Spiders Mark [discontinued]

By luna_renn

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Jade Rose lived a peaceful life with his family. There was only one danger and that was they lived on the out... More

bank robbery
The beginning
Beacon pt.2
Dying star
Unusual snow
Snow fall
Speacial surprise
On the other side
A talk before the trip
forever fall
Following the trail
Even more complicated
The day (volume 1 end)
Best friends
Another escape
defeated by cookie
The dance
Golden Rose
field trip
the first day
All aboard
ice cream problem
A Grimm situation
An Experience (volume 2 end)
a new gem
start of the Festival
Winter is coming
a bird came to visit
the return
A single choice
beginning of the end
A slow destruction
A blinding white end
Without a doubt in the world! (Volume 3 end)
A big reunion
Back in action
Moving on
A hard encounter
What're you doing here?
Taking things apart
Oniyuri Pt.1
Oniyuri Pt.2
The Rose curse (Volume 4 end)
Back in the saddle again
A very random set of events

crime decrease

28 1 0
By luna_renn

Jade was sitting with With Pyrrha in the living room of his home. They were cuddling together while watching tv until he got a text then he awkwardly got out his phone as she was on top of him.

Jade: Weiss?

Pyrrha: what does she want?

Jade: she wants to me to come hang out with her, oh Winter will be there as well.

Pyrrha: will you go? I want to stay like this a while longer...

Jade: it's tomorrow, so we get to spend all day together.

Pyrrha: great.

She looked up and kissed him.

Jade: unexpected but appreciated!


The next day Jade was sitting in a pavilion with Winter and Weiss.

Jade: my color scheme doesn't match you guys at all.

He was wearing all black while they had all white.

Winter: maybe you should have thought of that.

Jade: I don't look good in white.

Winter: nonsense! How could you not look good in white, everyone looks good in white!

Weiss: why don't we calm down.

Winter: erm, yes.

Jade: so, how long are you planning on staying?

Winter: well, I can only stay for today. I'm being forced back to Atlas tonight, I was only here to oversee troop transports.

Jade: you want to stay until the festival ends?

Winter: I doubt you could get my boss to let me stay.

Jade: is that a bet? I'll show you my spider might.

Weiss: that spider might is sure something else.

Winter goes from confused to shocked to embarrassment.

Winter: you didn't do "it" did you?!

Jade: no comment!

Weiss: yes.

Winter glared at Jade who just smiles aimlessly.

Jade: back to the topic at hand! Do you want to stay longer?!

Winter: you convince the general to let me stay and I might reconsider slitting your throat tonight!

Jade just threw out his scroll and leaned on the table.

Jade: Mina.

Her voice comes through on the speaker.

Mina: yeah?

Jade: get me Ironwood's personal number. I'm gonna give him a little call. for Winter sake and my own life.

Mina: you got it!

A number appears on the screen and after a bit of ringing Ironwood picks up.

Ironwood: who is this, and how did you get this number!

Jade: hello jimmy. Don't try hanging up I'll just forcefully make your scroll take the call.

He hears Ironwood sigh.

Ironwood: what do you want?

Jade: I want Winter to stay until the festival ends.

Ironwood: what?! I need her back in Atlas!

Jade: I'll say it again. I'm not asking I'm demanding. Let her stay until the festival's end.

Ironwood: what could you possibly do to threaten me?

Jade just hums until the sound of a punch can be heard than the scroll hitting the ground.

Ironwood: you hacked my arm!

Jade: I could do a lot more! Now, back to my-

Ironwood: yes! Yes! She can stay!

The sounds of choking can be heard until it all just stops. They hear him gasp for air then pick up the scroll.

Ironwood: I'll send her the info now. She can stay!

Jade: thank you for the cooperation.

The call ends and Winter was shocked to actually behold all of that.

Winter: that was great!

She laughed a little bit.

Winter: thank you for giving me a little bit more time with Weiss. I barely get to see her.

Jade: your welcome. I have to get going now, you girls enjoy yourselves!

He gets up taking some strawberries as he left.

Winter: now-

They hear Jade yell "aw, man! I dropped one!" From a distance.

Winter: is he always such a clown?

Weiss: he has his serious moments.


Jade arrived outside his dorm room to hear screaming so he walked in confused.

Jade: oh, it's Qrow.

Ruby: Jade? Oh dang it!

She losses as she went to look at him.

Ruby: Jade distracted me!

Qrow: my health is almost full, don't pin the blame on him.

Ruby: Jade! Get your butt over here and beat this guy!

Jade: okay?


Qrow: okay kid. Another match!

Jade: I've beaten you three times in a row. I don't want to play another match....

Qrow: fine. I'll beat you someday.

Ruby: that's why Jade is the best!

Yang: you really beat him!

He looked to where Yang was to see her jump off the bed. She was flying at Him along with Ruby.

He gets Speared and Yang falls on him and they look like a bad game of twister.

Qrow: ouch. Bet that hurt.

Jade: ...it does... ow... how could you do this to me...?

Qrow: I'm just glad it wasn't me.

Jade slaps his hand on Qrow's leg.

Qrow: hey-?

He gets shocked and falls back.

Ruby: I forgot we can shock people! I wonder what happens if I do it now.

Yang: RUBY, NO-

The entire group gets shocked including Qrow, excluding Ruby since she caused it.

Ruby: cool.

Blake stands in the doorway.

Blake: is this some type of electrical twister...?

Jade: help me!

Blake: I don't know where to pull?!

Jade: just hold out your arm!

She does so and and he shot a web to her arm and she pulled him out. He stands up and hugged her.

Jade: thank you...

Blake: your welcome?


Qrow, Ruby, Yang and Jade ended up going to Jade's house and they sit in the living room.

Yang: oh yeah, did you hear about how we totally saved Vale?

Qrow: really now? Because I heard Vale suffered a Grimm attack after you almost stopped a train. They also lost a little faith in their webhead after he was seen riding on the Rhino going through buildings while wearing a cowboy hat.

Jade: I worked my butt off the next week because of that... it was not worth it.

Qrow: but they don't give out medals for "almost" And lost faith can't be easily returned.

Ruby: they do give out meals for almost and their called silver!

Jade: I- ....damn, he's right.

Yang: well, we helped take down Roman Torchwick. He's been locked up in Ironwood's ship and crimes gone down ever since then.

Jade: Me and Ruby have been going out every night everyday and we haven't been finding as much as we used too. There will be a thugs here and there, but nothing to big. It's bothering me.

Qrow: it should. In my experiences crime doesn't go away unless something big is going down.

Ruby: you two sound so experienced!

They both just stare at her.

Jade: I've been fighting crime since I was fourteen. Yeah, I'll say I'm pretty experienced.

Qrow: I been alive for years. I'm pretty experienced, Ruby. But back to the topic at hand.

Jade: there isn't much to talk about it. It's mostly just a waiting game at this point. We'll just have to keep a lookout.

Qrow: I'll get out of you kid's hair. I'll see you later.

Jade: come on Ruby.

He stands up and stretched.

Jade: let's go on patrol. Ah.

He heard a crack but didn't feel any pain.

Jade: that was me, right?

Ruby: that's weird.

Yang: I'll be heading back to beacon.

Pyrrha: Jade! What should I cook later!

Yang: why is Pyrrha here?!

Pyrrha peeks her head out from behind a wall.

Pyrrha: because I live here?

Yang: what is she?! Your wife?!

Jade: we should get married!

He looks at Pyrrha with a smile.

Pyrrha: absolutely!

Yang: hold on! Finish school first!


Jade and Ruby were standing on a rooftop in their suits.

Jade: there's no one out.

Ruby: there were a few thugs but we took them down. But yeah, there wasn't really anything happening...

Jade: go back to beacon for tonight. I'll be out a bit longer.

Ruby: alright. Love you, see you later.

Jade: love you too.

They waved to each other and Ruby jumped off the building and swung away.

Jade: weird night....

End of chapter 7 volume 3

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