Tough as Nails, Breakable as...

By angsty-writer

2K 142 39

"I am not glass, you will not break me." I breathed in deeply. "I am a nail." Her life has been bad since age... More

Chapter 1: The (Cliche) Beginning
Chapter 2: Try Not To Get Beaten
Chapter 3: What's In A Name?
Chapter 4: Leave, and try not to come back
Chapter 5: Backseat
Chapter 6: Gone with the Collins
Chapter 7: Planes and Phobias
Chapter 8: Lost and Found
Chapter 9: Nama Sushi Bar (Nama whati Bar?)
Chapter 10: Home, Sweet New Home
Chapter 11: Family...?
Chapter 12: The Outsider
Chapter 13: Out With DimITri
Chapter 14: Why I don't Socialize
Chapter 15: To Kill An Eighth Grader
Chapter 15: To Kill An Eighth Grader (Continued)
Chapter 17: 100 Feet Away
Chapter 18: Meet 'n' Greet

Chapter 16: Bonding Over Bambi

75 8 2
By angsty-writer

I was way too tired to process sentences at this point.  I shook my head and inhaled deeply.

"What?"  Misha laughed lightly and leaned against the door frame. 

"Do you want to come watch a movie with us?  We do this at least once a week, I wanted to know if you wanted to join us."  I sighed tiredly, trying to pick staying here and falling asleep, or going downstairs and watching a movie. 

Well... it's not like I'd have much of a choice anyway.  

    "Yeah, I'll come watch it with you.  Just give me a second?"  Misha smiled happily and nodded, quickly walking out of my room and shutting the door.  I sighed to myself and ran my hands through my hair.  This whole day has been a rollercoaster, and I have no intention of it being worse.

I took a minute long breather before walking out the door and to the living room, where Maison, Vicki, West, and Misha were sitting on the couch, in that order.  West was holding a bowl of popcorn, and the t.v was playing some old movie that looked animated.  Disney, maybe?

"Hey Del, come sit."  Misha smiled at me and patted the spot on his right, at the edge of the couch.  I was just glad I didn't have to sit in between anyone.  I smiled lightly and walked over, sitting next to him, keeping everything to myself so I wasn't touching him at all.  Not even my knee.  I swallowed nervously and watched as the movie continued, but I didn't recognize it.

"You like this movie, Del?"  Vicki asked me, looking over.  I looked towards her and forced a smile. 

"I don't think I've ever seen it..."  I mumbled slightly, glancing at the t.v. 

"You've never seen Bambi?!"  Maison asked me loudly, leaning forward so she could look at me with wide, shocked eyes.  I flinched at the volume and looked to her. 

"N-no..."  I answered cautiously.  Misha smiled at Maison and sushed her. 

"It's pretty good.  It's also really old, but I think you'll like it."  He smiled over at me, getting me to smile lightly, looking back to the t.v and watching the rest of... Bambi...

"So she just dies?  That's it?!"  Misha laughed at my words and nodded.

"Yep, pretty much."  My mouth fell open and I threw my arms out.

"That is such bullshi-"  I quickly covered my mouth before I could say the res of the word, forcing an embarrassed smile.  "Sorry."  Misha shrugged.

"It's fine.  Just don't say it around Maison and West."  I smiled lightly and nodded, removing my hand so it was resting on my leg again.

Vicki had taken Maison and West to bed before Bambi's mom died, either because she wanted them in bed or because she didn't want them to see his mom die.  Probably both.  But, now it was just me and Misha sitting on the couch while Vicki put the other two to bed. 

I didn't want to admit that I was tired even though I kept yawning and blinking back my tears that were trying to wet my dry eyes, I wanted to stay where I was so I could go to bed after the movie instead of falling asleep and Misha having to wake me up after the movie and just making it awkward for us both. 

Yeah, not my cup of tea.

I could feel myself slowly fading as the movie continued into a quiet song.  I let my elbow slip from the arm of the couch for a moment, making me flinch awake.  Misha looked at me and cocked an eyebrow.

"You tired?"  I quickly shook my head and forced my eyes open.

"Nope!  Nope.  Not..."  I interrupted myself with a yawn.  "Not tired..."  I ended my sentence by closing my eyes and leaning against the arm of the couch, falling asleep almost immediately after I finished my sentence. 

Misha stared at me for a moment, wondering if I was going to sit up and joke that I wasn't tired again, but I didn't move.  He figured I was asleep and waited a few minutes before turning off the movie and standing up, cracking his back. 

He looked down at me and smiled, deciding not to wake me up since I was so tired and peaceful looking.  Misha reached down and put one arm under my knees, and the other around my back, carrying me bridal style.  He walked to my room up the stairs and down the hallway, laying me onto my bed and pulling off my shoes and socks. 

He covered me up with a blanket and adjusted my pillow so I was laying on it comfortably.  His hand was right next to my face, so I unconsciously reached for it and held it next to my face, acting like I was desperate for attention.  Which is a complete lie.

Kind of...

Misha laughed lightly and brushed the hair out of my face. 

"Goodnight Delaney."  I groaned tiredly in response and flipped over onto my side, quickly falling back asleep in my leggings and t-shirt.  Misha walked to my door and slowly closed the door, giving me one last smile before shutting it, leaving me in the peaceful darkness.

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