Somebody to hold t.h.

By XxVallyBooxX

5.6K 185 98

new job, new city- starting a new life can be really scary and lonely, especially when you have anxiety. Evi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven

Chapter Nine

124 3 3
By XxVallyBooxX

Coming home from a long day Tom closed the door of his penthouse behind him. It's a beautiful home. He had a view watching over the city lights, modern furniture and enough space to fit a whole family, but it was lonely. Tom hated it a bit.

Finding everything the way you left it, having nobody here asking you about your day or waiting for you. Everything is your responsibility. God he hated living alone so much. To drown out the quietness he turned on some music and started to prepare his meal. His very sad private life is the reason he can really focus on his work and be so successful. The only real hobby he had was going to the gym, that's the only time in his free time he was actually enjoying himself.

As he was eating he remembered his conversation with Evie during lunch. Spending time with her was actually the highlight of his day. It's the first time he met someone in the company, who was ready to share her personal life with him and open up to him. He didn't even realize how much he was lacking that. Of course he had his family to talk to and support him but they are not here, since they are living outside the city. Harrison is the only friend he has made here so far because it isn't easy to keep up a good social life while working 10 hours every day and worrying about your work every minute you are not there. But when he is with Evie he isn't thinking about work at all. She manages to keep his mind off of his responsibilities.

She is so easy to talk to and most importantly she's not scared of him. All the other employees have way too much respect for his status and position to really be honest and show him their real face. Evie is different. The day she allowed him to sit with her on that bench she let him into her personal space and opened up to him, without having to say much yet.

Tom has had his ways with his employees, nothing serious of course but that's not what he wants from Evie. Instead he is eager to get to know her more and learn about this marvelous woman, who is so much stronger than most people much older than her.

Suddenly his phone rang and Harrison's face was illuminated on the black screen. "Hello mate.", he greeted his long term friend. "Bro I'm coming over. I got cake.", with that Harrison already hung up. Typical. Tom rolled his eyes at his friend's bluntness.

Seconds later the doorbell rang already and Harrison entered the penthouse finally bringing some life to it. "Couldn't leave you alone tonight. I know you, man.", Harrison grinned at him. Harrison was lucky to still live with his parents so he didn't have to live alone but he knows how much Tom is suffering in his pretty penthouse. Lately he has noticed a change in his friend though.

"What are you making chef?"
"Some pasta if that's alright with you" Tom made space so his best friend could take a look into the pan. "Eh smells good enough" Tom's thoughts involuntarily switched back to Evie and the way she's been so sad today. He wondered about what had made her so sad. Judging by her looks she must have been crying all night. Hopefully nothing happened within her family or to her safety. "What's up with you. Are you still mentally at work? I've told you how unhealthy that is.", Harrison made him snap back to reality by waving his hand in front of his face. "It's not work." Lying to his best friend would be useless anyway. "Don't you tell me it's a girl.", Harrison was taken a back by his own conclusion. "Not the way you think, though.", Tom rolled his eyes at Harrison.

"You've never been this starstruck about any girl and you've been with some snacks, I have to admit." Harrison grinned at his friend. He was sure there was something different about Tom but he didn't imagine it would be a girl. Toms been always just about his career disregarding everything else. Girls have never been on his mind. "Who is it? Do I know her?", he tried.

"Not really. Shes from work. But she isn't someone I have romantic interest in.", Tom furrowed his eyebrows when saying that. "Then what is she?", Harrison said equally as confused. "Just a friendly co-worker I guess, we spend lunch together and it's just been nice to talk to someone, who isn't phased by my position and success."

"Tell me about her then." Harrison grabbed two plates and set up the table for them. "She's the most interesting person. She just finished school and moved here to work this job all by herself. And she is really good at what she is doing even though she is still so young. Apart from that she's incredibly kind and tiny. Really really tiny. Her looks really don't fit into the big company because she actually is the most innocent person. But she's super pretty too.", Tom lost himself in describing his newfound friend, that he has found so much of a liking in. He didn't even notice how smiley he got and that Harrison was smirking at him with a dirty grin. "She's just a friendly co-worker my ass. You sound whipped, bro. Don't tell me it's the girl from the club!" Putting two and two together Harrison remembered the weird way Tom had reacted when he saw her that night. Tom isn't regularly the one to punch guys on a night out either, this girl must be special then. Harrison has to admit that this girl was actually very attractive, definitely easy on the eyes and Tom's type.

That night when Tom insisted on getting a cab home with her Harrison stayed back with Elizabeth. They've seen each other a couple of times before so it wasn't awkward at all. Harrison decided to bring her home to make sure she's safe, which is where they both got to talking and developed somewhat of a friendship. Maybe he should call her and ask about this mysterious new co-worker of Tom's. "What's her name again?", he asked his dazed of friend. "Evie.", was all the brown haired boy in front of him said until he shook his head slightly and shoved a fork into his mouth.

Harrisons wrong. He isn't whipped for Evie, she is a friend and nothing else.

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