Save Me

By NathanialIsaacson

57 3 24

Two teenage girls who just finished freshman year find two magic bracelets, which sends them on a fantastic b... More

Coral - Spring
Alexis - A New Life (Draft)
Riley - Summer

Alexis - Spring

25 2 0
By NathanialIsaacson

Alexis was spending some quality time with her horse, Sir, in the orange meadow while watching the purple sun go behind the horizon. Jumping off her horse, Alexis picked some forsythias, forget-me-nots, and baby breaths. She took some twine from her brown coat pocket and used it to hold her flowers together in a small bouquet. Smiling, she jumps back on her horse, clicked with her mouth, and set for her cottage in a little Hamlet called, Rosings Park.

"Hi Mom!" Alexis yells as she comes closer to her home.

Alexis's mother, Rose, stops sweeping the dirt porch with her straw broom and looks up with a large grin as Alexis rides towards her with the flowers in her left hand. "Did you have a pleasant ride sweetheart?"

"I did. I love riding in the open meadow with Sir and seeing the flowers when they bloom. I just feel so free and alive when I am out there."

"Well," her mother starts, "I know how much you love it, that's why I found a job for you."

"What? Why?" Alexis asks.

"Feeding a horse and keeping him healthy isn't cheap. And we need to make more money, so you can keep him. If you want to keep him ..."

"I do Mom. I do, but I am only fourteen years old, and I haven't had a job before. And no one in town has a job for me." Alexis says worryingly.

"Which is why you need to start tomorrow. I found you a job with the nearest jeweler for you. The two sisters will take you in and teach you what they know. They live a little ways off from the next town over. They have a room for you, and you can visit quite often."

Alexis gasps in disbelief. "How could you send me out of the house like this?"

"I wasn't much older than you when I started my apprenticeship. And you know women around here have to work to make a living, and your sister and I make more pottery than we can sell, so it makes sense for you to learn another trade."

Alexis drops her head and slides off her horse. She barely nods. "I understand," she says while walking in the house with her flowers hanging from her hand and nearly touching the ground.

"Alexis," her mom says to her back. " I have a gift for you."

Alexis looks up and stares into the house. After a few beats of her heart, she turns around with a slight smile on her face. "A gift?" she asks.

"Yes. I bought these three gold bracelets at the market to protect you and to remind you of our family: your sister -- Jasmine, you, and me.

Alexis smiles more. Tears start to roll down her cheeks. Then she runs into her mom's arms and says, "Thanks Mom." A moment later, "I am going to miss you so much!"

"And I am going to miss you so very much too, Alexis."

Alexis looked up and smiles at her mom while thinking about how much she enjoys hearing her mom say her name. Then she buries her face in her mom's chest again. Wet clay, she thinks to herself. Mom always smells like wet clay. Jasmine too, now that I think about it. I'm going to miss both of them so much. Maybe those bracelets will help me remember them. After their long embrace, Alexis releases her mom and asks her, "So, where are the bracelets?"

Her mother laughs heartily and reaches into her pocket. "Right here."

Alexis looks at them longingly and takes them from her mom. "They are beautiful! I love these long clasps. You must have paid a lot for these. How did you get the money?"

"I have been saving the money to get you something for when you moved out. I am glad you like them. Here, let me help you put them on your wrist."

Alexis put out her right wrist and let her mom put the bracelets on her. Alexis whispers quietly, "I wish that these bracelets really will protect me."

What Alexis doesn't know is that her wish activated the protective magic within the bracelets.


The next morning, Alexis squeals in delight when she sees that her mother was making her favorite breakfast: fried breek legs, poached squalig eggs, and plubble fruit juice. "This looks amazing," Alexis says as she looks at the food.

"I wanted to send you off with something you love before you leave," her mother said. "Did you pack your belongings?"

"I did. The saddlebags barely had enough space for them."

"Good. Now go get your sister so we can eat."

Alexis walks to a nearby door and bangs on it. "Jasmine, come to the table. Mom made breakfast."

Jasmine responds in muffled voice, "I'll be right there."

Alexis shakes her head. Well, she thinks, hopefully I will get a chance to see her before I leave. Then she goes back to the table to eat. She looks back towards her sister's bedroom door and frowns.

After breakfast, Alexis sees Jasmine, ragged hair and all, leave her room to join them. Alexis goes over and embraces her sister. "I'm going to miss you Jasmine. I will see you as soon as I can."

"You better Lexi. And bring me back some jewelry that you make."

"I promise." After their last squeeze, Alexis lets go of her sister and puts her belongings into the saddlebags that are already on her horse. Once Rose and Alexis got into town, they stayed the night in an inn. In the morning, the two meet with the sisters who will start teaching Alexis how to make jewelry.

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