Heroes Of The Galaxy: The New...

By LeviBennett1

6.9K 92 24

The last time a space force arrived on Earth, the Chitauri were commanded by Loki. Though he didn't remember... More

Prologue: First Contact
Chapter 1: Joint Operations
Chapter 2: The Galaxy Beyond
Chapter 3: Ezra's Fate
Chapter 5: Imperial Survivors
Chapter 6: The First Mission
Chapter 7: More Heroes & Dead Ends
Chapter 8: Re-emerging
Chapter 9: Prison Break
Chapter 10: Reunion and Location
Chapter 11: Brawl
Chapter 12: Splitting Destinies

Chapter 4: Avenger Initiate

560 8 4
By LeviBennett1

The Sun was just cracking over the horizon. Ezra was just waking up. After he ate a fruit for breakfast, he exited the complex and got a general feel for the technology and environment. He didn't remember seeing much about the planet on his way through the atmosphere, but it looked like it had multiple bioms. He could see deserts, mountains, forests, plains and oceans. He had ended up in a forest. The technology of the planet, compared to the rest of the galaxy, was ancient. He saw multiple ground vehicles and aerial vehicles that weren't held up by anti-gravs, but rather ancient rubber tires. It was then he knew that the planet didn't have the capabilities to make interstellar communications. Or at least they possibly did have the capability, but they didn't have the technological know how to do it. He could sense a few lifeforms coming from behind. He turned and saw two new people: one looked like a highly advanced droid, and the other was wearing a mostly blue outfit with a star on the chest who also had red and white vertical stripes on the stomach. Ezra guessed that the latter being was Steve, because he was holding his shield.

"Okay, kid," the droid said, white energy firing from its hands and feet allowing it to fly. It had an all too familiar human tone to its voice, "let's just see how well you react."

Steve threw the shield to Ezra, but was wide on his right. Ezra could immediately sense something was going to come at him from behind him on the right, so he sidestepped to the left and a white beam shot past him. The shield returned to Steve and the droid fired three bolts of white at Ezra. He leapt high and used the Force to-- he could sense the shield was about to hit him. He caught it with the Force and threw it back to Steve. He landed and sensed more white beams would follow him if he attempted the same exact thing. He rolled to the left and used the Force to grab the droid. He threw it to the ground, and Steve charged at him. Ezra then used the Force to push him back.

"Well," Steve said, "that was interesting."

"Yeah," the droid responded, "should we stop going easy on him?"

Ezra felt some of his blood drain out of his face.

They were going easy on me? He thought, Do I even want to know what hard is like?

The shield flew at him and Ezra ducked before it hit him. The droid was flying again, and Ezra could sense that there was danger from his left, but no one was over there. He ducked, just in case, and was glad he did. Something whistled past him. He looked harder and saw Clint with a bow. The shield flew past him him and he senses something powerful was about to fly into his back. He rolled backwards and saw a metal hammer slam into the ground.

"Thor," the droid said in concern, "are the deliberately trying kill him?"

"Stark," Thor said, "you said stop going easy on him."

The hammer flew away from Ezra. He was surrounded and had no escape. After dodging for a few minutes, he closed his eyes and allowed the Force to move him. An arrow flew towards him. He caught it with the Force and sent it straight back. The hammer flew behind him. He latched onto it through the Force, and sent it back, surprising Thor who didn't catch it. The shield flew at him. He used the Force to send it straight down and push Steve. The droid was just hovering.

"Alright," it said, "that's enough."

It landed. Ezra opened his eyes. Everyone convened around him. The droid's head retracted into itself revealing Stark.

"Pretty good job, kid," he said, "about half an hour. How much hand to hand do you know?"

"Not much." He replied.

"Well, Natasha should be able to beat you easily then."


True to what Tony had said, after only thirty seconds of training with Natasha, he was flat on the ground wondering how he got there. One minute the Force was warning him to run, the next he was flat on his back. Natasha gave her report to Stark. Tony told Ezra he'd tell him how he performed at the end of the day. Ezra decided to try to bond with the other Avengers. Of those he talked to, Wanda was the only one who was anything remotely like him.

"Your parents," she said, "what exactly happened to them?"

"When I was seven," he replied, "they were taken prisoner by the Empire for speaking out against them. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I... I learned that they were... dead."

He sighed. She patted his back.

"My parents are dead, too," she replied, "only they were killed by..."

She decided not to say. She still hadn't fully forgiven Stark, and didn't want Ezra to have many misgivings of him.

"So who are you waiting for, exactly," she said, changing the subject.

"Sabine." He answered softly, "the love of my life."

Should check up on Thrawn next? What do you think?

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