Seth Rollins baby sister(Dean...

By WWE1Dprincess

176K 5.1K 378

Colby Lopez aka Seth Rollins have a young sister Diandra Demi Lopez.Colby is 7 years older then her.He is 28... More

Intro :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
sorry guys
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Merry Christmas
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Quick note
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Happy new year 2K15
Chapter 38
A small Favour
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Thank you
Sorry if I am being annoyingly
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Happy Easter
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Good News and Bad News
Chaster 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
New story Check it out please
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97 Birthday part 1
Chapter 97 Birthday part 2
Happy Birthday to me
Chapter 98
Chapters 99
Facts about the babies
Chapter 100
Will I ever see you again?
Story started

Chapter 23

1.7K 47 5
By WWE1Dprincess

No one POV

Finally Colby managed to sleep and now you can say everyone was peacefully asleep except Diandra.She was having a little problem she was having this dream

Dream Diandra POV

"Hey Teddy bear"Colby told me

"Listen where is Jon because we were going out tonight like always."I said

"He told you give him 2 minutes."Colby said and I nodded

After 2 minutes Jon came and kissed my cheek.And we left to the park like we always do

"So what do you want to do."He asked me

"Let's go on the swings."I said and gave him the puppy dog face

''How can I say no to that cute puppy dog face.''He said and I giggled

We continue talking and swinging when Jon got up. He grabbed me from my neck and thew me to the tree.I was crying in pain a blood was going from my head and leg.Then he continue hitting me

"Jon please stop."I said crying and I saw Joe and Colby walking to me

"Hey sister."Colby told me and smile

"What is happening?"I said

"Let's say we have a surprise for you."Joe told me

"I hate you sister I would prefer if you die then live." Colby said.Then Joe and Jon had some sticks and started hitting me then Colby got out a gun and shoot me.

I woke up panicking, shouting and crying.Then Colby Joe and Jon woke up

"Teddy bear what happen."Colby said but I continued panicking and crying.

"You,Jon,Joe kill me,hurt me."I said still panicking and crying.Then Colby hugged me and that felt good.

"Calm down Di."Joe

"Teddy bear no one is going to kill you or hurt you since me,Jon and Joe are here you hear me."Colby grabbed my face looking in my eyes and I simply nodded

"Kitten what happen."Jon told me

"Me and you Jon where going out and we went to the swings than you Jon started hitting me and beating me.Colby and Joe came and Colby told me that he want me death.You and Joe started beating me then Colby shot me with a gun."I told them then Jon hugged me

"As Colby told you no one is going to hurt you OK.Not under my sight you hear. We are here everyone is.I am herd and I am going to be there for you."Jon told me and kissed my forehead and hug me hard.Then me and Jon were still awake because Colby and Joe slept.Me and Jon stayed awake watching us back at FCW when we were the Unstables and won the tag team champions.

1 hour later
No one POV

Diandra was fast asleep with her head on Jon's lap.Then they heard the intercom so Jon has woke up everyone except Diandra.

"Ladies and gentleman this is the captain speaking may I all have your attention please.We are going to land so please fasten your seat belt.Thank you."

After 10 minutes they landed and they were waiting for the door to open.

"Jon what are you waiting wake her up."Brie said

"I don't have the heart to wake her after that dream."Jon told her

"What dream?"Everyone said

"We tell you later listen can someone bring mine and Diandra's thing so I can carry her and don't wake her up."Jon said

"I can get her things if you want because I know you have many thing because you travel every week." Linda told them

"OK Thank you."Jon told her

"Can I help too please." Diandra said jumping up and down

"Sure you can sweatie.Can you help me with my bag." April told her and she nodded

They went down and got there suitcases while Jon was carrying Diandra.As they got everything they found there rental car waiting for them.Linda and Diandra went with Colby and April.Jon of course Diandra went with Jonathan,Josh and Trinity. Joe went with John,Nikki and CJ.Bryan and Brie with Natalya and TJ.Matt and Nick with Curtis and Mike.Eva and Ariane with Cody and Dustin and They all headed to the hotel.As they arrived Jon was rooming with Joe,Colby and Diandra since she is going to be the new member of the shield soon.He putted Diandra in her bed and then he set near her.He moved her hair away from her eyes and smiled.But he was interrupted by CJ

"Oh sorry if I am disturbing you but I just want to check on Diandra."CJ said

"No you weren't she is still asleep."Jon told her.

"Ohh ok I just came to tell you that everyone is downstairs in the restaurant."CJ said

"Thank you emm..."Jon said

"CJ."She said

"Thank you CJ tell them I be right there"Jon told her and she left.Then he went to his bed to change as he went back to Diandra's bed she wasn't there.then he saw the bathroom door closed

"Di are you there."He said

"Yes."she said

"You scared me for a second."Jon said and Diandra giggled

"So everyone is downstairs in the restaurant if you want I'll wait for you and we go together."He said and Diandra opened the door and nodded"Try don't be late."and she laughed.

"I try."She said

Diandra POV

I opened my suitcase and was looking what to wear.This time I promised myself and Jon I won't be late.After 2 minutes I finally choose and went to the bathroom to change in a black shirt and a black dungaree with black heals.I applied some red lipstick and that's all

I looked at the mirror and went out.I saw Jon on the phone

"Yeah we are coming I am waiting for Diandra to get ready. Yes she woke up.And you know how she is al-"Jon said looking at me with his mouth open

"Close your mouth or catch a fly"I said and he close it and I smiled

"Stop laughing.Listen I have to go.Yes We are coming now."He said still looking at me and hung up

"What?"I said

"You look emm wow."Jon told me

"Thanks."I said kissing his cheek

"Shall we go now."He said and I nodded.He opened the door for me."After you"

"Oh what a gentleman thank you."I said and we went out to the elevator but it was broken. Not again

"What are we going to do." Jon told me

"We are going by stairs."I said

"Are you Crazy."Jon told me and I gave him an evil look "Sorry.But we have to go 3 levels down."He said whining

"Trust me last time we went to the party that why I was a little bit late because I went down 4 levels."I told him and he went oooooo and rubbing the back of his head

We were walking down when my phone was Mr McMahon.

"Hello sir."I said

"Can I talk to you."

"Can you give me 5 minutes and I call you back."I said

"Sure ok."He said and we hung up

"Was that Mr.McMahon"Jon Said and as I was going to answer I was going to slip but Jon caught me."Thank you."I told him and he smiled.

Finally we arrived down. Then Jon was laughing because I told him what happen last time.As the others saw us laughing they kept looking at us suspiciously.

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