By billieachess

298K 7.6K 17.3K

the rewrite is out; read it instead please :) ============================== "I want you and you want me, so... More



13.1K 315 1.3K
By billieachess

Hope's POV

I woke up with my head pounding. It honestly hurt so fucking bad. I sat up even though my head screamed at me not to. I looked around, trying to figure out where the fuck I was.

The room had nice, red lights, making the entire room appear to be red. I honestly had no clue where I was.

I looked over at the nightstand beside the bed and saw my phone. I grabbed it and turned it on, seeing all the notifications from last night to this morning.

Where'd you go

Hope, seriously where did
you go?

Are you okay?

Please just text me.

Sorry I didn't text back. I got a
little drunk and ubered home. I'm fine

Hope please answer us

We're worried about you

Just tell me you're safe

Memories from last night flooded my head. I was at Billie's. I texted the same thing I texted Alexis to Kaiden. I felt bad for lying to them, but I couldn't tell them what actually happened. No way.

I had told my mom and dad that I was staying with Lexi last night, so I wasn't worried about having them text me. I was supposed to stay with Lexi, but that's obviously not the case.

I slowly got out of bed and walked to the door. Honestly, I wish I would've just stayed in bed, but I knew I couldn't.

I walked out the room and down to hall. I saw the blue haired girl sitting on the couch, watching TV. She turned to me when she heard me coming. "Your head feel alright?" I shook my head no and watched as she went to the kitchen. "Come in here."

I followed her and sat on the counter, where she told me to. She pulled out a bottle of Alieve and handed me two pills before grabbing a glass and filling it with water, handing that to me as well.

I swallowed the pills and set the now empty glass of water down. Billie stared at me for while.

"You have a hickey." She smirked, reminding me of when she gave it to me.

I looked down at my neck the best I could and saw the purple mark that she had left. Gonna be a bit difficult to cover that up.

"Yeah, b-because you gave i-it to me." I shrugged.

"That's right, babygirl." She said lowly.

"Do you have to be home soon?" She said after staring at me for another while.

"Yeah, probably."

"Yo, you didn't stutter! Congrats." She said, clapping, her smirk still present.

I shook my head, letting out a laugh.

"Well I guess I can give you a ride." She said after a bit.

"T-that would be a-appreciated." I mumbled.

"Well shit, there you go stuttering again." She shook her head in disapproval. "You're clothes and shit are in my car still. Go get in."

I nodded as I jumped off the counter. I walked to the front door that she pointed me off to and went outside. I walked over to her car and got into the passenger side. I waited a minute before Billie came out and hopped in the driver side, starting the car.

"Where do you live?" She asked. I told her my address. The ride was silent after that.

"W-why me?" I asked after about five minutes of silence.

"What do you mean?"

"Like why are you h-hanging out w-with me and s-shit. I just d-don't get i-it." I turned to her.

"Well, babygirl, if you must know, you're hot. Not to mention you're a little goody two shoes from I what I heard." She chuckled. "I wanna change that. And make you mine."

I nodded and looked out the window to hide my blush from her. Why the fuck does she want me? I'm not special at fucking all.

The rest of the ride was silent while she drove me to my house. We pulled into the driveway and she stopped, turning to me.

"You should be at parties more often. I had fun last night." She winked and leaned over me, opening the door.

I just flashed a smile as I got out. I walked to the front door and turned around to watch as she left.

I eventually turned back around and mentally slapped myself, because I forgot my clothes. Oh fucking well I guess.

I walked inside and smiled at my mother.

"You're home early." She noted.

"Yeah, I'm just tired." I shrugged. "I've been missing my bed."

She laughed at that as I walked upstairs. I grabbed a fresh set of clothes to change into and went to the shower.

I took a relatively short shower and walked to my bed. I grabbed my phone to see a few texts from a contact called DADDY. I quickly remembered that it was Billie.

Yo if you just drink another cup
of water and then take a nap,
you should be fine.

Thank you

No problem

I got up from bed and walked down to the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and pressed it against a button on the refrigerator door and watched as water drained into it. I chugged it, tossed the cup into the sink, and walked back upstairs. I fell onto my bed and fell asleep immediately.


Monday was here faster than I could take in the weekend. I sighed as I looked at the clock. Ten minutes left.

"I've never seen you so eager to get out of class, Hope. What's up?" Lexi asked, turning to face me.

"Nothing, I'm just tired. I'm gonna sleep in my free period." I shrugged.

I turned my attention back to worksheet that the teacher had handed out. I quickly finished the last two problems I had left and pulled my phone out when it buzzed.

Senior bathroom. 5 minutes.
Be there

She's here? She wasn't in this class but then again I really shouldn't be surprised. She's always skipped her classes.


I looked at the time. The bell rings in three minutes, giving me two minutes to get to the bathroom. I was somewhat nervous because I didn't know what she wanted me to go to the bathroom for.

"And I wanna make you mine."

I still didn't know why she wanted me of all people. There was plenty of boys and girls who wanted her, but she wanted me. I just didn't get it.


There's the bell. I grabbed my stuff, waved by to Alexis, and walked to the bathroom.

I opened the door and walked in, seeing Billie sitting on the sink and on her phone. She looked up when she heard me come in and smirked.

"It's your off period right now, right?" She asked.


"Good. We're going out." She hopped off the sink and walked over to me. I raised my eyebrow questioningly. She ignored it and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the bathroom.

"Where to?" I asked.

"That's for me to know and you to find out, mamas." She said as we now exited the school.

She pulled me to her car, opening the door for me and sitting me in it. She shut the door and ran to her side, starting the engine.

She turned the radio on and moved her spare hand to rest on my thigh. I blushed and looked out the window.


"I swear to God, Hope, if you're scared of heights." Billie mumbled as we pulled up to the carnival. There was a gigantic ferris wheel, a small rollercoaster, and all the carnival games you could think of.

"Nah, no fucking way." I said, a slight smile on face.

She turned to me and stared at me, her expression unreadable.


"I just noticed something. You haven't stuttered, like, at all today." She smirked.

I thought about it for a moment before nodding my head in agreement.

Billie opened her door when she parked and jogged over to my side, opening my door. She reached for my hand and I let her take it, getting out of the car. She locked the car and pulled me into the carnival.

I've heard so many bad stories about her, but she doesn't match them at all. But there was no way that the stories were lies, so what the fuck is all this?

Billie paid for two tickets and dragged me over to the ferris wheel. "You sure you're not afraid of heights?" Billie smirked, pulling me into the line.

I rolled my eyes, smiling. "Yes, I'm-" I was cut off by Billie pulling me close to her.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, babygirl." She whispered lowly before turning back around like nothing happened. Okay.

"You two. You can step in now." The worker said, motioning for us to get into the box.

Billie dragged me into it and sat down beside me. We buckled the seat belts in and waited for us to start going up.

"You ever rode one?" Billie asked, turning to me.

"When I was younger, yeah. But I haven't rode one within the past eight to ten years." I shrugged.

She nodded. "You know... I want to make you mine so bad. But I really don't know anything about you. Inform me." She stared into my eyes and I could tell that she genuinely wanted to know.

I thought for a moment. "Well, I'm seventeen, turning eighteen this January. I used to play soccer from like third to sixth grade. I low key miss it too but it's whatever." I shrugged. "I have two siblings, both brothers. They're honestly annoying as hell for the most part but I manage with them."

She nodded, taking in the information. "Hmm... how old was you when you had your first kiss?"

I thought for a moment. "Well, my first actual kiss was in seventh grade."

She raised her brow. "What do you mean actual?"

I felt my face flush as I remembered the memory from sixth grade. "Well... when I was like eleven or twelve, something like that shit. I don't know, it was sixth grade. Anyways, I was dating this kid, right?" She nodded, beckoning for me to continue. "Well, we was just chilling at the end of the day, waiting for our buses to come pick us up and shit."

"I looked at him for a second. I don't know what came over me to do this, but I kissed my two fingers." I held up my index and middle finger together and kissed them. "And pressed them against his lips. I was like 'yo we technically just kissed' and he did it right back." I laughed as I finished telling her.

She burst into laughter herself before taking my hand, which was still held up to signal what I did, and pulled them to her lips. She kept them there for a second before looking at me. "Yo. We technically just kissed." She mocked and burst into another fit of laughter.

I felt my face flush once again but let myself laugh as well. I cannot believe that I just told her that. The only people who knew about that were the people that we sitting in that little corner of the classroom. And I just told her it within not even a week of knowing her! What the fuck?

"Yo yo yo. Nah to actually recreate the moment, here." She continued laughing a bit as she pulled her index and middle fingers up to her mouth, kissed them, and brought them to my mouth. She kept them for a second before pulling them away and bursting into yet another fit of laughter.

After we calmed down from our laughter I looked to her. "You're turn."


"What was your first kiss story?" I asked.

She sighed. "Oh man. So I was fourteen and I was on this movie date with this boy. We was watching this movie and it was the worst movie ever. It made me want to fucking eat a dick and die. Then we had this magical plan to go to the top of rooftop and stare of the fucking stars, fucking as if there was stars in LA."

"So we went to the rooftop and sat there... and um... we kissed. Right after we kissed he said 'wow that was really not as magical at all as I thought it would be.' Like what the fuck am I supposed to say to that bitch? Like you kidding me? My lips are beautiful. Man... fuck Henry Whitford." She laughed.

I let out a loud laugh. "He really said that?"

"Dude, right? I couldn't believe he said it either." She laughed.

About a minute later, the ferris wheel landed and we stepped out. We walked over to one of the carnival games.

"You see that neon green teddy bear? It's yours, princess." She smirked.

She grabbed a ball and threw it, knocking down a tower of glasses. She took another ball and knocked down another tower.

"One more." She picked up the last ball and aimed it before throwing it and knocking down the final tower she needed to.

She turned to me and smirked. "See? All yours, angel."

I smiled as the worker handed me the bear. It was just as tall I was and pretty heavy.

"Thank you."

"No problem." She shrugged.

Just as I about to about to say something, my phone started buzzing. I pulled my phone out and answered.


"Hope! Where the fuck are you? You didn't show up to the courtyard during our free period and third block is starting and I still haven't seen you!" Kaiden whisper yelled. Shit.

"I-I'll be there in a bit. I went to a park and just lost track of time. I've got to go, I'll talk to you later." I lied and ended the call.

"Lying now, are we?" Billie smirked.

"W-well I can't just tell him I-I went to a carnival! He'd actually kill me... although p-probably just for not bringing him." I laughed a little bit.

"Right." She chuckled. "Well I guess I'll get you back to school. Goody goody two shoes." She teased.

"Oh shut up."

She grabbed me by my hand and led me to her car. She took the giant teddy bear from me and set it in the backseat. She opened the passenger door and sat me in the seat and walked to the driver side.

"I'll drop it off at your house after school, yeah?" She asked. I nodded my head.

The ride to the school was filled with us telling each other little things about us. Her favorite color at the moment was neon green. She had an older brother, named Finneas. She told stories of how she'd fight people who had ever crossed her.

We pulled up to the school and I checked the time. It was 11:15, meaning we only had about ten minutes of 3rd block left. I sighed. I had never once missed a class my entire time at high school. But I was low key happy that I did today. It was fun as hell.

"Who do you have right now?" Billie asked, turning her car off.

"Ole Bitchy Brown."

She laughed. "God I hate that bitch."

"Honestly same."

She looked down at her watch. "Wanna just skip the rest of third block? We have less than ten minutes anyways."

I thought for a moment before shrugging my shoulders. "Sure."

Billie got out of her seat and walked around to my side, taking my hand and getting me out of the car.

"So who called you earlier anyways?" She asked as we walked into the school.

"My best friend, Kaiden Jones."

She nodded. "That's right. I see you with him a lot. Low key see how all the straights flock to him." She shrugged.

I let out a laugh. I saw it as well but I never found myself attracted to Kaiden like that. He was always just a best friend.

We continued talking for a bit before hearing the bell ring, signaling for lunch for the seniors to start.

"Well, I'll see you later, babygirl." She winked and walked off, joining a group of people that had walked out of a classroom.

I stood there for a moment before I felt my phone buzzing repeatedly. I pulled it out and checked the caller ID. Why was Aiden calling me?

"Hey. Something wrong?" I asked when I answered.

"Yeah, someone just fucking punched me in the nose. I'm at the entrance to the cafeteria, please come here." He explained.

"What? Why?"

"I'll explain when you get here. Just hurry please."

"Okay." I practically ran to the entrance of the cafeteria, which luckily wasn't far from where I stood.

"Aiden, you okay?" I asked as I reached him. He had blood running down from his nose at a relatively slow pace.

"Yeah but it fucking hurts."

"Why'd he punch you?"

He took in a breath as I pulled out some Kleenex from my book bag. Don't ask why I have it- I just do. I pulled a few out of the mini bag it was in and pressed them against his nose.

"He said it was because something Josh did to him apparently. He was a senior." He explained. "I'm tired of getting beat up on for shit Josh does!"

"It's okay. Look, just take this." I handed him the bag of Kleenex. "Get to class, the bell's about to ring. We'll deal with this when we get home, okay?"

He nodded. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." I patted his shoulder and sent him on his way to his class.

I walked inside the cafeteria and saw Kaiden and Lexi in line to get their food. I walked over to them, cutting in front of the people behind them.

"Hope! We have you been?" Lexi asked as she saw me.

"I was just helping Aiden with a bloody nose. Some senior fucking punched him."

She frowned. "Was it because of something Josh did again?"

I nodded my head.

"Well anyways, I meant during second and third period! Kaiden told me you was no where to be seen!"

"I went to a park and just lost track of time. It won't happen again." I held my hands up in defense.

"Whatever." She shrugged.

We got our lunch and took our seats in our usual seats and started talking. We caught up on different things.

I looked across the cafeteria when I locked eyes with familiar blue orbs. Billie.

She just smirked and winked before turning back to her friends and continuing their conversation.


It was now fourth block. I had US History with Kaiden. We sat towards the back of the class, because Kaiden wouldn't stop complaining about not wanting to sit in the front.

We were only about twenty minutes in when there was a knock on the door. Mr. Howard opened the door and paid the student little to no attention as he continued teaching his lesson.

I looked at the student as she walked in. It was Billie.

She saw me and smirked. She walked over to me and glared at the kid who was sitting next to me. "Move." She growled.

The kid didn't hesitate to grab his stuff and move to a different seat. Billie's smirk returned as she sat down in the now empty desk.

"Sup, babygirl?"


Kaiden smacked my shoulder, a little too hard, and stared at me. "Did she just call you babygirl? Did Billie just fucking call you babygirl?"

"Yes, she called me babygirl." I answered, my face flushed.

"What are y'all? Y'all dating or something?"

"W-What? No." I shook my head.

Billie leaned over, poking into the the conversation. "Bro, listen. Ask her that later and then you'll have a different answer. A better one at that." She told Kaiden. She sat back down in her seat and pulled out her phone.

"Okay, so you're explaining this later." Kaiden basically commanded.

I shrugged my shoulders and told him to shut up so I could focus on the lesson.


"Josh! Get your ass downstairs, now!" I yelled as I walked with Aiden to sit on the couch.

"Why?" He yelled back.

"Just get down here!"

After about a minute, Josh walked down the stairs and into the living room. "What?"

"Sit down. We need to talk." I said and watched as he sat down.

"Look, you need to stop pissing people off. You're hurting people! Aiden got punched in the nose today because you pissed of some senior!"

He turned to Aiden. "Really?"

"Yes, fucking really! I'm tired of getting beat up on because you can stop pissing people off. I'm sick of it!" Aiden said and leaned back against the couch.

"Okay, okay. I'll promise to try and not piss people off. I really will. I had no idea that they were going and beating you up and shit. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Aiden stormed off to his room.

I looked at Josh pleadingly. "Please. If not for yourself, for Aiden." I held my pinky finger out. "Promise me?"

He locked his own pinky finger in mine and shook it. "Promise."

I smiled at him and was about to follow him upstairs before I heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I told him. He made his way up to his room.

I walked over to the door and opened it. I was met by a huge, neon green teddy bear and a blue haired girl.

"Here's your bear." She smirked. "And you still forgot your clothes in my car."

I took the bear from her and set it beside the door. "Thanks. I'll uh, go get the clothes."

She nodded as she walked to her car and opened the trunk. I followed. She grabbed my clothes out of the trunk and handed them to me. "Here you go."

I took them from her. "Thanks."

"No problem."

She walked me back over to the door and leaned against the doorframe. "Well I would stay, but I gotta go hang out with some... friends."

"It's fine." I shrugged.

She started to walk off but I grabbed her wrist, stopping her. She turned around and smirked. "Yes?"

"I... I had fun today. Thanks." I smiled.

"No problem, baby."

I let go of her wrist and watched as she got into her car. She rolled the window down and stuck her torso out. "Bye, angel!"

I couldn't help but smile back. "Bye, Bil!"

So, there was a LOT of information in this chapter. You get to know more about Hope, a little about Billie, and somewhat get introduced to Josh and Aiden. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. It was long as fuck and took me literal hours to write lmao


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