HER QUEST-Magic In The Blood

By sonal0696

743 108 15

All her life she longed for a family. A complete family. But life had a quest for her. After losing her mo... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author's Note
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 27

10 2 0
By sonal0696

  Ian put on his watch as he walked out of his room. His phone pinged, indicating a message. Taking it out of his pocket, he swiped the screen to read it,


He changed directions and walked towards Sonia's room, knocking on the closed door.

"Two minutes," came her muffled reply from the other side.

Ian heaved a sigh as he grumbled an "Okay," before typing away his reply to Dim.

Walking down the stairs, he whistled as he entered the kitchen and grabbed a few cookies. Stuffing them in his mouth, marvelling at the taste, he started towards the living room, when the noise of a door being shut got his attention.

He turned his head towards the stairs just in time to see her begin her descend downwards.
Ian felt his throat restrict and his eyes widen as she got nearer and nearer to him. Finally, hopping down the last few steps, she came to a stop in front of him, smiling brightly, "How do I look?" She asked twirling around, making his eyes widen more as he got a good look at her.


"Uhh," Sonia scrunched her face as he began to talk, "Don't speak with your mouth full," she gently pushed his chin up to close his mouth.

Ian narrowed his eyes as he chewed away the cookies before swallowing it.

"Good boy," she chirped, "So what were you saying?"

"What do you think you are wearing?"

Sonia huffed and rolled her eyes, drawing Ian's attention to the smokey shade she had given her eyes, making them all the more alluring.

"Do you really want me to answer that?"

Ian growled low in his throat as he took a step towards her, "You cannot wear that and go to a club."

Sonia's face fell at that, the excitement in her eyes vanishing. Ian watched as anxiety or was it nerves again took its place.

"Isn't it okay?" She asked, her voice losing all the happiness.

Ian shook his head.

Sonia frowned and threw up her hands, "This is the only appropriate attire I've got."

Ian's brows furrowed, "What do you mean by that?"

Sonia took a deep breath, "I asked Jess for help with the clothes. She gave me a couple of hers, but-"

"Then what's the problem?" Ian interrupted her.

"They are sh- short. Way too short," she made a gesture with her hand indicating the length.

Ian's brows shot up as he finally understood the dresses were till mid thigh. He swallowed and nodded his head, "I think this will do just fine." He gestured to her clothes.

She smiled at his approval, "Let's go then," she skipped away and grabbed her jacket.

Ian heaved a breath as he tried to keep his cool. He clenched his fists to keep himself from bundling her up in one of his flannel shirts and big tracks.

She would still be so alluring, the voice in his head said.

I would simply lock her in her room, he snarled back at it.

"Hurry up, Ian," she said again and broke him out of his trance. He nodded and hurried behind her. He was sure there would be trouble.

How can there not be? The black shiny jeans she had on fitted her perfectly, showing off her legs. She kept it modest by teaming it up with loose patterned red top. But there would be people there who would be way too drunk and she looked as enticing as they came.

Ian shook his head as they neared Emm's place and Sonia took off the last few steps in a sprint.

"We'll just have to be more careful tonight," he mumbled.

Sonia's eyes widened as they entered the club. The lights were dim and comfortable to the eye. There was nothing sort of the blinking, irritating disco lights she had seen in movies. Of course, there was a huge possibility of such things happening once the dance floor was occupied. The music blasted from hidden speakers and Sonia found herself already drowning in the beats.

She followed closely as the boys led her to the bar. Emm, Ian and Jake took a seat on the barstools while Dim ordered drinks for everyone. Meanwhile, Gage was busy flirting with a couple of girls just besides their group.

Sonia smiled as Dim handed her the glass of orange juice. She was glad he didn't ask her. She never had a taste of hard drink and was not looking forward to it in the near future. Dim merely clinked his glass of Guinness to hers before taking a sip.

Sonia hid her grin at his wink behind her glass and looked around.

"Dim, can I see around?" She asked.

Dim looked down at her. Even slouching back on the bar he was still way too taller than her. He cocked his head, as if confused by her silly question.

"Of course. Go! Have fun."

Sonia smiled her thanks and left the group. As she wandered through the on growing crowd, she marvelled at the dark alcoves and the way almost everyone seemed to be in a different stance. She met a few of her classmates. The girls pulled her to their group, introducing her around making her feel a bit less out of place.

Sonia was laughing at something with one of the girls when a movement to her right made her turn her head towards it. A couple of men, seemingly older than Dim stood beside her.

"Hey sweetie," drawled one. He had dark tousled hair till the nape of his neck. A thin white scar ran along his upper lip, right before it was hidden by the shadow of a beard. He looked pretty decent, but that observation was proved wrong the next instant as he sneered down at her.

"Never noticed you 'ere before," he stated, cocking his head as his eyes looked her up and down, making something crawl her skin.

Involuntarily, Sonia took a step back. At his declaration, the other one, with greasy reddish brown hair, laughed.

"She draws many eyes, Willy. Never seen such an eye candy before."

Sonia's eyebrows shot up at the name and she tried to hide her retort by pressing her lips tight. Thinking better than answering them, she shook her head and moved towards the bar, weaving her way through the crowd once again.

Halfway there, she saw Ian, taking the last few steps towards her, "You alright? They didn’t do anything, did they?"

Sonia managed a little smile and nodded her head, feeling herself calm down in his presence.

She walked ahead, Ian's hand resting on the small of her back.

Ian glared at the two idiots. Their filthy eyes were still on Sonia.

A low growl escaped him, stalling Sonia in her tracks. She turned her head to look at him. His face was still turned in the direction they had come from, jaw clenched tight. Sonia knew who he was murdering with his eyes.

Silently, she touched his cheek, urging him to look at her. His eyes landed on her's. Black and full of rage. But Sonia merely shrugged it as a trick of the lighting.

She stroked her thumb over his jaw. It loosened with her gesture, his eyes losing the fire.

"Let's go," she whispered.

Ian swallowed, his eyes finding solace in her quiet pools, and nodded once.

They reached their spot and almost immediately, Emm was by her side, slinging his arm over her shoulder. Sonia knew what that meant. A small smile graced her lips as she felt more protected than she ever had in her life.

She looked at the other four. All enjoying themselves, having a great time. And still not leaving her behind.

Sonia raised her glass to sip her drink, As long as I am surrounded by my family, she thought, no one can hurt me.

She smiled as Gage flirted unashamedly with a blonde, Ian getting irritated by his tactics.

  And I would protect them in any way I could, she vowed.

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