the unusual- taekook horror f...

By dexjjk

64.9K 4.7K 1.2K

-Haunted Fanfic There was something wrong about the mansion in which Taekook and Yoonmin moved in. Warning ⚠... More

𝙈𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄𝙣 𝙋𝙩. 1
𝙃𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙜𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨 (M)
𝓐 𝓗𝓸𝓹𝓮?


1.7K 134 26
By dexjjk

Shitty Chapter - Actually you can skip it !!


Yungo walked to the door muttering,
"It's really late , looks like they don't want you to leave this early".

It was already midnight , Hoseok carried Jisoo to their house with Jin and Namjoon leaving Woojin behind cause the boy fell asleep cuddling Minji.

Everyone sat around the couch area looking all despaired while Yungo roamed around the house studying each corner.

Jungkook rubbed on his forehead sighing , he rested his other hand on the arm panel of the sofa. He thought he was thinking right but oh boy how wrong he was , if only he could undo some deeds.He couldn't look at Taehyung and tell him to calm down anymore , after all he knows he was at fault since the beginning and indeed Taehyung had always been right. But If he makes things right Will Taehyung forgive him ? Was Taehyung really blaming him for everything like he said he will and start to hate him?

Everything was a mess , he was suppose to propose the other and seriously get married this time but fate had some other plans. He sighed once again and stared back at the unknown figure in the house , "Hyung who is he?".Jungkook asked Jimin, who was calming down Taehyung , rubbing his back whispering things.

"Well he said he can help us , he states to be a psychic I didn't know they actually existed though".Yoongi replied instead.

Jungkook looked up and down Yungo's attire , not actually believing that the psychic can actually help him.

"Can you answer me few things?".Yungo stood ahead facing everyone.Yoongi nodded at him.

"How many days since you moved in?".
"A month". Jimin replied.

"Did you start seeing things since the very beginning".

"Yes very beginning, me , my daughter and Taehyung".Jimin said worriedly looking at Taehyung who was falling asleep.

"Did you guys not do anything about it?".

"No one believed us".Jimin scoffed looking at Yoongi.

"The land owner was on vacation too".Jimin added.Yungo nodded understanding.

"Last one and I want an object , something related to Jeongyeon?".Yungo demanded.
Jimin shook his head, "There's nothing as such , Jungkook took everything out before decorating the house".Jimin answered.

"There must be something left behind isn't it , anything will do a book or a jewellery".Jimin thought deeply trying to remember the time he came in contact with some and then it hit him.

"Wait!!Minji".Jimin softly placed Taehyung on the sofa backrest and stood up , hurrying upstairs to Minji's room.After a while he came back looking disappointed.

"Minji might be knowing where she kept it , can we wait till tomorrow morning ? She is sleeping".
"Okay , sure".Yungo replied understanding.

"Hyung don't worry , we'll figure something out okay? I won't let anything harm any of you , I am not letting myself making anymore mistakes".Jungkook assured to which Jimin nodded softly while his eyes clouded with tears.

"I will take Taehyung upstairs, we need to talk ... Harin noona please cook something for us and Taehyung , can't let them sleep hungry after everything".Jungkook said staring at the sleeping boy , making it look like whatever was happening was normal.From inside he was actually freaking out.

"Yungo you may stay here , hyung show him his room".Jimin nodded to that and watched Jungkook pick up Taehyung gently walking upstairs.

Once settling Taehyung down on bed , Jungkook sat beside him pushing the other's strands back behind his ear.

"If only I could turn back time".Jungkook mumbled closing his eyes.He felt a soft squeeze on his palm so he looked up at Taehyung who was sitting up.

"You woke up".Jungkook said lowly holding onto Tae's hand that gave him the squeeze.

"Mhhhm".Taehyung hummed staring at their hands, furrowing his eyes as to why was Jungkook inspecting his wrist, then he realised it was the same wrist that Jungkook clasped on while dragging him.

"Did it hurt a lot?".Jungkook asked not able to look at the younger.

"I am okay now".Taehyung responded tilting his head so Jungkook could stare back at him but the other didn't.

"I didn't want to hurt you ,you know that".

"Yeah".Still waiting for Jungkook to look up.

"I was so into the mom—..".

"Jungkook , look at me".Taehyung finally said, but Jungkook didn't.

"C'mn look at me".Taehyung shifted on his position.
"Kook why are you not looking at me what's wrong? Something else is bothering you right".Jungkook shook his head.

"Heyy".Taehyung cupped Jungkook's face and brought his chin up.

"Talk to me".Taehyung whispered.

"I-I..."Jungkook tried to speak but his emotions didn't allow him.

"Oh Kookie stop crying and tell me already".Taehyung half hugged Jungkook, they were sitting ...

"I-I am so sorry , Tae I should've listened to you—.."Once again Jungkook was cut off.

"Shhh Enough, I already know what you are gonna say".Taehyung rubbed on his back.

"S-So would you still blame me Tae? Yes you s-should I caused you and our baby so many problems if only I listened to you but I didn't want any of it Tae .... please don't hate me.."Jungkook sobbed holding onto Taehyung.

"I won't blame you Jungkook , I realised no matter what this was meant to happen so it did.. I will never hate you , I Love You So So Much".Taehyung said , living kisses on Jungkook's jawline and back of his ear.

"I wanted us to get married Taehyung , I had everything planned".Jungkook sighed again.

"Don't worry it will happen okay , after everything is alright , we'll make it happen".Taehyung nodded to himself.

"Yes baby , everything will be okay , I will make sure of it".Jungkook pressed a kiss on the younger's forehead while Taehyung hugged Jungkook tightly , like his life depended on it.

"What is it huh?".Jungkook asked.
"I am scared".Taehyung mumbled.
"I am not letting anything happen to you babe,you'll be okay and our baby too".Jungkook pressed his lips on the younger's while travelling his palm down to the younger's baby bump , resting it over there.

"Tae ?".Jungkook called breaking the kiss receiving a 'hmm' from the other.

"Is the baby okay?".Jungkook asked caressing the bump thinking the baby would react with a kick just to give him relief but nothing happened.

"Should be okay Jungkook, nothing really happened other than me stressing".Taehyung replied leaning on Jungkook while looking down at his stomach.

"Do you feel any movement?".Jungkook asked getting extremely worried.

"Uhmmmm".Taehyung seemed to think for a while.
"Yes I do".Taehyung gave a smile relieving Jungkook .
"Still we will go for a check up tomorrow".Taehyung hummed again.

"I am hungry".Taehyung said and pouted .
"The dinner must be ready by now".Jungkook thought for a second.

"Let's go downstairs !!".

I actually like the concept of all the chapters after something big happens there's always a fluff after it ....woahhh hihi

Btw I am sorry for not updating !!! Well I wanna update but then I want everything to be perfect too !!Idk ... next chapter ... well expect something unexpected 😂 wtf

Anygay !! Don't ya Forget to Vote And Do Comment let me know you are reading so I can update asappppp !!!

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