Never Forget [book one]

由 HoraaanHuggs

1.8M 29.2K 5.9K

{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can rememb... 更多

Before You Read ♡
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Turdy-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Epilogue.
Author's Note.

Chapter Fifteen

33.1K 596 211
由 HoraaanHuggs

Rosaline's POV:

I frowned at Niall because he'd just had the hugest idea when my parents broke the news that they won't be coming home for a while, "But what if they say no?"

"Of course they won't. They like you. We'll tell them later on tonight, if it makes you feel better," Niall whispered, with his hands on my waist, leading me to the second living room.

The TV was off and everybody was sitting on the couches, talking and joking around. This time Harry was in the room, sat between Zayn and Louis, Sophia sat on Louis' lap, and Liam sat on his own little couch, that could only fit one person.

"And they return!" Zayn said, making everybody laugh, including Sophia who didn't have a clue in the world what was going on.

"Har har, very funny," Niall said sarcastically. I giggled, at both Zayn and Niall.

There was only one seat left; a duplicate of the chair Liam sat in. I sat on it, and Niall sat across my lap with his legs slung over the arm rest.

Normally it would be the opposite, but I guess we were goofy like that.

I looked out the window, and noticed it had gotten dark, it must have been like six or seven. Time always went by in a daze.

"What's for dinner?" Niall groaned. "Because someone ate my sandwich," he said, looking a me with devious eyes, then prodded my stomach.

Everyone then looked at me with wide eyes--apart from Sophia--as if I had committed a homicide.

I stared back at them with a perplexed expression.

"You... Ate... Niall's... Food?" Harry asked, as 4 pair of eyes burned holes in my face.

"Yeah!" I burped, making sure it was clear that I had eaten his food.

"One does not simply eat Niall Horan's food," Louis stated, shaking his head vigorously.

"I just did," I shrugged.

It's not like it's the first time. Of course, when we were little, he'd get upset when I did eat his food and would be hurt, but his pain, was my humor. Those days were the best. I laughed to myself.

"I don't want to talk about it," Niall whined, rolling in to a ball, in my lap, and began sulking.

"I'll go order some food," Liam announced, trudging out of the room.

Niall sat up excitedly thanking Liam, then all the joking begun again.

After several minutes, slowly, everyone began to file out, one by one, until it was only us two.

Niall stood up and I felt the urge to pull him back down, because my legs were now cold, but I didn't. I watched him as he stretched, and pulled up his pants a bit.

"Let's go," he smiled, holding his hand out to me. I just smiled in response, obeying him.

Niall was in front of me, dragging me along.

"You guys don't have an elevator?" I asked, out of breathe, and we hadn't even walked up half the staircase.

"No," Niall chuckled, scooping me up. I was too tired to be difficult, and disagree, so I just laid my head on his shoulder.

"That's a first. You guys probably get paid millions of jelly beans a day, I'm surprised you don't have one," I laughed, as he walked towards the room at the end of the hall.

He kicked the door open that was ajar, and set me on the bed.

"Actually we get paid three jelly beans a day..." he joked, "...and a lent ball if we're good."

I flicked on the lamp on the bedside. It only provided a dim glow.

Forthwith, I didn't feel like laughing at all. My stomach began to swirl. I laid back, looking up at the ceiling, trying to ignore the sick feeling I was getting.

I could hear a faint murmur, but I couldn't make out the words, or where it was coming from. I was too caught up in my thoughts.

At that point, I knew why I felt weird.

Since Grandma Jane had been sick lately, I've wanted to go see her. It's like she had something to tell me, or the other way around. Something tells me she doesn't have very long, but I don't want to think negative. Negativity is never good, above all because the word itself belongs to an incomprehensible mind.

Pulling me from my tranquil, Niall's voice appeared, "Did you hear me?"

"Oh," I said, acting like I heard him. I hadn't a clue in the world what he had just said, but I didn't want to ask him to repeat himself. "Sure."

"You didn't even hear me," he said, while plopping himself down next to me. "I said what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I lied. He probably already had a lot of things on his mind, and if I threw my problems on him, how right would that be?

He sighed, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear, "How stupid do I seem?"

"Well... You are blonde," I smiled, reaching my hand up to his hair, and ruffling it, trying to make him laugh.

He rolled his eyes in defeat, knowing I wasn't going to tell... At least not anytime soon. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Yeah," I sat up, crossing my feet. "I know."

We stared at each other in silence.

"So tell my why you decided to take the room at the very end of the house," I exaggerated, using hand gestures.

"This room has the best sight out of the whole house, right out that window," he laughed, pointing behind him.

I nodded. I wasn't sure if he saw it though.

"But you have to see it at sunset," he said excitedly, "It's truly amazing."

I paused, and processed that. "I'll think about it," I laughed.

He didn't respond, he just grinned, staring at me, and I stared back, blushing.

It was a slightly awkward silence, and the other half was more of a comfortable silence. I don't really know how to explain what type of silence it was, but it was there.

Niall opened his mouth, but no words came out.

He closed his mouth again, and we continued to stare at each other.

I was about to say something random, because for some reason, I didn't like the silence, I wanted to hear his voice again. But then instead, Liam's voice sounded through the corridors, "Food's here!"

I mentally thanked Liam for perfect timing, and saving me from having said something stupid.

"Finally... That felt like eternity!" Niall sighed in relief.

I couldn't tell if he was happy because the food was here, or because the weird silence had ended, what ever the cause was, it didn't matter.

Everyone was on the floor around the coffee table, laughing and eating.

Niall released my hand and rushed to sit down next to Zayn on the floor.

I leant in the door frame, and smiled at how much he loved food. If I didn't know better, he'd probably end up marrying food, over me.

By the time I approached the circle, Niall was already stuffing his face.

It's amazing how much he eats, but stays so fit. If you saw him as a kid, and how he ate, you would have thought he'd grown up to be fat, but that never happened. It's too bad my metabolism isn't as fast as Niall's... If I ate like him, I'd be fat the next morning.

I settled myself on the couch behind Niall.

"Hungry?" Liam spoke.

"Nope," I said, smiling at him. "Thank you."

He nodded, and everyone began digging in like it was thanksgiving and cracking jokes again.

"Niall, give me my phone."

"Here," Niall said, handing me my phone, using his pinky, ring finger, and palm.

It was quite lovely how they all sat down and ate as a family, although they weren't related. The only time I could sit down and eat with my family were only on Holidays... Not very often, my parents were always at work, or off doing something else. I never even came home to a home cooked meal, I'd usually have to make it myself. That's also part of the reason I didn't want to eat, because I'd be ruining their brotherly dinner. And also because I'd just eaten.

I unlocked my phone, and went to the Twitter app. While my phone loaded, I looked around the room, looking at the pictures on the walls, and observing random objects here and there... and out of no where I noticed Harry was staring at me, then I looked at the rest of the boys, and noticed all eyes were on me.

It was like a habit with them all staring, and it was getting pretty scary at how frequent they all do it. The crazy part is that; it's not one or two staring... It's all five.


They exchanged weird looks with eachother.

"You have something to ask them?" Niall nudged my leg with his elbow.

"Um, no I don't?"

"Um, yeah you do..." Niall gave me a stern look.

I huffed in remembrance, "Y-Yeah, I guess I do then." I stammered. "...So my parents have been out of town..."

I looked at each of their faces to see if they were paying attention, and each nodded at me beseechingly. "...And they decided they'd be staying in Ireland for a few months or so..."

Then I looked at Niall for help. He probably saw the panic in my eyes.

What more better way to say it, than him doing it for me? Because after all, it was his idea.

He smiled, grabbing my hand "...So we wanted to see if it was okay for Rosaline to stay here with us?"

He made it seem all easy.

I looked up from my Niall, to the other four boys.

"YES!" Louis answered quickly, smiling big. "We'll be BFFs!"

"As long as I can use your hair products whenever I need it," Zayn joked. Or so I thought so.

"Only if you don't swallow eachother in front of me," Harry gagged.

"Any person that can eat Nialler's food, and not get murdered, is welcome here," Liam winked. I, then, took that as four approvals.

"See?" Niall whispered.

I ignored Niall and we all laughed for different reasons.

"Where's Sophia?" I asked, after our laughter died down a few minutes later.

Louis, of course, answered. They were like two peas in a pod. Too bad that would end in like a week or so. "She said she felt sick, and thirsty," he shrugged. "Not hungry, she just wanted to sleep. Not a big deal."

Usually she'd throw a tantrum about going to sleep, and would stay up late. It was unlike Sophia to go to sleep this early, and especially without being forced.

I nodded, letting the subject go, anyway. "It's crazy," Zayn chipped in. "Earlier, we had this full blown conversation."

"She's one smart baby," Niall added.

Yeah, Yeah, Whatever, I thought, and ignored them as they continued talking about babies geniuses, sophistication, and Sophia.

At the time that they did that, I chose to carry on with getting on Twitter.

I scrolled passed the hate--that I knew to expect--and passed the rumors about me being pregnant, blah, blah, blah, etcetera, etcetera, whatever.

They don't even know me, and they're already assuming shit.

Being the good person I am, I replied to a few tweets, and favorited some. Majority of them were nice, and some, not so much.

@NiallerYOLO: You fat slut. You leave, then you come back when he's famous? You probably just want Niall's money!

Ha. See. People are jumping to conclusions, and they don't even know half of it. I didn't leave Niall, and show up when he became famous. He left to audition for X-Factor and little did I know, I was going to run into him.

RosiieKendall: @NiallerYOLO unless you know the truth, don't go jumping to conclusions. xx

I was about to hit send but then an incoming phone call popped up.

"Curse your timing," I said, answering the phone.

It was my close friend, Addison Rae. I hadn't spoken to her since the day before I bumped into Niall. I met her after I moved here from Ireland. At the time, she was dating James, yes, the jock.

In some ways I'm thankful for meeting James, because I would have never met his girlfriend, Addison, who is now my bestfriend, and now his ex-girlfriend. I wouldn't be shocked if there were additional ex's added before the word girlfriend.

Addison and I's friendship started off a bit rocky, because I suppose she thought I was after her boyfriend, which I was not. She could be a bitch if you tried to take what was hers, but if you got to know her, she's truly an amazing person.

I guess you could say we were opposites; I'm a shy, boring geek, and she's outgoing and fun. She's flirty, sneaky, and cheeky, and I guess I'm just innocent, insecure Rosaline.

"Is that how you treat your bestfriend after days of not talking?" She gasped, jokingly.

She's such a drama queen. "I was replying to a tweet!" I whined.

"Whatever," I could picture her rolling her bright green eyes. "So, you don't answer my calls, and then next thing I know, you're freaking all over the celebrity gossip on TV and the cover of magazines. What the hell is going on?"

The only time she had called was when Niall had my phone and I had his.

"Umm..." I laughed shakily, "Can I explain over brunch, like tomorrow?"

"Okay, but you better freaking tell me every single little tiny detail!"

I laughed at how serious she was. "Whatever, see you tomorrow, Addi."

I ended the call, and all of sudden my eye lids felt a hundred times heavier.

Everyone had left the room, except for Niall. He was sprawled across the floor, sleeping.

See... I'm so boring, I drove everybody away, and Niall to sleep.

I sighed at the mess left on the table, and cleaned up a bit, walking over and around my sleeping boyfriend.

After satisfied with my work, I huffed, and looked back down at Niall.

Since I knew him well, and wanted to be a nice girlfriend, I decided not to wake him because I know how grumpy he gets, rather than that, I grabbed the couch pillow, and tucked it underneath his head, along with the the blanket slung over the back of the couch, and draped it over him.

Before I could walk away, my wrist was being grasped. Niall pulled me onto the floor next to him, and covered me with the silk blanket.

I was about to get back up to turn off the lights, but then Niall just clapped twice, and the lights shut off.

If only you saw my face. I just stared at him dumbfounded as if I had just seen a ghost from the moonlight that shined through the window. I could see him smiling as he went back to sleep; he didn't see my face, but he knew that I was in complete shock.

Talk about spoil.

I was too sleepy to say anything, so I just shut my eyes, and rested my head on his chest, listening to the rhythm of his thrumming heart.


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