By billieachess

298K 7.6K 17.3K

the rewrite is out; read it instead please :) ============================== "I want you and you want me, so... More



9.5K 249 1K
By billieachess

Hope's POV

Once again, the week had flown by. It was now Friday. I hadn't seen Billie since she got sent to the office on Monday after kicking Jacob's ass.

It was second block and I was just chilling out with Kaiden in the courtyard. I had my head rested against the table, trying to drift off to sleep.

"Dude, I've never seen you so drained of energy. What's up?" Kaiden asked, concern obvious in his voice.

"I've had a lot of homework already and I can't just seem to get enough sleep." I shrugged.

"You should go to Oliver's party tonight, let loose." He suggested.

"I don't know. Ms. Baker gave a whole four fucking page packet for homework."

"Listen, we let loose tonight at the party, then we can do homework on Saturday or Sunday. Please?" He pleaded.

I looked at him and sighed. I've always been a bit of a pushover, especially for friends. I just couldn't help it. "Fine, Kaiden. But you're doing the homework with me."

"Deal." He smiled.

I was just about to lay my head back down when my phone started ringing. I pulled it out and read the caller ID. It read 'DADDY.'

"Who's daddy?!" Kaiden gasped.

I put a finger up to my mouth, signaling for him to be quiet as I answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hey mamas. What're you doing right now?"

"Nothing, just trying to sleep in the courtyard. What are you doing?" I asked.

"Walking to the courtyard."

About twenty seconds after she said this, the door that lets you to the courtyard from inside opened and Billie exited from it.

"Yo, I'll talk to you later, I see someone I know. I'ma go talk to them." Billie told me.

"Yeah, me too." I couldn't help but laugh a little as she ended the call and walked over to me and Kaiden. She sat down beside me. "Wassup?"

"Nothing." I shrugged.

Billie looked over Kaiden. "You're Kaiden, right?"


Billie turned back to me. "So you doing anything tonight, babygirl?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm going with Kaiden to Oliver's party tonight."

She smirked and leaned back against the table. "Great, me too."

"So what did they do when you went to the office Monday?"

"They suspended me for the rest of Monday and then I was also suspended Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. So today I was able to come back." She shrugged.

I nodded. My phone buzzed and I looked down to see a text. From Kaiden. I looked at him in confusion and he mouthed 'just open it.'

I opened the message and read it.

Why tf is her contact name

She did it not me

With that, I shrugged and put my phone into my pocket. I crossed my arms onto the table and rested my read in them and closed my eyes, trying to get to sleep like I had originally planned to do.

"You tired?" Billie asked.

I just nodded my head and nuzzled it further into my arms. After that, the three of us didn't really say anything until the bell rang. I had gotten probably five or ten minutes of sleep, but it wasn't enough to make a difference.

"See you later, angel." Billie waved as she started walking off.

"Bye, Billie."

I started walking towards my third period, Kaiden following. "So she just put her contact as daddy?"

"Yeah. I just haven't bothered to change it." I shrugged.

He nodded. "Alright, well I see you at lunch."

"See ya."


I leaned against the couch, trying to drown out the loud music coming from throughout the house. Kaiden and Lexi was carrying out a conversation, as was everybody else at the party. I really shouldn't have fucking agreed to come to this.

"Hope, stop just sitting there. At least say something." Lexi urged.

"I'm sorry. I'm just tired." I sighed as I sat up.

I joined in their conversation. After a while, they started arguing about which is better: pizza or pizza rolls.

"Hope, which is better?" Kaiden turned to me.

I held my hands up. "I'm not getting involved in this. It's an A and B conversation so I'm not trying to C my way into it."

Lexi groaned. "Well you better fucking C your way into it. It's no longer an A and B convo."

I sighed. "Nope."

They continued talking for a while before someone came and sat down between me and Lexi. I looked up at him. He had light pink hair, split between the middle. His eyes were a light blue almost greenish color. He was easy on the eyes. Really fucking easy, oh my God. People like him are the reasons why I'm bisexual as hell.

I tried to think of his name and finally got it.

"You're Devon, right?" I asked.

"Yeah." He smiled.

"I'm Hope." I smiled back.

"Yeah, I know. I heard your name everywhere last year." He laughed lightly.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? That's shocking."

"Well when you're involved in as much stuff as you were last year, not really." He shrugged.

"Well you've got a point I guess."

He nodded. "So what brings you here? I've never seen you at a party."

"My best friend dragged me here." I pointed to Kaiden who was still arguing with Lexi over which food was better.

Devon nodded. "Oh. Well are you having fun at least?"

I shrugged. "Yeah. It's gotten better within this past little bit." I subtly flirted.

"Oh really?" He asked, a smirk tugging at his lips.


We continued talking for a while. I got to know Devon a lot better and he's actually really cool. He plays for the soccer team, which is definitely a plus. He said that he goes to most parties but this is the first one he's been to this year. He's trying to just chill out this year with all the parties.

"Yeah, I actually used to play soccer I got to busy with everything else to actually play it anymore." I sad sadly. "But it's alright."

"Damn, I'm sorry about that. This might sound a little stupid, but soccer is pretty therapeutic for me. So I bet that it's really hard on you not being able to play soccer anymore." He frowned.

"No, that's not stupid at all." I said honestly. "It was pretty relaxing for me as well. I loved it."

He nodded. We sat there for a bit, enjoying each other's company and talking. At one point, we locked eyes. Neither of us said anything. I watched as his eyes flickered down to my lips and lingered there for a moment before he started leaning in slowly.

He placed his lips on my own, gently. I close my eyes and lean into it. I feel him smile into the kiss as he cups my face in his hands and he kisses me so deeply that I don't know who is breathing for who, but his mouth and tongue taste faintly of alcohol. I don't know how long it lasts, but when he lets go of me, I miss it already.

"I'm sorry but I've kinda wanted to do that for a while now." He chuckled softly.

"No apologies needed." I gave a small smile.

"Is it bad that I wanna do that again?" He asked shyly.

I leaned in and crashed my lips to his. I placed a hand on his chest and placed my other hand on the couch, using it support myself over him. I felt his hands travel to my waist and rest there, holding me slightly above him. Eventually though, I moved to sit in his lap with my legs on either side of him.

His hands traveled up and down my waist as he deepened the kiss. I had kissed a lot of people in my life, but none of them had ever compared to this.

After a while, I pulled away. He smiled softly with his hands still on my waist. "So I'm guessing it wasn't a bad thing that I wanted that?"

"Not at all." I smiled back.

We started a conversation again after that.

"Yeah I'm thinking about dyeing my hair again. I know for sure that I want it blond but I want to die the ends of it some weird color or something, you know?" He explained.

I nodded my head. "Totally. You should do it purple. It would look sick and it would definitely fit you." I smiled.


"No problem."

I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around to see who it was. All I saw was the blue hair for me to know who it was. Billie. I had totally forgot that she was gonna be here. I mean, hell, I hadn't see her the whole time I was here.

"Hey. Can we talk for second?" She asked. She looked pissed the fuck off.

I turned back to Devon. He nodded. "Yeah go ahead. I'll be here when you get back." He smiled.

"Alright, see ya then." I smiled back and I got out of his lap and turned to Billie.

She didn't say anything as she grabbed my by my hand and pulled me outside. She went to a corner where nobody was and sat down, pulling me to sit beside her. She turned to me.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked.

She glared at me. "You have a boyfriend or whatever the fuck he is and didn't tell me?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "He's not my boyfriend. And if he was, it's not your place to get mad. We don't have anything exclusive or anything."

She crossed her arms. "Well I'm trying to make us have something." She grumbled quietly. "And I'm not mad."

I sighed. "Well then you're... jealous." I smirked.

She sat up and glared. "I am not fucking jealous!"

"Yes you are. You wouldn't have gotten so angry or whatever the fuck if you wasn't jealous."

She slouched back into the seat and crossed her arms again. "Well... I may be a little jealous. But it's because I want you, Hope. It made me absolutely fucking furious seeing you all over him and kissing him like that." She huffed.

I smiled softly and reached for her hand, which she let me take. "Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that it made you so angry."

She sighed. "It's whatever. You're right. It's not my place to get mad. You're not mine and I'm guessing you don't want to be."

I frowned. "I never said that. I just... let's hangout more and see where things go alright?"

She smiled slightly. "Alright, sure."

I rubbed my thumb over her hand. "Can we go back inside?"

She nodded her head and stood up. I stood up as well and let her pull me back inside to where I was seated before.

I let go of her hand when we got closer though and sat beside Devon, while Billie sat beside me. Devon looked to me. "Everything good?"

I nodded my head. "Yup."

We continued talking. Billie still seemed upset with Devon there but she didn't express it or anything. I don't think Devon noticed though.

At one point, Devon moved his hand to my thigh and gently rubbed it. I tensed slightly but relaxed back. It didn't take Billie long to notice it and she sent a deadly glare towards Devon.

"Move your hand off her before we have a problem."

He raised both of his hands into the air. "Sorry. Are y'all like a thing or?"

"No but I still don't want your hands over her." Billie said coldly.

I put my hand on Billie's shoulder. "Come down, it's fine."

She glared at Devon once more before standing up. "Whatever." She walked away before I could protest.

"What's her problem?" Devon asked.

"I... I'm sorry." I looked at him and watched as he made a confused face.

"What are you sorry for?"

"She... I... I've got to go." I said nervously as I got up.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked, concerned. "At least give me your number so I can check up on you and see if you anything?"

I sighed. "Yeah, sure. Give me your phone."

He gave me his phone and I quickly put my contact in, handing him his phone back.

"Alright, see ya." I smiled awkwardly as I started walking off.

"Yo, Hope! Where you going?" Kaiden called after me.

I ignored him as I kept walking. I had to find Billie.

A/N I hate this chapter so much. Anyways here's what Devon looks like.

It's noeneubanks on TikTok lmao. Idk I just wanted him to be one of the face claims. I just realized that he's the fourth TikToker that I've used as a face claim in this book lmao. Oop-
Also this is unedited so sorry if there's any mistakes


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