Somebody to hold t.h.

By XxVallyBooxX

5.6K 185 98

new job, new city- starting a new life can be really scary and lonely, especially when you have anxiety. Evi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven

Chapter Ten

133 4 2
By XxVallyBooxX

Evie decided to leave her workplace for a second to get herself some tea. She must admit, the tea section is amazing in this company, definitely worth the stress of working here. As she was mixing in a tablespoon of sugar into the hot beverage someone else entered the little kitchen area. "Hi, I don't believe we've met yet. I'm Alex.", that person greeted with a kind voice. Evie didn't even expect him to even say anything to her. Yes the people here are friendly but usually not that friendly. Still she smiled as she turned to him and shook his hand. "I am Evie. Nice to meet you. I'm still new here and haven't met most people.", she admitted. Alex was a tall blonde guy with kind blue eyes. He seemed to be a bit older than her, maybe like Tom. He was attractive in his navy blue suit, but not at all Evie's type.

"Right, Elizabeth is the one showing you around, isn't she?", he asked again taking in her appearance. Today Evie wore a cream colored, tight fitted turtleneck with a plaited grey skirt and black tights. Her long hair was out of her face with a pearly white hair clip. She looked put together but her own style was for sure shimmering through her outfit.

"Do you work on this floor?", she asked after agreeing with his statement. "Yes, I was just on vacation, that's why you haven't seen me around yet. But I'm sure we will see each other more often now due to the group project.", he winked at her but not really in a flirty way. "That's nice. Do you want to grab lunch later?", she asked out of an act of kindness. Evie hadn't seen Tom yet at all so she didn't expect to have lunch with him later. A fact that she was kinda bumped about.

"I'd love to! Do you like the cafeteria food or did you bring something from home?" "We can sit in the cafeteria if you like. Maybe Liz can join too, I'll ask her.", Evie nodded as they parted ways.

She texted Liz over Google Hangouts, a program all of the employees used when they wanted to talk to their co-workers quickly, but Liz had plans already. Since it wasn't anywhere near lunch time yet she opened up a new file and got back to work, answering E-Mails, scanning papers or going through bills. She was so deep into it she nearly didn't notice it was lunch time already. She hated making her new found friend wait for her.

As quickly as possible she ran towards the elevators and pressed the downwards button. As the doors opened she didn't expect to see Tom in there smiling at her. "Evie I wanted to surprise you. I bought pasta for us!", he showed her his bag excitedly.

"Oh Tommy I am so sorry. I have plans with Alex. Since I didn't see you all day I figured you are busy or out of office." His smile dropped and Evie felt like the most horrible person on this planet. She secretly wished she never agreed to lunch with Alex. "I owe you big time. But do you maybe want to join? I don't want you to eat alone.", she tried but Tom wasn't having it. He understood her reasoning but deep inside he was pissed. "No it's fine. You go eat with Alex. I have plans." His voice was so cold it made shivers run down her spine. He couldn't even look at her as he walked out of the elevator. Evie felt like crying.

But she decided to man up and deal with him later. Now she would concentrate on Alex.

He was already waiting for her with a salad and a juice ready for her to dig in. Alex talked a lot about himself and asked her equally as many questions. Evie was trying to answer as cheerful as possible but her mind drifted off to the brown haired boy sitting across from her with a boy she's seen before on her night out. That must be his friend, Harry? Something like that.

Tom's eyes were trained on the pair but he didn't look happy at all. He didn't even know Alex but he didn't like him. Evie didn't really seem into him either since he saw her eyes drift to their table very often but she was still talking and laughing with him. Tom hated it.

"Would you stop staring at her like that. He is a co-worker let the poor girl make some friends here.", Harrison said smiling at his jealousy-ridden best friend. He has never seen Tom so hung up on a girl like that before. It wasn't the first time that Harrison had lunch with Tom in their company but normally they wouldn't just sit there stalking Tom's female employees.

"What if she doesn't want to be with him and he is making her uncomfortable. Maybe I should have joined them to save her out of that.", Tom worried with his voice strained. "Dude chill. You don't have to save her out of every situation. She chose to have lunch with him accept that." Still he wasn't convinced.

Alex gave Evie his number by taking her phone and just calling himself without her asking. It wasn't a weird action but Evie wasn't a 100 percent comfortable with that. Alex is sure nice but she'd rather have lunch with Tom. When her eyes drifted back to him for the millionth time this lunch period Alex laid a hand on her arm making her eyes snap back to him immediately. "Is Mr. Holland's presence making you uncomfortable? I know he is super strict and intimidating but you don't have to be scared of him. Especially during lunch.", Alex tried to reassure her getting the situation all wrong, though.

"No it's fine, I like him actually.", Evie said genuinely smiling. Alex fingers started to move on her arm painting patterns on her skin. "It's fine Evie you don't need to lie. I've seen him go at it at employees, who have messed up. It is completely fine to be a little scared. But he won't yell at you I am sure." His movements were out of an act of kindness but they made her feel uncomfortable because they were happening under Toms disapproving watch. Yet she didn't want to be rude and pull her hand away. Alex didn't know better and he is trying to be friendly.

He didn't know Tom was watching his fingers move on her delicate skin like a hawk watching his prey. All of his muscles were tensed, his jaw locked and eyes cold. It took everything in him not to get up to rip his hand off of Evie's skin. Harrison noticed and tried to repeatedly bring back his attention to him but it was useless. "Right I'm going in.", he said getting up and taking long strides up to their table. Harrison knew better than to try and stop and decided to just pay Elizabeth a visit to ask her about this Evie girl that has his mate so whipped.

Tom's whole body was tense when he arrived at their table. His jaw was still locked making it even sharper than it already was and his hands were balled into fists. "Ms. Jones I need to talk to you.", he choked out trying to sound as normal as possible not even looking at Alex. He still decided to step in.

"Maybe after lunch Mr. Holland?"

"Maybe not.", was all Tom could spit out waiting impatiently for the intimidated girl to pack up her lunch and follow him with shaking legs. Tom stormed off into his office waiting for her to step in.

When she entered he pushed her against the heavy door closing it in the act. Evie was so surprised by his actions and his sudden proximity she looked at him with wide eyes completely losing her ability to speak or think a coherent thought. Tom had her trapped between the cold wood and his own body. Evie shivered at the coldness on her back but was overwhelmed at the same time by the body heat that was raging from him. He was so close to her she was engulfed by his masculine, expensive smelling scent, which fit so perfectly to him. She could see the muscles flexing in his tight dress-shirt and could make up the way his soft hair curled at the ends. His dark brown eyes were glistening with widened pupils staring at her face. Then she allowed herself to look at his inviting looking cherry stained lips.

"Don't ever have lunch with him again, please.", he whispered in a husky voice sending shivers down her spine because it sounded so deep. "Why not?", she asked surprising herself that she was able to answer something useful. "Because I don't like him talking to you. Or touching you like this.", he said lifting his right arm off the door and putting it on her hand instead mimicking Alex' movements from earlier. Only this time it left tingles all over her arm.

"I didn't like it either.", she whispered back admittedly, not being able to meet his eyes because she was so distracted by her feelings. Tom stared in awe at her. She looked so precious standing here before him, biting her lip with widened eyes and flushed cheeks. Both of them were breathless."Why not?", he said looking expectantly at her rosy lips.

"Because he wasn't you." Her free hand gripped his white shirt tightly in an attempt to make her arm stop tingling under his touch but it was no use. When she said that Tom closed the gap between them but didn't lean down to meet her face. Instead she leaned her head on his toned chest still gripping his shirt tightly. His free arm wrapped around her waist pulling her impossibly closer suddenly hungry for her touch. He felt like he had to touch her all over making sure there was not trace left of that Alex dude on her. He wanted himself to be the only one touching her and being around her, making her laugh or listen to her stories not matter how selfish that thought was. He wanted her to be exclusively his.

He wished he could just forbid everyone to even look at her, but of course that was a silly thought. Tom was overwhelmed by his strong feelings of possessiveness washing over him in strong waves. Hearing her say she'd rather spend time with him than with Alex was music to his selfish ears. Normally Tom wasn't like that. The women he's been with never woke up these kind of feelings in him and he didn't care at all whether they had different partners next to him or were desired by others. With Evie it is completely different. He wished he could hide her away from the world to protect her from everything bad but at the same time to keep her away from other people trying to take her away from him. He couldn't let that happen.

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