.

I turned my back to him and Ran out of the door, with him calling after me as I ran,

and Ran

and ran.

Until I couldnt breathe.

But I mean what choice did i have? I didnt like the fact that anyone besides Mike Made me feel like my skin was burning by simply looking at me, or made me want to vomit butterflies by the way they smiled.

This couldnt be happening. I thought as I sat down in an empty parking lot. How could this happen? I swear to god,Crushes are so Fucking stupid.

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