How Miranda got Her Groove Ba...

By funnyfannyfran

22.7K 427 90

benley fanfic!😊 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

1.4K 23 3
By funnyfannyfran

Saturday, finally! It's been some week I must say and I am so glad I don't have to work this weekend. As any other human being I planned to sleep in today but apparently God had other plans for me as I woke up at 7 this morning, lucky me. Since then I had been walking around my apartment in my pajamas eating and watching TV which was fine with me by all means. I glanced at the clock that was hanging on my wall and saw that it was 2 o'clock. I suddenly remembered that I told Connor I would take him out today even though he had probably forgotten about it I still wanted to keep my word, and I also was dying to get out the house.

I got up off the couch and went into my bedroom to get my phone off my nightstand. I opened it and sat on my bed as I scrolled through my contacts and found my friend's name and clicked it. The phone rung and she picked up on the fourth ring just as I was fixing to hang up.

"Hey Miranda!"

"Hey Callie. How are you doing?"

"I'm good. What about you?"

"I'm good."

"So what's up?"

"Um I just wanted to aask... if maybe... maybe if you Dr. Warren's number."

"Dr. Warren? You wanted to know if I have his number?"

"Well... yyeah."

"May I ask why?"

"Umm... no you may not if that's ok with you."

"Well okay then Mandy. I myself don't happen to have his number but Arizona does and I will gladly ask her to send it to you."

"Okay great. Thanks Callie."

"Sure Miranda no problem honey."

"Okay talk to you later Cal."

"See ya later Mandy."

A few minutes later Arizona sent me Ben's number with a smiley face. I couldn't help but laugh and blush a little. I sent her a quick thank you and then typed his number into my phone and hesitated a second before actually pressing the call button. I nervously bit my fingernails as the phone rang and then on the third ring he picked up.


'Oh God this is more nerve wrecking than I thought it would be.'


"Umm.. h..hey. It's umm... me, Dr. Bailey."

"Hey Dr. Bailey! How are you?"

" fine... I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm good."

"That's good. Ummm how's Connor?"

"He's doing better, a lot better. He's actually at his grandparent' s right now with his cousins at a birthday party."

"Oh. I'm glad he's doing better."

"Thank you. Not that I'm not enjoying this phone call, but did you need something Dr. Bailey?"

"Oh... I... umm... I just... You know I had told Connor I would take him out today a..and I just wanted to..."

"Oh yeah you did! I'm sorry Miranda it slipped my mind."

"Oh no it's fine really! I had honestly forgot myself but I just wanted to get out the house."

'Why did I just tell him that?'

"Oh really. Well I'm stuck at home myself with nothing to do. Maybe we could hang out?"

"Oh... umm... I."

"You don't have to. It was just a suggestion. You know I figured since we were both... you know at home... nothing to do... we could..."

"Yea sure. We can hang out."

'Oh my God!'

"Really? You want to?"

"Yeah I would love to."

I could feel his smile through the phone, if that was at all possible, and I myself had a smile of my own on my face. Hanging out, he asked me to hang out!

"Okay! Um... I'll pick you up around 5 o'clock. Is that good for you?"

"Yeah it's fine. See ya then."

"See ya then Miranda."

I hung up and sat on my bed staring at my wall then I squealed and did a little happy dance on the bed and fell back with a grin on my face. This was going to be a great Saturday! I finally got myself together and went into my closet to find an outfit. I should've asked where we were going, but I'm pretty sure it's nothing fancy. We're just... hanging out. I laid my favorite pair of fashion nova jeans and a white shirt that showed my cleavage on my bed. I was hesitant at first about wearing the shirt but decided to wear it anyway. I walked into my bathroom and started the shower and wrapped my hair and brushed my teeth as I waited on the water to get hot. I hopped in after turning on my music and took a 30 minute shower. I stepped out of the shower and the bathroom was steamed. I wrapped my body in a towel and walked back into my room and dried off. I applied my deodorant and lotion to my body then put on my outfit and my heels, which I debated on wearing. I looked at myself in my full body mirror and not to toot my own horn, but I looked good as fuck y'all. I smiled then went into my bathroom to apply a little makeup and some lip gloss. I checked my clock on my nightstand, 4:50. What am I gonna do with ten extra minutes? I sighed then grabbed my purse and walked into my living room and sat on my couch to watch a little TV.

Not long after I sat down there was a knock on my door and I checked my watch, 4:58, early bird I see. I like that. I checked my appearance in the mirror in my hallway then went to answer the door just as he knocked again. I opened the door and he smiled and so did I. He looked really nice in a pair of khaki shorts and a black t-shirt with a pair of Jordans. I thought I saw his eyes travel to my cleavage for a second and he bit his lip.


"Hey. You look beautiful."

I blushed, hard! "Thank you. You look really nice yourself."

"Well thank you. You ready?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Okay, let's get going."


I closed my door and locked it. We walked to his car and he opened the door for me which made me blush again. He closed my door and jogged around to his side and got in himself. He started the car and we pulled out of the parking lot in front of my apartment and got onto the highway. He looked so sexy driving, Lord!

"So where are we going?"

"Well I figured we could go eat first then maybe go bowling then to a movie. That is if you're hungry right now and if you want to go bowling."

"That sounds fun."

"Glad you think so. So how has your week been?"

"Busy, but overall it was good you could say. What about yours?"

"Same mostly."

I hummed then turned to look out the window as he turned on the radio. I smiled at the song that came on. My smile grew when Ben started singing along to it and a slight chuckle escaped from my lips. He turned to glance at me quickly and smiled too.

"What? I know you know this song Miranda. Sing!"

I laughed as he began to dance along to the song. I shook my head as he kept asking me to sing. I finally gave in and began to sing along and his smile grew as he stopped singing to hear me.

"Louder Miranda I can't hear ya," he said as he cupped his ear with his hand and I laughed.

'Can we just talk, can we just talk, talk about where we're going.'

I sang along to the song and he joined me in the chorus. When the song ended we both laughed. That was fun I have to admit even though I didn't know half the words.

"Whoa Miranda! I must say I believe you were a little off pitch there," he joked.

"Well I wouldn't say you were sounding any better yourself Benjamin."

"I have to disagree. I sounded so good I should have my own record deal."

"Oh really now?"

"Why yes Miranda, wouldn't you say so?"

"I don't believe I would."

"Touche Dr. Bailey."

We were having a laughing fit. I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard in a while. It felt good to joke around, especially with him, seeing as he was a full blown comedian apparently. We talked a little more and joked a lot until we finally made it to an Italian restaurant. He parked and turned to look at me.

"I hope you like Italian."

"Well I do happen to like Italian, I guess it's your lucky day."

"I would have to agree with you on that one," he said with a wink. Was he flirting with me? I wanted him to be, I just hoped I wouldn't make a fool of myself trying to flirt back. I was so caught up on the wink that I hadn't realized that he had gotten out of the car and made his way to my side of the car and opened my door. I stepped out and told him thank you. We walked to the front doors of the restaurant and he opened the door for me, he was such a gentlemen! We made our way to the table seating booth and Ben got us a table by the window which had a beautiful garden view. We sat down, after he pulled my chair out of course, and picked up our menus.

"See anything you like?"

"Yea I do. What about you?"

"I found something."

He called over the waiter and we ordered our food and started a conversation while we waited and after we had gotten our food. It was just so easy to talk to him. We told childhood stories and shared funny moments and I also told him about my parents who were both retired surgeons and how I'm the only child, he told me about his parents who lived about 30 minutes from him, his mother was a retired school teacher and his father a retired electrician. He had two siblings, a sister and brother, and he was the oldest. The conversation topic changed multiple times bit it never got boring. We were even flirting a bit which was fun and exciting. I was really enjoying myself. After we had finished eating, he paid the bill and we left the restaurant.

"So if you don't mind I was thinking we could skip bowling and just go watch a movie, that is if you want to."

"Sounds good to me, I was going to suggest it myself."

"Great minds think alike huh?"

"That's what they say."

We made it to the movie theater and decided to watch 'The Intruder', but it didn't start for another hour so I suggested that we hang out in the arcade that the movie theater had. We played games and joked around in the arcade room. It was fun to watch his face when I beat him at something even though I had the inclination that he let me win some games. An hour went by faster then we thought and it was soon time to watch the movie. We ordered a bowl of popcorn and two drinks then went into our movie theater. The movie was really good and a little scary I guess you could say. I was really into it and Ben seemed to be too. I reached into the bucket to get some popcorn but apparently he had the same mindset and we both reached into the bucket at the same time and our hands touched. We looked at each other and I smiled nervously as did he and I pulled my hand out of the bucket and laid it on my thigh. A few minutes later Ben leaned over and whispered into my ear.

"Can I hold your hand?"

I was shocked and his breath on my ear was quite distracting if I did say so myself. I looked at him and swallowed the lump in my throat and worked up the nerve to nod my head. He smiled and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. His hand was warm and it felt good wrapped around mine. I smiled and returned my eyes back to the movie screen and we finished the movie. The rolling credits came on and Ben looked over at me and asked if I was ready to go and I nodded my head. We walked out of the movie theater still holding hands as it seemed neither of us wanted to let go of the other's hand. We walked out to his car talking on the way about the movie. We got into his car and headed back to my apartment. While we were riding he grabbed my hand and I smiled at him, he glanced at me with a smile on his face as well.

We arrived at my apartment and he parked his car and walked me to my door step.

"Well thank you for hanging out today."

"Thank you for asking me to hang out today, I had a great time."

"I most certainly had a great time as well. Maybe we could do this again sometime?"

"I would like that."

"Well goodnight Miranda."

"Goodnight Ben."

I giggled as neither of us made a move to walk away. He smiled and stepped closer to me, invading my personal space. I was praying he was going to do what I thought he was doing.



"Umm... can I kiss you?"

I smiled and nodded my head. He leaned in closer as I leaned in also. Our lips met and our eyes closed as he put his hand on my waist and pulled me closer to him as I placed my hand on the back of his neck. This kiss felt amazing, mind blowing. It was everything I had been looking for in a kiss and more. I hummed into the kiss when he grabbed my neck. We pulled away after a minute or two and gazed into each other's eyes. We both smiled.

"That was amazing."

"Yes it was, very much so."

"So to be clear tonight was a date."

"I kind of figured Ben."

"I figured you would."

We laughed as he had his left hand wrapped around my waist and his right hand on the back of my neck while my arms were wrapped around his neck. This felt so good! He pecked my lips once more before he released me from his embrace and I have to admit I did miss his warmth immediately.

"Goodnight Miranda."

"Goodnight Ben. Text me when you get home?"

"Sure thing. I'll see ya later."

"Okay, see ya later."

I smiled at him one last time before I unlocked my door and stepped into my apartment and closed the door when he pulled out of the parking spot. I leaned against my door with a grin on my face. What a night!

Miranda's outfit

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