Bus Ride || TaeJinKook ☑️

By jinniyakim

392K 27K 5.7K

Student on Mornings Stripper at Night Rating: #1 - btsjin (072221) #1 - TaeJinKook (052220) #1 - Taejin (0902... More

First Day
I Want You
Client Relationship
Working Student
I want more
In His Arms
Meet the Mom
Don't Leave
Take a Test
Face the Truth
Making Decisions
Our Baby
Just Like Eomma
Real Name
What's Mine
Take its Toll
Letting Go
Legal Father


8.3K 533 112
By jinniyakim



Looking at the clock on my wall, my eyes still droopy. I woke up feeling extra good today. Then I remember, I am with someone last night.

I immediately looked behind me. But that gorgeous male wasn't in my bed anymore. I sat down on my sticky bed. The beddings still has traces of dried cum. I smiled as I recall our session last night.

I am a very private person. I never really take someone, especially a stranger, in my home. I can't believe I took a stripper out and have him in my very own bed, in my very own home.

Damn! I didn't even ask for his name.

I pull myself up from bed but I noticed my wallet on my bedside table with a paper under it. I remember giving him my wallet last night. This must be empty by now. My 6000 dollars gone in one night.

I took my wallet and opened it. I was surprised as it looks like my money is still intact. I opened the letter that was pinned under it.


Thank you for last night. I had fun.

By the way, I shamelessly used your bathroom. I badly needed a shower as I needed to go to school today. I can't go to school with me looking haggard and drained. By the way I folded the towel I used neatly.

I also shamelessly looked for food inside your fridge as I haven't taken my dinner yet from last night. I also used your kitchen. I left sausages and egg (sunny side up, I don't know if that's your preference), just to make up for all the shameless things I did and the food I consumed in your home.

Here's your wallet. I only took 500 dollars for my monthly apartment rent. I will not take all of your money because I do believe it's too much.

Thank you again and it was nice meeting you.

I looked again below and all over the paper. Hoping to see his name but there's none. All I can remember was his blonde hair, his round eyes, his pretty nose and his delicious plump lips.

I think I need to ask Namjoon for the number of the club they got those strippers. I need to meet that blonde male again.

I went in the shower immediately to wash myself as I can still smell his strawberry scent in my body. I removed my bedsheet and blanket and changed it into a fresh new ones.

I went to my kitchen and found the sausages and eggs he left for my breakfast. I smiled as nobody cooked breakfast for me. Even my past boyfriends never did this.

I dialled Namjoon's number.

"Hey fuck you! What happened to you last night?" Namjoon greeted me.

"Well, goodmorning too." I said sarcastically. "I went home with.."

Namjoon cut me off with his laugh. "I knew it! I told you, you'll never go home without taking out one of them. Was he the blonde one? Was he good? He's the most handsome amongst the three."

I smiled while I ate the sausage. "He's excellent. I wonder if you can ask Kai where to get their contact number? Even the bar they are working for?"

"Woahhhh! For real Jungkook? Was he that good for you look for him?" Namjoon asked.

"He was exceptional Joon and totally out of my league. He is ethereal. Fuck! I wonder why he's a stripper!"

"So you're planning to save him from slump is that what you mean?"

I sighed. "Well, maybe i can make him exclusively stripping just for me."

(after the Prologue)

"How can the owner of that ID get inside our school if it's not with him?" Jimin asked as we walked our way to the University.

"Then maybe we need to hurry. Maybe he's still in the gate." I said.

And as expected, the guy in pink is on the gate.

"Sir I have an exam today. Please let me in just for now. I don't have time to get an affidavit of loss. I will be late by then." I can hear him say from our location.

I run and tapped him on his shoulder. "Kim Seokjin?"

He looked at me then to the card that I am holding. "Oh my god! Thank you!" He smiled and unconsciously hugged me.

"W-welcome." I gave him a boxy smile as I suddenly felt conscious of the hug.

"Where did you get this?" He asked as we enter into the University.

"I saw you at the bus and you fell asleep right away. I thought of giving it back when you wake up but.."

"We also fell asleep." Jimin cuts me out and gave Seokjin a smile.

"Oh! Yeah! I'm just tired. I actually came from work. But thank you so much. I really need this." He smiled. Why is he.... gorgeous?

"Welcome." I answered still staring at his gorgeous face.

"I hope to meet both of you again here in the campus. I know you've seen my name, but for formality, I'm Jin." Jin reached out his hand as Jimin and I took it.

"I'm Taehyung"

"I'm Jimin."

"We are both from IT Department." I said.

"Nice to meet you Taehyung and Jimin. I have to go now. I still have an exam today." He smiled again.

"Alright. See you again soon." I said as we wave at each other goodbye.

"So handsome eh?" Jimin said as I follow Jin with my gaze.

"Indeed." I answered.

Well, I guess I am fortunate enough that Jin goes to the same school as I am. At least, I will have more opportunities to meet him again and get to know him better.

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