By tropicalxsabotage

709K 33.3K 31.4K

❝I don't want him to be my soulmate!❞ You whine, disgust written all over your face. ❝Every night he sleeps w... More

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30.6K 1.5K 924
By tropicalxsabotage

ᴍɪss ᴍᴇ?


"Happy birthday!" You scream as you run into Sohye's room and jump onto her bed to attack her.

Sohye grumbles tiredly and stirs around in bed, "Leave me alone. I don't want to wake up right now."

"Yes, you do!" You shake her shoulder. "I made you a cake and Jimin is here!"

She raises her head from the pillow, "What about Hobi?"

"He has a morning and afternoon shift, but he said that after work he's gonna go buy the snacks then come over as soon as possible," You pull at her arm. "Now can you get up?"

"Fine!" She groans and stands, dragging herself into her bathroom.

You walk back into the living room and wait for her to get out of her room. When she does, Jimin runs up to her, picking her up and twirling her.

"Happy birthday!" He kisses her cheek repeatedly then sets her down.

"Thank you," She giggles happily and looks over at the cake on the table. "Red Velvet! My fav!"

She runs over and you and Jimin smile at her cuteness. You both walk over to the kitchen and hand her a knife to cut the cake as Jimin grabs three plates and forks.

"So," Jimin starts as he digs into his piece of cake. "Are you excited about this whole soulmate thing?"

Sohye shrugs, "Not excited, but also not bummed out. I'm just eh."

"You should be excited. Look at our little Y/N right here," He pokes your sides. "She gets all flustered when we even mention the name Yoongi."

"That's such a lie!"

"So not." Sohye backs him up and you send her a playful glare.

"At least you girls get to see the things they do. That's exciting... sometimes," He corrects himself, knowing what guys usually do. "We have to sit around and wait for you guys to find us. That's boring."

"Uh, no. That's better than what we do. If we don't find you in three months you disappear from our sight and then we are all alone. Do you think it's easy to find your soulmate that lives on the other side of the globe?"

"Kinda. It was easy for you, wasn't it?"

"That was like literal fate right there," Sohye comments. "I mean seriously."

Jimin laughs, "Literally."

"Okay, okay, whatever. We need to go set up for the party later, so let's go."

• • • •

Jungkook turns to his friend and eyes him for a second, "Why have you been so quiet lately?"

"What do you mean?" Yoongi asks, eyes stuck on the clouds he sees out the airplane window.

"You haven't said much."

Yoongi sighs, "I drunk called Y/N and I don't know what the fuck I said."

"Shit," Jungkook says. "What do you think you said?"

"Two things," Yoongi faces his friend. "Either that I love her or that I was going to surprise her at Sohye's party."

"Let's hope it's not the surprise."

"I don't care about the surprise being ruined. I care about telling her 'I love you' for the first time ever through the phone. What type of wack shit is that?"

"Don't worry, hyung," Jungkook pats his knee. "I doubt you did that. You wouldn't do something so stupid."

• • • •

"No fucking way he did that!" Sohye gasps. "He's so stupid!"

"Not even me." Jimin comments.

"Because you're good with your liquor," You remind. "You're always aware and never forget shit."

"Very true." Sohye agrees.

"Okay, whatever," Jimin playfully rolls his eyes. "So what are your feelings towards him?"

"She loves him," Sohye answers before you get the chance to.


Jimin's eyebrows raise, "Love's a strong word."

"Perfect for the strong feeling Y/N feels for him."

Jimin gives Sohye a 'true' type of look then turns to you, "When do you plan on telling him?"

You throw your head back on the couch, "Whenever I see him again."

Jimin and Sohye look at each other, an important glance you miss to see.

"Hello, hello!" Hoseok greets as he walks through the front door. "Where's the birthday girl?"

"Right here!" Sohye replies coyly.

She stands and Hoseok wraps his arms around her.

"How are you, So? How has your birthday been going?"

"Good. Jimin and Y/N have been with me ever since I woke up because you were too busy working." You playfully shove him and he chuckles.

"Sorry, I gotta make that money."

Hoseok sits down on the couch and Sohye walks over to you, pulling you up.

"Okay, it's 10 pm and the party starts at eleven so Y/N and I are gonna go change, alright?"

Hoseok and Jimin give you thumbs up.

"I don't like this shirt." You groan, taking it off and going to look for another one.

"How do I look?"

"Oh shit," You clap your hands once you see her in a gold dress, hair curled, and makeup done. "You look so good."

"Thanks," She grins and flips her hair. "And I love that shirt!"

"It's just not for me."

"Fine," Sohye walks towards the closet and digs through the clothes. "This?"

"Hmm," You grab the dress from her. "I can work with this."

"Holy shit you guys look gorgeous." Hoseok compliments as you two walk into the living room.

"Why couldn't one of you guys be my soulmate?" Jimin pouts and Sohye ruffles his hair.

"I know, sucks," Sohye gives him an angelic smile. "Now let's go."

• • • •

"You look good, Yoongs," Namjoon compliments as he sees his friend in a turtle neck, red coat, and jeans. "It's not that cold though."

"It's pretty chilly." Jungkook contradicts.

"Let's just go, okay? I want to see Y/N already."

The boys chuckle and nod, getting their stuff to head out.

• • • •

"This is only your second shot! Come on!" Sohye whines, handing you another small cup. "I know you said you didn't want to drink that much, but it's my twenty-second birthday! It's one to celebrate! At least take like ten shots total."

"Ten?! My mom's here."

"And? She's in her room with Annia. They said they weren't even going to come out. Pleaseeeee?"

"Alright." You agree, taking the shot glass from her.

The two of you take the shot before she feels a buzz coming from her phone. She takes it out, looks at the message, then looks back up at you.

"Be right back."

Before you get the chance to respond, Sohye dashes away. She walks into the foyer then hurries to open the front door.

"You're actually here!" Sohye squeals and hugs Yoongi.

"Yeah," He chuckles. "Happy birthday by the way."

"Thank you."

She pulls away and looks at the two handsome guys standing behind him.

"This is Namjoon and Jin. The two other boys are still in the car. Taehyung lost his Chanel earring in there so it might be a while."

Sohye giggles then lets the boys in.

"Y/N's in the kitchen."

Yoongi smiles at her and makes his way through the sweaty bodies. When he walks into the kitchen, his eyes scan the room, but he doesn't find you.

His eyebrows furrow, looking around again before he looks through the window and sees you outside in the backyard sitting on a chair. Yoongi smiles and takes in a deep breath before making his way outside.

"Why aren't you inside with the others?"

"Well because," You turn around, eyes meeting with Yoongi's cat-like ones.

And maybe this wasn't your first time looking into his eyes, but it sure felt just the same as the night it was. The butterflies where there along with a quick skip of your heart beat.

Yoongi smirks, opening his arms for you to hug him, "Miss me?"

༻♡ ── ✧ ─── ✧ ── ♡༺

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