By Brickhammer

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Just a little compendium I decided to make for fun. PM me if you feel like using any of these characters in y... More

Anthony Slater
Victor Shade
Malachi Grahhind
Christopher Slater
Heath Slater
Neo Crimson
Olivia Valiant
Brenda Sparks
Richter Van Helsing

Dreyfus Ulrich

277 2 5
By Brickhammer

(A/N) I do not own the artwork used for this character. They belong to their original creators.

Name: Dreyfus Ulrich

alias: "Dracula"

Age: 240

Height: 6'6"

Race: Vampire-Bat Faunus

Faunus traits: vampiric fangs for
Draining the blood of his victims, and a set of large bat wings

Semblance: Vampire King—This semblance was bestowed upon Dreyfus by Salem because he agreed to work for her. The semblance grants the Count full control over all forms of vampire and bat type Grimm. He is also capable of transforming his body into a swarm of bats. He also gained quasi-immortality. The price this is that he must consume the blood of Grimm and/or humans to maintain. Though he cannot die of age, he can still be killed by a devastating enough attack. However, this is easier said than done due to his hyper-regenerative abilities. The vampiric powers also grant the Count blinding speed and agility, along with enhanced strength and stamina.

Personality: He is typically very bored and sullen, but he is also extremely intelligent. During his rather long life time, Dreyfus has amassed quite the impressive collection of knowledge. So impressive, in fact, that he is the one responsible for teaching Arthur Watts much of what he knows.


Weapon: Dreyfus Ulrich wields a one-handed longsword known as the Edge of Oblivion. The sword has many unique properties including: the malicious Aura surrounding both it and Dreyfus, and an ethereal slash.

Skills: Dreyfus has an extremely high IQ. He is a master swordsman. And he is a tactical genius

Dreyfus Ulrich was born 240 years ago. Being born as a Bat Faunus meant that he, like nearly all other Faunus at the time, was treated like an animal by the humans of the day. It didn't help that he and his parents were slaves to a powerful human family. Living in what was essentially a castle, the Faunus slaves were primarily used as guards and for working the farm land that the family owned. The jobs of maids and butlers were reserved for the human help hired by the family.

And so it went for twenty years, that Dreyfus was a slave. If he failed his task, he was beaten horribly. If he disobeyed his masters, he was beaten. If he did even the smallest thing that his masters didn't like, he was beaten. This life of cruelty was all that Dreyfus has known. Things only got worse when his parents passed away—due primarily to their horrible living conditions in the castle.

At this point in time, Dreyfus twenty years old. The pain of his parents death—coupled closely with the fact that his masters forbade him from giving his parents a proper burial—is what finally broke the young man. He defied his masters orders and swore to enact his vengeance upon the whole of humanity. And so, his masters locked him up in their dungeon.

For six whole years, Dreyfus remained in that accursed dungeon, festering in his hate for humanity with each day that passed. But, as fate would have it, there was a light at the end of the dark tunnel. This light was a girl named Evelyn Ryder.

Evelyn was 23 years old and worked as one of the castle maids, though no one could tell at first glance. She was beautiful in every sense of the word. From her shoulder-length, raven colored hair, to her perfect figure that made every man drool and ever woman jealous, to her she was amazing. In addition, she was also a very keen on learning new things. Be it science or sewing, she loved learning—even if she was primarily self taught. Evelyn also quite free-spirited and adventurous.

One day, while working in the castle, Evelyn was snooping around the dungeon. She had heard rumors around the castle about someone or something locked in the dungeon. Some said it was a man, while others said it was a demon. However, a common detail among the rumors was that whatever was locked in the dungeon did NOT like people. Being the ever curious and adventurous young woman that she was, Evelyn made it her mission to find out the truth. And find it she did.

After roughly half-an-hour of searching, Evelyn found the correct cell. What she saw was not at all what the rumors had described. Before her sat the motionless figure of a well-built young man, shackles bound to his wrists and ankles. It was at that moment when Dreyfus took notice of the young woman before harshly telling her to leave. Stubborn as always, Evelyn refused to budge even one inch until her questions were answered.

For reasons he failed to understand at the time, Dreyfus gave into the young maid's request. Even though he hated humans for many years, he still told Evelyn everything about him. He was surprised when he noticed her shedding tears over his tragic tale. He was even more surprised when she told him that she would like to be his friend and said she'd come visit him the next day.

Over the next six months, Evelyn and Dreyfus became closer with Evelyn teaching Dreyfus everything she had learned. It was this time they spent together that eventually led to them fell in love. The two then hatched a plan to free Dreyfus from his wretched cell, so they could run away together.

After two months of careful planning, the two lovers succeeded in their goal. They fled the country and started over somewhere their former masters couldn't find them. They lived the next several years in married bliss in a small home that was located in a relatively secluded village.

The village was comprised solely of Faunus commoners, but they still welcomed Evelyn with open arms. This fact alone made Dreyfus and Evelyn finally relax. As time passed the two became quite prominent members of the village. Evelyn had a semblance for healing people, and her love of learning earned her the reputation of the village healer. Dreyfus used the swordsmanship he'd learned while he was slave/guard to become the captain of the villages defense unit.

Alas, their happiness was not meant to last forever...

One day, while Dreyfus was on a three-day hunting expedition, the village was attacked by humans. Not just any humans, the same ones that Dreyfus was once enslaved by. They hired bandits and mercenaries to ransack the village, steeling valuables and slaughtering the inhabitants—including Evelyn. All of the negative emotions emitted during the attack resulted in Grimm soon arriving to consume the dead corpses.

Upon returning from his expedition and seeing the village in shambles, Dreyfus became frantic as he immediately went to check his home. What he found was that his house had been reduced to ashes, and in the center, lay the charred corpse of his beloved wife, Evelyn.

It took all the strength he possessed, but Dreyfus eventually buried all of the corpses in the village, including Evelyn. When he finished, he began to cry and wail uncontrollably as so many negative emotions flooded through him at once.

He felt sadness at the loss of his wife and friends...

He felt lost without the woman who had been his light in the darkness...

But most of all, Dreyfus was, once again, consumed by his insatiable desire for vengeance against the human race!

As he sat alone by a fire at night, Dreyfus stared intensely into the flickering flame. His thoughts were as dark as the night, a sullen expression set on his face.

The voice of a woman is what brought him out of his thoughts. Dreyfus slowly turned to where the voice had originated. Standing before him was a tall woman with dressed in black. Her skin was bone white like her hair, and her had black eyes with red irises. She also had black veins all along her body.

The woman introduced herself as Salem before proceeding to tell Dreyfus that she could grant him the power to get revenge on those who wronged him. All she asked in return was for Dreyfus pledge his undying loyalty to her. Dreyfus agreed without hesitation, blinded by his thirst for vengeance.

Upon receiving the power, Dreyfus's body began to change. He grew to a height of 6'6". His wings became so large that they resembled a cape on his back. In addition, a set long fangs appeared in his mouth. Finally, his skin and hair changed to the same bone white color as Salem.

Salem then told him of his powers. He could fly, obviously. He had enhanced regeneration. He now possessed superhuman strength, speed, and agility. He could could raise and control a small army of humanoid and bat Grimm, as well as a small dragon-like Grimm for a familiar. Lastly, he was now able to transform into a swarm of bats at will.

However, she also informed him of the full price for such terrifying powers. First, he was now quasi-immortal. This meant that he would never die of age or natural causes, only extremely severe fatal wounds. Second, Salem informed Dreyfus that his powers would require him to consume the blood of Grimm, animals, and humans in order to maintain them. Finally, she informed him of his new rank.

She gave him the title of Vampire King, and she gave him the new name of Dracula to show that he was reborn.

And so, it came to pass that Dracula made his terrifying debut upon the world of Remnant.

(A/N) If it wasn't blatantly obvious, this OC villain was inspired heavily by Dracula from the Castlevania anime. I hope you enjoy.

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