This Place is Haunted, Posses...

By cherubcorpses

24.2K 1.5K 358

Chris and his mom move to a new home after his parents divorce, but they just so happen to move into a home t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Six

1K 64 10
By cherubcorpses

After the whole Ricky incident, I call Balz and Devin like I said I would. They pick up immediately.

“So you found him, then?” Balz asks when his face appears on the screen.

“Yeah, his name is Ricky,” I answer him.

“What’s he like? Did he tell you about himself?”

“He’s really shy and quiet and anxious and adorable, and he did tell me a bit about himself when I told him about me,” I answer him. Suddenly I hear a flush.


“HEY! I WAS ALREADY SHITTING WHEN YOU CALLED ME!” he defends himself with a frown and I laugh at his patheticness.

I used to have a crush on this idiot, so that makes me equally pathetic.

“Well anyways, what were you able to learn from him?”

“He said he likes wings and his favorite band is HIM and he’s also gay and he’s seventeen and died November last year,” I tell him what I remember, Josh nodding, taking it all in. I see him leave the bathroom and head down into the living room.

“Devin, Chris said that Ricky loves wings and HIM and he’s gay and died when he was seventeen in November,” Josh says as he enters his living room.

“Do you like him, Chris?” Devin asks me and I smile.

“I kinda do a little bit,” I answer.

“Can you touch ghosts?” Devin asks curiously as the phone is snatched from Balz’s hands and a feminine guy’s face now appears on the screen.

“Yeah, you can,” I answer him. His eyes widen very slightly, surprised. He thought you couldn’t touch them like I had thought.

“What do they feel like?”

“They feel like any ordinary human, just not as warm as one,” I tell him.

“Maybe because he’s dead,” Devin suggests before Balz snatches the phone back.

“How’d he die?” Balz then asks. I shrug.

“Didn’t ask him,” I answer.

“Why not?”

“He’s really scared of me, and I barely managed to get him to say anything to me,” I answer. He goes ‘oh’ before his mom calls him and tells him to go to the grocery store for her. The three of us say our goodbyes so the two of them can go to the store. I toss my phone to the side and decide what I want for dinner. Maybe there’s leftover wings from Sunday? I get up and go to the fridge, and to my delight, there’s a couple wings left. I grab them and eat them cold, too lazy to heat them up. They’re good cold too, so yeah. I throw the bones away when I’m done along with the empty container and leave the kitchen again before grabbing my phone again, going upstairs once it’s in my possession. I push my mom’s bedroom door open and steal her computer before going to my own. I’m curious as to what he was doing on the computer earlier when I came in to talk to him, because whatever it is, he was really concentrated on it.

I enter my room and get myself comfy on the bed before opening the laptop, and it tells me to put in the password.

What’s the fucking password?!

I type in the first thing that comes to mind: “password”.

And it logs me in.

Me and Ricky were able to figure out her password. You know what they say, two minds think alike!

Once it’s logged in, it brings me to what looks like Google Docs or whatever it’s called.

I think he was writing lyrics.

I flinch when the laptop is pulled off my lap suddenly before I can read anything and look to see Ricky quickly logging out of his email and closing the tabs.

“I, uh, d-don’t really like people r-reading my lyrics,” Ricky mutters quietly as he closes the lid to the laptop. I frown slightly.

“Oh, sorry ‘bout that,” I apologize as Ricky stands there awkwardly.

“Don’t worry about it. Did anything?”

I shake my head no and I can see that he looks a bit relieved.

“You feeling better from earlier?” I ask calmly so I don’t scare him away too soon. He nods and hesitatingly moves to sit on the bed next to me.

“Thanks and sorry for that, by the way,” he mutters.

“Hey, if you need a friend, I’ll be here, unless I’m not home,” I tell him with a smile. “Alright?”

“Alright,” he answers, sounding a bit more confident. We’re left in an awkward silence after that, but it’s comfortable to the two of us. I speak after a minute.

“Don’t you get lonely sometimes? You know, being all by yourself?”

“Yeah, but I’ve been by myself for years before last summer, I’m used to it now,” he answers truthfully, and I frown.

“I wish you weren’t, because I hate being alone, a lot,” I tell him sadly.

“It’s okay, I don’t have to be alone anymore. Right?”

Is he referring to me living here?

“That’s right,” I agree with a smile, and he smiles too. This one looks more real than his other smiles.

“Well, let’s hang out! What do you wanna do?” I ask him excitedly.

“Sounds fun, but it has to be something done in the house. I can’t leave it,” he answers sadly, and I frown.

“Why not?”

“A ghost can’t leave the place they died in, and since I died in this house, I can’t leave it anymore,” Ricky says sadly. “That’s why I can’t see my friends.”

I can’t help but feel bad for the poor thing. I’d go crazy if I was locked up in my house for the rest of my days, not able to see my friends or anything I love in the world outside my home. Maybe I can try to bring them to him? But wouldn’t it be awkward bringing someone I don’t know to my house? Oh, hey, stranger! I have a friend back at home, he’s a ghost. You guys used to be friends so come into my home so you can talk to your ghost friend! That’s not normal, it’s weird and creepy and it’ll make me sound like I’m trying to get them into my house so I can kill them or something.

But would it make Ricky happy? Would it be worth it?

If I were to try it, get reported by the police, and receive whatever the punishment is, be worth it?

No, it would just mean Ricky loses another friend, right?

That’s not what he needs at all.

“Okay, we can do some indoor things.”

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