【SMPlive OneShots】

By cramcramcramcrammmm

56.6K 713 741

[this is all just for fun! if you're part of smp or someone who doesn't like them being shipped, then i'd rat... More

Request page [closed! i dont write on here anymore!]
Connor x Jschlatt - Please hold me
Carson x Josh - Be honest
Travis x Cooper - Hunger games
Connor x Jschlatt - Red Piano Deals
Cooper x Traves - Hunger Games (part 2)
Poke x Carson - Lying And Escaping
Schlatt X Wilbur - Dirty Crime boys
Brendan X Carson (+Boomer) - Blankets and Dogs

Goop - The Mall

3.3K 63 63
By cramcramcramcrammmm

sorry for the lack of updates! i just have a tough time with coming up with storys. i'll do a wilbur and schlatt one next dw i just wanted to write something that isn't a ship, probably more chapters will be without ships to get some more diversity
anyways enjoy this!

Happy early halloween? Because this isn't shipping, it's just murder.

WARNING! This chapter contains lotsa deaths and details about corpes and other creepy stuff, if you don't like gore then don't read this!!!!

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・
"How long until we get there..." A whine was heard from behind.

Travis looked around to look at the exhausted Schlatt. He looked like he could collapse in any moment.
"Dude we're almost there." Carson replied as an attempt to shut Schlatt up.

They were walking through an abandoned area, it was filled to the brim with pests and plants because people left it without return. Who knows how long it had been left alone?

The green-grey light was shining upon their faces, nearly enough to blind them.
Once in a while you could hear the heavy breathing of the tired boys. After walking for a few more minutes it got a bit more darker. The grey overtook the once so green sky. And there it was. The abandoned mall.

"Why are we here again?" Cooper said with a sigh, clearly not having much interest in this place.

"We have to film the video, this will get us clout!" Ted said, laughing at the last part.

All Travis did was stare at the ghost-quiet building. It was filled with graffiti and almost everything was broken or shattered. The shining light shone upon the building, but it was blocked by the shadow of the eerie place.

"What are we waiting for?" Schlatt asked with a smile creeping upon his face. "Let's go!"

They then took a few small steps into the building while Carson took out the camera, filming from behind.

The first few minutes were the group just joking around, but also admiring the place too.

The building was huge, there were two floors and both of them were filled with old stuff. There even was a fountain in the middle of the place, next to the huge stairs leading up to the other stores. The only source of natural light were the holes in the place and the few broken windows, but most of them were loosely covered up with wooden planks.

"I'd like to imagine what happened here
all the years before." Noah said, his voice echoing through the walls.

"Uh,, Shopping?" Travis said, tilting his head slightly.

"What?" Schlatt replied.

"Monkey go shopping." Travis said, impersonating his monkey thing he always did.

"Shut up dude,," Cooper laughed through his sentence.

Carson was taking some shots of the place and also recorded the group doing stupid things like messing around with the mannequins and pretending like they're actually shopping.

"Dang I should've brought my skateboard, imagine what kind of shit I could do here,," Cooper said, with a frown.

"Maybe they have some lying around here? That would be so convenient honestly." Noah relplied, looking at Cooper.

"Do they have cram?" Ted said out of the blue, a shit eating grin was spread across his face.

"Go look for it milk boy." Schlatt said, laughing at the stupid nickname.

Ted then ran across the mall, continuously yelling cram throughout the building. Carson followed after him, laughing could be heard too.

They then went a floor under until you couldn't hear them anymore.

"They're so stupid." Cooper said while smiling.

All was well, they waited for them to come back.

5 minutes turned into 10 minutes. 10 minutes turned into 20 minutes.
They were waiting for about 34 minutes now.

"What's taking them so long?" Schlatt asked, looking a bit worried where his friends have gone. His head tilted slightly down, eyebrows frowning.

"Probably doing something stupid." Noah replied, slightly smiling.

"I'm coming for em." Schlatt said.
He then stood up and ran down the stairs, and disappeared as well.

A few minutes passed and they were starting to get bored. What was going on?
It was silent for a while until an ear piercing scream was heard, it echoed against the wall. It was from Schlatt.

Was all they could hear between the screams.

Without hesitation Cooper, Travis and Noah went downstairs to see what the fuck was going on. Nobody said a word but their minds were flooding with worry.
They managed to trace where the screaming was coming from, but right before they could enter the door, it all went silent. All you could hear was the heavy breathing of the group. Cooper quickly opened the door without hesitation but was met with a horrible sight.

There they were. The sight was horrific.

Carson and Ted were both on the floor, covered in blood and stab wounds. Ted's hands were cut off, and were a few feet away from his corpse.
Carson's eyes were taken out, but nowhere to be seen. Their blood was glistening in the dirty light shining from the holes. Stab wounds were found in their necks and stomach, blood and organs still gushing out of their once living bodies.
When Cooper saw the sight first he was silent for a few seconds, he then turned white and ran out of the room. The smell of his dead friends was awful and the sight was something he never expected to ever see. He screamed and threw up, tears and other bodily fluids falling on the ground.

Travis and Noah ran up to Cooper, their minds unaware of the horror and trauma their friend just went through.

"C-COOPER? What's going on?" Travis pleaded, but he knew he wouldn't get a response. He didn't want to look into that room, but Noah was curious what was going on. His curiosity took advantage of him and he took a peek, and then screamed. Travis was so afraid, what was going on? His mind couldn't handle it anymore. He went away from the shaking Cooper too see what's going on.

He looked inside to see nothing but pure pain. Noah took a few steps back and turned around, to throw up as well. Travis just stood there. Unresponsive. His face went white, he couldn't process what was happening. This isn't real, right? His friends weren't dead. Right?

Travis stood there for a few moments, processing the sight. Everything was silent except the cries of the others.

It all went silent again. Where was the rest? Where is Schlatt?

When Travis reached in his pockets to hastily call the police, his phone was gone.
What about the others? Travis turned around and his eyes swollen with tears couldn't see very well. He quickly dried his eyes to see where the others were, hoping they called the police already.
But once he opened his eyes fear sunk into his mind again.
They were gone.
He screamed and ran his way to the exit, which was another floor below. But once he almost got out he saw more blood stains. And Schlatt's head, completely cut off, covered in blood. Pieces were cut off the boy's head. Travis screamed. He had to get out of here.

"Travis?" A soft voice called, it sounded broken, like he had no voice anymore.

"Pl,, ase hel ., p" Was all he could hear. It was Cooper. Travis ran towards the sound, desperately trying to save his best friend, his only hope left.
But when he got around the corner, all he could see was Coopers corpse. Lying still, tears were still on his face. This absolutely broke Travis.

Some footsteps were heard and Travis looked up to see a man covered in black, but you could see the blood on his clothes. His face was covered by some sort of white mask. He was holding a saw and a knife, and slowly made his way towards Travis.

Travis then quickly tried to run away, but was lost. His mind wasn't working properly, all his friends were brutally murdered and he had no power over this. Who was the man in black? Why was he doing this? But before Travis could think even further the footsteps got quicker, and the man started sprinting toward Travis, laughing maniacally. Travis made his way up the stairs to get away from the man.

Suddenly he heard Noah screaming. It was so loud. God make it stop! The sobbing boy hardly could move but somehow he wanted to survive.

Travis's breath hastens as he weaves past looming mannequins and slightly disheveled clothes racks. Echos of footsteps could not be heard as the screaming drowned out any sound besides his heartbeat. His heart hammered against his rib cage as Travis ran from the unknown man. What started as a silly day out with his friends had turned into something sinister. One by one they'd all been plucked off like weeds, their pleading screams deaf to his ears as he ran for his life.

Occasionally, everything would go silent. It was these moments that were the scariest considering the fact that footsteps could be heard coming towards him. They were leisurely and teasing, almost as if they enjoyed getting him all riled up before stopping completely. Minutes of this would pass by before the screaming would start again and he'd bolt.


Panic made home in his chest as Travis paused and whipped his head around in search of the source, but alas. He was physically alone. Eyes could be felt piercing his flesh as his bottom lip quivered in fear, he felt that someone would reach out and grab him up. Dirty lights illuminated his surroundings- hues of grey and greens became deadly and dark as shadows danced around the boy. Slowly, he took steps back in hopes of finding a decent hiding place, but everything halted when he bumped into someones chest.

"Got you~" The voice said. He took off his mask to reveal a boy with curly hair and a smile that burned into his eyes. He knew who it was.

"Wil-" But before the words left his lips, the knife was put into Travis's neck.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・
If any of you are confused the murderer was charlie first but nobody took it seriously so i changed it to wilbur :p

sorry for that. but for some reason i really like writing horror stuff and death. i swear i'll make something romantic next because you guys like those more :p

did you like this one or was it kinda bad lol idk

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