I Am Reese

By sprittals98

2.8M 90.2K 27K

Reese has always dreamed of being a YouTube star, but all she's done is make rant videos that she never posts... More

I Am Reese
I Am In Love-2
I Am Online-3
I Am Loved-4
I Am a Suck Up-5
I Am Confronted-6
I Am Friendly-7
I Am Caught-8
I Am Confused-9
I Am Visited-10
I Am Fought Over-11
I Am a Baby Maker-12
I Am Famous-13
I Am Warned-14
I Am Hated-15
I Am So Friggin' Happy-16
I Am Going Home-17
I Am So Sick-18
I Am Live-19
I Am Reese-20
I Am Confronted... Again-21
I Am an Idiot in Love-23
I Am Introduced-24
I Am the New Girl-25
I Am Reese-26

I Am in Euphoria-22

83.1K 2.8K 761
By sprittals98

 I Am in Euphoria-22

"Taylor, do I look okay?" I asked her, gesturing to my outfit. I was wearing a simple, strapless, navy blue summer dress. There were lace designs at the bottom and the chest of the dress. I matched this outfit with black sandals and my hair up in a neat ponytail with only lip gloss on my lips.

"You look great!" She said just as the doorbell rang downstairs. I checked the time on my phone; eight o clock exactly.

I gave Taylor a look. "Stay here! He can't know that you were here!"

"Why?" she asked, as she followed me out the room.

I stopped walking down the stairs and turned around to face her. Then I put my hand up in a traffic police kind of way. "Because he just can't!"

She put her hands up like 'I surrender' and turned back around mumbling about how she never got to do anything around here.

I rolled my eyes and continued down the stairs. When I got in front of the doors, I stopped.

This was happening. I was going on an official date with Declan Foster. The guy that lived next door to me and was super cute. But not only that, he was super funny and nice, with a pinch of cockiness that made you like him even more. And he was going on a date with me; Reese Carter, instead of some other super amazing girl who probably has a much more interesting life than someone who sits around making videos all day.

But he was still here for me.

Oh right, and he was still waiting for someone to open the door for him. I took a deep breath and turned the door knob, to be greeted by the smile that had almost killed me that first day.

"Hey," he said like his smile wasn't making my heart beat a mile per minute.

"Hi," I forced out.

"Are you two just gonna stand there or are you gonna get going already!" Taylor yelled from up the stairs.

"Taylor, I told you not to say anything!" I yelled back up.

"No!" she said. "You told me to stay here, and I am here, therefore, I have not broken any of your rules."

I put a hand to my forehead; there was no arguing with Taylor. But just imagine if my parents were here instead of at the camp picking Lace up.

"Taylor's here?" Declan asked, a small smirk on his face.

"No," I said, stepping out of the door and closing it behind me. "We should go now, don't you think?"

He nodded his head and pulled me closer to him. "But first," he said, then kissed me. "We should greet each other properly."

I couldn't find the words to speak so I just smiled and hoped that I don't look like I'm high on some weird, foreign drug.

"Reese, you're hilarious," Declan said and took my hand, leading us to the car. We both got in (he opened the door for me, I feel like a lady) and we started driving.

"So, where are we going?" I asked him once we started driving.

He shrugged. "I don't know." He was obviously lying if the smile on his face meant anything.

"Come on," I said and poked his cheek. "It's not like we aren't going to be there soon. Why can't you just tell me now?"

"Because," he said, still facing foward. "If I say it out loud, it sounds very generic. But if I just drive you there, it doesn't."

I tried to decipher what that meant and if it would give me any clue as to where we were going, but I couldn't, so I just decided that waiting was my best option.

We continued talking until I noticed that Declan was slowing down. I tried not to jump up and down in my seat but I did look around frantically.

We were at the beach.

Except it didn't look like a tourist trap. It was the kind of beach that you put on a postcard, or the kind of beach that someone would take 'long slow walks on the beach' on. The sand and water were perfect because of the setting sun and the fact that no one was here except for us made it even better.

"Wow," I breathed.

"You coming?" Declan said. He was already out of the car, poking his head in to look at me.

I snapped out of it and nodded my head. "Yeah," I said and stepped out of the car and walked to the trunk where Declan was pulling a blanket out.

I followed him closer to the water and helped him set the blanket down. I was about to sit down on it when Declan pulled me back up.

"Not yet," he said. "We should get into the water before it gets too cold."

We walked up to the water and I gingerly put a foot in while Declan ran in, looking like he was having the time of his life.

"Declan! It already is too cold!" I said and backed away. He turned around and ran back towards me.

"I'm just gonna go-" I started, but he cut me off.

"Oh no, you aren't." he said and grabbed me hand. "You're staying right here with me." I started to protest but he picked me up bridal style and ran further into the ocean.

"No! Declan! It's cold!" I yelled, but he didn't take me seriously as I was laughing at the same time.

He shrugged. "You'll get used to the temperature."

Before I could yell at him some more, he dropped the arm that was holding up my legs but held onto one of my arms.

"You are so mean," I said and slapped him across his chest, my teeth chattering. "I hate you."

He pulled me into a hug. "No, you don't," he said, then he whispered in my ear. "Or else you wouldn’t be here."

I pushed away from him. He smelled to good and I would forgive him if he kept me there. 

"Is Reesey Poo mad at me?" Declan said.

I replied by splashing a large amount of salt water in his face. "No," I said with a cheeky smile.

He slowly wiped his face, peeking one eye at me; the one face that kills all girls inside. And I'm pretty sure he knew that too.

"You'll pay for that," he said.

My eyes widened. "No, Declan, I'm sorry!" I said and turned my back to him. But he didn't accept my apology as I felt cold water soak my backside.

I shivered as it ran down then turned around to see him staring at me with a smirk.

"Ha." He said.

"You'll pay for that," I said, mocking his earlier words, but he shook his head.

"No, I won't," he said, walking closer to me, and I instantly knew what he was going to do.

As he stepped closer to me, I put my hands in the water while making sure to keep a straight face on. When he held his hands out to pull me into a hug and or kiss, I splashed him.

"That's what you get!" I said as he sputtered and coughed. "You think you can just distract me with your good looks and soft lips! Well think again mister, you can't just do that. Reese cannot be defeated by good looks!"

He gave me a look. "You wanna bet?" He asked. "Because I can take off my shirt right now."

"Oh, no, you definitely win, I can't even attempt to defy you," I said with a hint of sarcasm.

Declan started to take off his shirt but I quickly ran over to him (which was hard to do in waist deep water) and stopped him. "No, no, we're good."

"I thought so."

"You are so cocky," I said to him.

"Well, yeah, if a girl like you actually likes me then I must be doing something right." he said, turning serious.

My mouth dropped open. How was this guy mine? 

"I don't even have any words for how perfect you are," I said and pulled him into a hug.

"Okay, let's get out of the water," Declan said and picked me up, putting me on his back. He walked us back to our blanket and picked it up. 

I decided not to make a comment about how pointless putting the blanket down was.

"I want to show you something." Declan said while I jumped off his back.

"Okay," I said, happily. I'd almost thought that this date was over, but now I knew there was more to look forward to.

"But are you hungry?" Declan asked. "I have food in the car."

I shook my head. "No, I'm good."

He nodded, and then took my hand as we walked further off into the beach. After a couple minutes of walking, we reached a cabin. I could tell that in the daytime it would be a bright, sunny place, but the sun had already fully set.

"This place looks cozy," I said.

"Yeah," Declan said, a thoughtful look on his face before he pulled me inside.

We didn't even stop to admire downstairs, he just went directly up, pulling me with him. Upstairs, we went down a hallway and went into a room at the end of it. 

"Hold on," Declan said and disappeared behind a curtain.

The room was small and square with one also small and square window that looked out onto the beach. There was the curtain that covered a door that opened into another room that Declan had went in, but other than that, no decorations.

Suddenly, the ceiling of the room opened up, revealing a million tiny stars that had shown up as the sun had set. I walked, in a trance, to the middle of the room and craned my neck upward.

The view was literally amazing. The black sky contrasted perfectly with the brilliant white stars and it seemed that they actually were twinkling. Like little diamonds.

"You like it?" Declan asked, suddenly behind me. 

I couldn't do anything but nod.

"Well you might want to lie down or your neck will hurt in the morning," he said, pointing to the blanket that he had probably laid down whilst I had been star struck-literally.

I did as he told and he lay down next to me, pulling me close.

"How did you find this place?" I asked, finally looking at him and not the sky. 

"A couple years ago, I was wondering around and I found it. I used to come here all the time and no one was ever here so I guess it's abandoned. I actually haven't been here in a while. I almost forgot about it." He looked at me with a smile in which I returned.

"Well, I'm glad you found it. This might be our new secret hideout," I said, whispering for some reason. I looked back up at the stars, taking in the sight again.



"I can't have the stars taking all of your attention," he said.

I smiled and scooted even closer to him. "Sorry, sorry."

"Better," he said when I looked at him.

"You know, I'm expecting you to say something corny like 'the stars can't compare to your eyes' or something like that," I said.

"Damn, that was my line," he said sarcastically.

I laughed at his stupidity.

"You want me to say something corny?" he asked smiling.

"Sure, go ahead," I replied, waiting for him to say something so cheesy that I'd die.

"Okay, I love you," he said, no more smile on his face. He was all serious. "No, I'm in love with you."

I blinked, shocked. Did he just- "Are you serious?" I sputtered out.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Was I supposed to be joking?"

I blinked a couple of times more, and then I'm pretty sure I smiled, and then I closed the leftover space that was in-between us and kissed him.

Then what we did after that is something I'd never share online.


Oooohhh, they're doing the nashty!!! <---- and that h was supposed to be there.

So! How did you guys like the date? Sorry that the chapter wasn't as long as expected, but it was quality, right? 

The banner on the side was made by jojo_101!! Cute right? Thanks for all the people who have sent me banners!!! And don't worry, they will be put on the side...

Guess what! I have an editor!!! Her username is naddyt123 and she edited this chapter!!! Woop, Woop!

Hmm.. I don't think I have anything else to say other than that the book is coming to a close. Sad, I know. But! Right after this finishes, Lace's book will start. Remember the boy at the camp? Keep him in mind....

Okay! Well! You guys should..




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