Dally x reader

By flyingmonsters

132K 1.7K 3.2K

Y/n moved into the area. She was a greaser and lived in the area just trying to live a normal life for the mo... More



5.8K 93 120
By flyingmonsters

"What the hell happened to your face?" My coworker kinda shouted.

I touched my face feeling nothing. I look at him with this blank expression.

"You have a hand print did someone slap you?" Your coworker says.

I just wanted to do my job not have a interview.

"I'm fine thanks" you said putting the snacks on the shelves and getting rid of the empty cardboard boxes.

You co-worker was Brad, some rocker guy. If anything he looked like the love child of James Dean and John Lennon. Of course that led to a lot of young girls coming in. But only to eye up brad and not get anything.

"Y/n, come one let's go on break. You hungry?" He said.

"Sure am are you gonna buy me something?" You smiled.

"Yeah come on, let's get some burgers from the corner here" he said we took off the uniform apron we would wear over our clothes. And closed the store for lunch break.
We went inside one of the restaurants and ordered our food. We sat at one of the tables outside that had those umbrellas that never were good at providing shade from the sun.

"Thanks for buying me lunch. I was starving I skipped breakfast" you said taking a bite from your burger.

"That's not good. You seem a bit more relaxed now. In the morning you looked pale as a ghost is everything alright?" Brad said.

You sighed "stuff at home but I rather not talk about it" you said eating your side of French fries.

"I get it, but know you can talk to me. Can't have my only coworker get hurt can I?" He smiled and laughed a bit.

You smiled and laughed back. "Thanks for asking though, that alone made me feel better." You said eating your burger.

"You know what always never fails to cheer me up?" He said.

You raised a brow.

"I'll be right back" he said heading to the ordering booth again. You just ate your burger and fries. You finished by the time brad came back. He had two pieces of chocolate cake. It had chocolate frosting and looked like it was made this morning.

"Woah" you say. He chuckled. He haded you a slice.

"Cake here is amazing." He said eating the cake right away. You took a bite and he was right the cake was really good.
After more chatting about new music you two headed back to work and worked.

After the day was over you walked to your motorcycle behind the store and you waved bye at brad. Who agreed he would lock up for the night. He waved back and smiled. Before you left you had bought some supplies to make a chicken soup today. You felt like making something.

Johnny has been eating out to much. He needs a home cook meal.

Why am I treating him like a child?

You headed home and walked inside your bag of supplies in hand. The living room was empty and the kitchen as well.

"Johnny?" You yelled. Nothing. You assumed he might of gone somewhere and would be back soon. Pony maybe went home seeing he had school.

You started cooking cutting up vegetables and cooking the chicken. You made the soup and restocked the fridge with coke. You looked at the time and it was getting late.

"Johnny?" You said.

"Hi y/n" you heard a soft voice respond.

Johnny was back. He still had some cuts on his face from what had happened last night. You cringed at it and Johnny's eyes went wide.

"Y/n? Why do you have a bruise on your face?" He said.

You touched your cheek and sighed.
I can't tell him.
"I fell at work today but it doesn't hurt. Sit down Johnny I made some soup for you. It's getting cold out" you said serving him a bowl and placing it in front of him.

You sat down with your bowl and ate with Johnny he just talked with you about stuff that happened to him. You smiled he seemed to get better and the wounds on his face were healing.

"My mom saw me." He said quietly.

You paused not knowing how to respond. You knew something was up with his family but you didn't know what. You didn't want to assume his mom or dad was hurting him.

"You okay Johnny?" You said.

"She wants me to go back home. But I don't wanna go back. She and the old man would just hit me again, yell and me. That's why they want me back, cause they took their anger out on me" he said he looked nervous he was looking at his bowl of soup. He looked like he was gonna cry.

"Johnny, it's okay. You're not going back." You said patting Johnny's back.

"I don't have anywhere to go y/n." He says tears spilling out of his eyes.
"I don't have anyone to go to, I'm a fucking disappointment y/n. Ya know." He says.

You hug him tightly, "Johnny shh. It's okay, you can stay here. And I care for you johnny you're not a disappointment okay. You can stay here with me." You said with a smile.

"Y/n why do you care for me so much? I don't deserve it." He says.

You push his hair back and give him a kiss the top of his head.
"You reminded me of my little brother. Plus you're a nice boy Johnny. You mean a lot to me." You said he smiled and you messed up his hair.

"Eat your soup it's getting cold. I can make some popcorn later so we can watch a movie if you want?" You said with a smile.

He forced a smile but he looked better. He ate his soup and you ate along with him. After you were all done you washed the dishes and headed to the couch. Johnny looked tired.

"Johnny are you sleepy? You should head to bed we can watch a movie tomorrow." You said.

"Yeah I'm a bit tired. Thanks y/n. For everything" he said.

"It's okay Johnny. I mean it." You said with a smile.

"Hey y/n?" Johnny said.

"That mark on your face. Dal did that didn't he, don't lie to y/n please. That bruise looks like a hand print." He said.

You sighed " I'm sorry for lying to you johnny" you said.

"He hurt you right?" He said.

"Yeah he was mad that a kept him from hurting Bob. He could of killed that boy. And if he did we would never seen Dal again. Heck we are lucky bob didn't call the police. They would of taken dally away." You said quietly.

"I'm sorry y/n." Johnny said quietly.

You looked at him and shook your head no putting a finger on your lips.
"Get to bed you need sleep okay" you smiled sweetly.

"Okay Mom" he said quietly hugging you tightly. He realized what he said and blushed embarrassed. "Oh I'm sorry y/n I-I. It just slippe-d" he was trembling.

"It's okay Johnny. Get to bed okay." You said and he smiled heading to his room.

You walked to the kitchen and put away the groceries you had. You also put away some of the extra soup but left a bowl on the table.

Would he even come?
He apologized but I'm not accepting that. I don't know what would make me forgive him. It was only a week and he slapped me.

You heard the door creak. You headed to the living and saw a disheveled Dally. He looked like he hadn't slept and he wreaked of cigarettes.

He looked at you didn't say anything. He looked at the bruise on your face. He was ashamed that he was the one who caused it.

"Hi" he said.

"Hi" you replied. You kept putting away dishes and it was rather quiet. It made you anxious as hell.

"There's a bowl of soup for you to eat on the table. I'm going to bed." You said with no tone heading to your room.

"Y/n?" Dal said gently.

"Hm?" You said coldly.

"Can we please talk?" He said.

"What is there to talk about?" You said.

"Y/n, I don't want things to end. I really love you y/n. I'm falling in love with you and I can't lose you." Dal said reaching for your hand.

You felt your heart skip a beat, but you couldn't help but still feel a bit mad.

"I don't know Dal." You said.

"Please y/n, I'm sorry I will never do this again" he said getting close and he placed his hand tenderly on your cheek.

You didn't say anything.

"Please y/n, I missed you so much. I'm sorry I made you cry I'm sorry." He said hugging you.

You felt tears well up in your eyes.
"You're a jerk" you chuckled through the tears. Dal smiled a little tears falling down his eyes. He wiped your tears away.

"I know I'm a jerk I'm sorry love." He says.

You hug him tightly and he hugged back.

"Y/n please let me make it up to you" he whispered softly.

He kissed your cheek and then looked into your eyes. He kissed your lips softly and slowly. The kiss was different. As if the kiss confirmed how much Dal had actually fallen in love with you. You blushed.

He smiled and hugged you once again.
"I'm keeping you up I'm sorry." He smiled.

"Let's go to bed. I'm getting pretty tired" you said. He nodded and you two headed to your room. You got in bed and Dal followed. He pushed the covers over your body and wrapped a arm around your waist protectively. You snuggled closer to his chest. After a few minutes you were about to fall asleep until you heard Dal. He wasn't asleep yet.

He would whisper into your ear.
"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you I promise. I love you. You make me so happy" he said.

I hope so too.

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